Thursday, June 2, 2011

water drop

water drop. beauty of a drop of water.
  • beauty of a drop of water.

  • azraq27
    Nov 21, 04:35 PM
    Here's my idea:

    Hook up that chip, and then just keep overclocking the thing... you don't have to worry about it overheating and melting, it'll just give you more battery life.

    It could go infinitely fast for infinitely long!

    There's probably something in there about conduction and efficiency and stuff, but I'll leave that to the engineers

    water drop. Water drop
  • Water drop

  • eawmp1
    Apr 9, 08:46 PM
    The point of PP seems to be to get rid of the consequences

    PP offers a too easy fix to people's indiscretion

    No, the point of PP is to give the tools and education to prevent pregnancy and disease. Abortion is a service offerred when there is an unwanted pregnancy.

    My friend, there is nothing easy about abortion.

    water drop. water drop recycling Blog
  • water drop recycling Blog

  • SMM
    Nov 16, 09:48 PM
    After reading the MS Tech-Net Flash, I get weekly, and how my company will have to license Vista/Office neither will be purchased. It is now my mission to have a ~90% Apple environment (1200 plus users) by 2010. I have already introduced Mini's in place of thin clients. They are a huge hit. If Apple stays on course, they CAN make big inroads into corporate markets they have not had before. Vista....who cares.

    water drop. #world in a #waterdrop.
  • #world in a #waterdrop.

  • Knowimagination
    Mar 11, 06:47 PM
    wow those went fast. I was in the first group at knox street and I made it in and out pretty quickly. Setting it up now!


    water drop. (Natural Science): water drops
  • (Natural Science): water drops

  • strike1555
    Dec 28, 11:07 AM
    I found this interesting, apparently people can't buy an iphone online from AT&T delivered to NY. However, you can still get it at stores.

    What do you guys think? Fraud? Just a glitch? Or desperate measure by AT&T to stop the congestion?

    water drop. Water Drop
  • Water Drop

  • Arran
    Mar 26, 05:15 PM
    Schmidt: Hey Steve, you think a quarter's an okay tip? I mean, it's only a latte.

    Steve: Pffft. No wonder you're rich.

    Schmidt: (Looks around furtively. Whispers.) All in pennies - so it looks bigger. Yeah?

    Steve: They'll count it, dummy!

    Schmidt: Okay. I'll hand it to that *other* server, and ask him to pass it on?

    Steve: (Sighs. Shakes head) They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it.

    (Okay, maybe not :) )


    water drop. Water Drop Stress Shape
  • Water Drop Stress Shape

  • AppleMc
    Mar 10, 10:03 PM
    What are the odds one of you Friscoans will post an update around 3:30-4:00ish and let me know what the line (or lack thereof) at Stonebriar is looking like?? Now I'm debating between Willow Bend and Stonebriar...

    water drop. splash crown water drop on
  • splash crown water drop on

  • randyharris
    Sep 25, 10:32 PM
    I don't think this will serve Apple any good to stop podcasters from using Pod in the name. It will only create ill-will and lessen the use of Pod which I would think would be a good thing for Apple.


    water drop. Water Drop Photograph
  • Water Drop Photograph

  • CraigEvander
    Mar 24, 08:14 AM
    The sad part apparently is that although Nintendo hope for a big success they won't launch their console with any special games released by them. Apparently they will hope 3d parties will launch and promote the console with their apps.

    water drop. Water Drop
  • Water Drop

  • ~loserman~
    Sep 14, 07:27 PM
    Went under the knife twice in my life. Both times were last year.
    The first time when I was waking up my familytold me that I said,"I needed to call Laning, Davis, Goldberg, and Knough".( Local Law firm). I have no idea why I said that.

    Second time I woke up hearing my rather loud sister and expressed the sentiment that she should be more quiet.

    But overall both experiences were for the most part fairly uneventful and easy.


    water drop. State slaps water district
  • State slaps water district

  • WillEH
    Apr 27, 06:41 PM
    I'm embarrassed for him at the moment, for the way he's acting like a spolit 10 year old kid, going on about Obama's birth certificate and college degrees. Has he got nothing better to do?

    water drop. water drop Drinking Water Out
  • water drop Drinking Water Out

  • andy42
    Mar 21, 08:59 PM
    1,469€/L for 95 (that was cheap for today)


    water drop. wallpaper water droplets.
  • wallpaper water droplets.

  • Carlanga
    Apr 5, 05:19 PM
    This is all they have now

    Audio in/out

    :rolleyes: ;)

    Also, interesting patent :apple:

    water drop. Echinacea Water Drop | Flickr
  • Echinacea Water Drop | Flickr

  • Zadillo
    Oct 26, 10:59 PM
    Works fine in Firefox 2.0 under XP for me, including composing a message (it opens up a new compose window and it works fine).

    This is very nice, very slick. I like it!


    water drop. Water drops Vector graphics
  • Water drops Vector graphics

  • MartiNZ
    Apr 12, 06:30 PM
    Cool, they have ALWAYS had issues with saving toolbar, menu and keyboard shortcut settings between launches. The day I installed Office 2011 I had both Word and Excel 'unexpectedly' quit on me while trying to adjust such things to my liking. Since then they've sometimes just blatantly and with intent to wound reverted to default settings, grrr.

    The ribbon in '11 does still need some work - they did a great job with it in '10 on Windows, where it is fully customisable, even if it ALSO has major issues with saving the changes - you have to make all the changes in one sweep or it keeps reverting. The customisability in '11 is lacking and for whatever reason they made the ribbons very different from their Windows equivalents - probably just to make it harder for switchers lol.

    Looking forward to seeing what else if anything is new. Doesn't look like they included any fixes for the much-in-need Messenger.... Nevermind.

    water drop. Action: Drop of Water Art at
  • Action: Drop of Water Art at

  • Winni
    Apr 13, 03:06 AM
    MS chose not to support calDEV, so no support for google calendars :(

    MS Office is BUSINESS software, and Google calendars is not necessarily what I would call a widely accepted and adopted business solution. What the typical Office customer wants is Sharepoint and Exchange Server integration.

    (Project and Visio ports would also be more than welcome. OmniGraffle Pro is nice, but most hardcore Visio users either don't find it suitable or just are not comfortable with its different user interface.)


    water drop. Download Water Drop clip
  • Download Water Drop clip

  • DeaconGraves
    Mar 15, 11:50 AM
    Was at Knox Street at opening and they said that there would be no iPads for sale today.

    Also went by the AT&T Store on Oak Lawn yesterday. They said they weren't expecting iPads for another few weeks.

    water drop. water-drop-conservation.jpg
  • water-drop-conservation.jpg

  • MightyThor12
    Jan 7, 05:29 PM
    so some people are getting sounds??? I wish crap worked! Seems like my battery is draining faster today after updating fbook, but some of yall said the push really wont eat much that true??

    water drop. Water Drop Photograph
  • Water Drop Photograph

  • Foggy
    Sep 25, 10:18 AM
    If the MBP's or other hardware is not updated at this event, then when is the next public event to have this happen?

    Possibly the Intel developers conference. Think its next week....

    Nov 14, 11:08 PM
    You know your product has made it when a motherfing airline will have support for something like that.

    Jun 10, 01:19 PM
    Those of you hoping for T-Mobile should do a little bit of research into Mr. Wu's track record in Apple predictions.

    Apr 14, 02:24 PM
    Based on some of the posts in this one forum, it seems that most are coming from loud mouth teens who know nothing, or just want to say something for the hell of it. Geez!

    its a thursday afternoon. Shouldnt the intelligent people be... working?

    im a bored college student, not immature kid. A little smartass humor does not hurt in my opinion. Unnecessary one word posts are annoying though.

    Apr 5, 11:48 AM
    That must mean I'm not normal. :D

    If you're here, then probably not. These forums are filled with boring arguments discussions about pedantic little details that normal people usually don't give a crap about.

    Penny is normal. Leonard and Sheldon are not, even if you can relate to them better (hopefully Leonard more than Sheldon).

    Hasn't Apple always been known for producing systems usable by the Everyman? Whereas the ubermenschen were off using UNIX systems at first, followed by Linux, Apple computers have always appealed to those who wanted to pick up a computer and start working, without technology getting in the way, at least since the Macintosh...

    Yes, but Apple's adoption of UNIX and open-source in Mac OS X via NeXT attracted the �bermenschen in a manner not seen during the years before. And with its increasing maturity and acceptance, Mac OS X - and subsequently iOS - has continued to attract them and the illusion that those �ber-geeky nickpicky details were the most important thing in the world.

    Products - and not just Apple's but any technology - could be powered by hugs, rainbows and unicorn kisses running on a half-core processor and the normal person wouldn't care, as long as it's easy and enjoyable to use, and lets them do what they want to do without having to think about how or why it works the way it does. They don't care about the nuances of the definition of "Retina Display" or debate the conspiracies behind charging $0.99 for FaceTime (they'll either buy it or they won't). A computer is a toaster. They want to put bread in and get toast out.

    It used to be that every computer was a box with a monitor attached. When iMac came out, people said "well it's all very nice, but my needs are special and I could never use an iMac. I still need a fully-loaded five-figure tower." Similarly, laptops were underpowered and people still used a desktop to get the "real work" done. iMac is now well and above its original base-model station, and the specs of laptops now make them desktop replacements, with laptop growth carving a big slice out of the desktop market. Likewise, while iPad and even iPad 2 are possibly not going to be all anyone will ever need, iPad 3, iPad 4 and so on will close the gap. But like iMac was back in the day, iPad is the right direction for the new segment - an appliance - and will evolve and mature.

    Mar 23, 02:46 PM
    Sure, but "Stream movies from your iPhone or iPad straight to the TV. Only on a Sony" sounds pretty great.

    Makes a great commercial too.

    Yes, assuming Sony buys an exclusive... which is not the case here. Apple's goal appears to be to get lots of companies to play ball. Take out the exclusivity element, and it's just another benefit to tout (though not a headline benefit).

    For example, my new Samsung has a whole bunch of apps. I can plug media right into USB ports and play it there. Etc. I wouldn't see this Airplay feature as any more "wow" than those features, certainly not enough to build much advertising around it in hopes of selling more TVs.

    Again, not against building in Airplay, just not believing that it's a great idea to try to sell the licenses and get limited takers vs. give them away and get more takers. It seems like a technology you would want to entrench everywhere rather than yet another one that might get some limited adoption due to cost (even $4 per TV is a lot of added cost to a TV manufacturer).

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