Nov 6, 08:14 AM
We use RFID chips in ID card for public transportation here in the Netherlands. I can't say it's the most efficient system but I can see the potential of having one set up in a device you carry with you all the time like an iPhone.
Mar 26, 03:17 PM
He rich, yet he wears the same thing every day?
Nov 21, 07:01 PM
If the chip operates at a relatively high temperature a differential shouldn't be hard to reach. For example, with the cell operating at 600 degrees ... "600 degrees" :eek: ...degrees what?
Mar 11, 12:46 PM
Anyone think this is a good idea for a thread? If so...
I'm putting down an engineered floor in my bedroom, was at the local Home Depot hardware store and found a 3 piece Dasco Pro Pry Bar Set (http://findnsave.miamiherald.com/Product/3050919). It's well made, very functional for working with trim and prying up carpet strips, reasonably priced, and marked as Made in the USA! :)
I'm putting down an engineered floor in my bedroom, was at the local Home Depot hardware store and found a 3 piece Dasco Pro Pry Bar Set (http://findnsave.miamiherald.com/Product/3050919). It's well made, very functional for working with trim and prying up carpet strips, reasonably priced, and marked as Made in the USA! :)
Apr 29, 09:39 PM
Hey everyone!
After a few days of trying to:
a) Wipe the phone / Jailbreak
b) Restore/Update/ Wipe Jailbreak
c) Update and rejailbreak
I came up with nothing.
When I plug my phone into the computer, Itunes notices it, but cannot read any information and thus makes me restore. It downloaded the 4.3.2 firmware and started to get to work. After about 10 minutes it finally said failed. This happened over and over and over. Even using my own firmwares and the shift+click method. (Tried same 4.1, 4.2 and another 4.3.2). Nothing works. I even tried using iREB to put it into "Pwn dfu mode", but still I get errors. Anyone have any ideas?
The next thing I'm going to try to do is use another computer.
Also, what is that thing with changing the hosts file. I don't completely understand what it does and if it would help.
Again, thanks!
Fix my phone :(
this link helped me out maybe it will help you
After a few days of trying to:
a) Wipe the phone / Jailbreak
b) Restore/Update/ Wipe Jailbreak
c) Update and rejailbreak
I came up with nothing.
When I plug my phone into the computer, Itunes notices it, but cannot read any information and thus makes me restore. It downloaded the 4.3.2 firmware and started to get to work. After about 10 minutes it finally said failed. This happened over and over and over. Even using my own firmwares and the shift+click method. (Tried same 4.1, 4.2 and another 4.3.2). Nothing works. I even tried using iREB to put it into "Pwn dfu mode", but still I get errors. Anyone have any ideas?
The next thing I'm going to try to do is use another computer.
Also, what is that thing with changing the hosts file. I don't completely understand what it does and if it would help.
Again, thanks!
Fix my phone :(
this link helped me out maybe it will help you
Feb 23, 12:57 PM
For a small sum of a $1Billion USD, I volunteer to watch over the innocent children and their purchases. I will smack their little fingers with a a bamboo cane. Suddenly this reminds me of that South Park episode where they started smacking "ADD" kids. "Sit down and study." I think parents need to get caned then schooled into using parental controls
Jun 18, 04:15 PM
That is hiding specs from people that would really like to know. That is the people who read the spec sheets and have good reason to do so. Little things add up be it the RAM in an iPhone/iPad, what the SD slot is capable of or any of a number of other devices that are poorly speced on the machine. Is it that difficult to just be honest with your users? Further where is the advantage of not coming clean?
The info gleaned above would seem to indicate that the port can do 250 MB/s less overhead. That would mean that the SD card could become one excellent boot device if cards with that speed actually become available. That would mean one could raid the two drives in the server and keep the OS on the SD card. That ought too make for a nice file server.
The other thing would be the possibility of booting alternative OS'es in a reasonable fashion. Seems like a great way to run Linux.
Ugly is the reality that the tech has to now catch up with the standard. This could take awhile and I'm not sure we will ever see two terabyte SD cards.
The info gleaned above would seem to indicate that the port can do 250 MB/s less overhead. That would mean that the SD card could become one excellent boot device if cards with that speed actually become available. That would mean one could raid the two drives in the server and keep the OS on the SD card. That ought too make for a nice file server.
The other thing would be the possibility of booting alternative OS'es in a reasonable fashion. Seems like a great way to run Linux.
Ugly is the reality that the tech has to now catch up with the standard. This could take awhile and I'm not sure we will ever see two terabyte SD cards.
Sep 27, 11:24 AM
RAW handling in OSX is done by the operating system, so updates to RAW support imply updates to OSX as well.
I think this is sort of true in Aperture but not 100% true. Aperture has it's own RAW decoders (1.0 and 1.1 versions) which are separate from the system and run in Core Image. I believe that it relies on the system support for colour profile data only...
I think this is sort of true in Aperture but not 100% true. Aperture has it's own RAW decoders (1.0 and 1.1 versions) which are separate from the system and run in Core Image. I believe that it relies on the system support for colour profile data only...
Michael CM1
Jun 20, 12:49 AM
Maybe some of you who own one of the two HD systems can help me out.
I own a Wii. I really like it, but you've got companies like EA who think it's only 5-year-olds and grannies playing it. Therefore, we get things like NCAA Football 09. That was by far the worst sports game I have ever played. It was like EA took NCAA 06 for the PS2, stripped out everything good and put in a mascot game. EA didn't make NCAA Football 10, and I see no indication of NCAA Football 11 for Wii.
Thus with the newer designs of the 360 and PS3, I'm considering getting one. I mainly would like HD games at times, especially the college football one. I looked into the 360 Arcade version and balked immediately because it sounds like something for people who never want to save a game. Oh yeah, it has NO WIFI. No WiFi is a dealbreaker on the Pro or whatever 360 as well.
I have a neighbor who manages a GameStop, so I plan on asking him about this. But I'm just curious as to what you guys think. I have zero interest in buying any movies or music online through this. I really don't know much about games specific to each platform. A friend told me there was a Magic: The Gathering game for XBox. That would be pretty neat, especially if I could trade all those damn cards I have for it. I don't plan on doing any Rock Band or Guitar Hero for those because I dropped $150 on the set for Wii. I saw Final Fantasy XIII was on the 360, but I bought friggin' Final Fantasy X for $20 and never played it on my PS2.
I also doubt I'll have much interest in these systems' motion controls because of cost. I'm really not wanting to go all in on these things. I just want an alternative to Wii for when the developers get sloppy and don't release a game I like for Wii. I own a crapload of BDs, so that is in my mind for the PS3. But I already have two BD players for my two HDTVs. So thanks for any input.
I own a Wii. I really like it, but you've got companies like EA who think it's only 5-year-olds and grannies playing it. Therefore, we get things like NCAA Football 09. That was by far the worst sports game I have ever played. It was like EA took NCAA 06 for the PS2, stripped out everything good and put in a mascot game. EA didn't make NCAA Football 10, and I see no indication of NCAA Football 11 for Wii.
Thus with the newer designs of the 360 and PS3, I'm considering getting one. I mainly would like HD games at times, especially the college football one. I looked into the 360 Arcade version and balked immediately because it sounds like something for people who never want to save a game. Oh yeah, it has NO WIFI. No WiFi is a dealbreaker on the Pro or whatever 360 as well.
I have a neighbor who manages a GameStop, so I plan on asking him about this. But I'm just curious as to what you guys think. I have zero interest in buying any movies or music online through this. I really don't know much about games specific to each platform. A friend told me there was a Magic: The Gathering game for XBox. That would be pretty neat, especially if I could trade all those damn cards I have for it. I don't plan on doing any Rock Band or Guitar Hero for those because I dropped $150 on the set for Wii. I saw Final Fantasy XIII was on the 360, but I bought friggin' Final Fantasy X for $20 and never played it on my PS2.
I also doubt I'll have much interest in these systems' motion controls because of cost. I'm really not wanting to go all in on these things. I just want an alternative to Wii for when the developers get sloppy and don't release a game I like for Wii. I own a crapload of BDs, so that is in my mind for the PS3. But I already have two BD players for my two HDTVs. So thanks for any input.
Lord Blackadder
Mar 11, 05:23 PM
My old Trek 930 mountain bike is one of the last Treks made in the US before they outsourced most of their production overseas. For a replacement I am looking into US-made bikes.
I have a Japanese car (made in Japan), my previous car was Japanese but made in the US.
I try to buy US-made when I can, and in particular I like to support local or regional products. But at the same time I don't feel guilty about buying foreign-made products. You don't have to be obsessive about "buying American" in order to make a help support domestic producers of goods.
I have a Japanese car (made in Japan), my previous car was Japanese but made in the US.
I try to buy US-made when I can, and in particular I like to support local or regional products. But at the same time I don't feel guilty about buying foreign-made products. You don't have to be obsessive about "buying American" in order to make a help support domestic producers of goods.
Apr 24, 03:20 AM
I'm just waiting for Lion to come out, then I am buying an 11" MBA. However, I would like to see a Thunderbolt port next to the power port so I won't have to stretch cables to both sides of the MBA when using a Cinema Display.
My guess is that if there is a Thunderbolt port, and the Cinema Display is updated to utilize a Thunderbolt cable, the USB cable would be unnecessary. That would be pretty slick.
My guess is that if there is a Thunderbolt port, and the Cinema Display is updated to utilize a Thunderbolt cable, the USB cable would be unnecessary. That would be pretty slick.
Sep 25, 11:05 AM
S2 and S3 now supported. See the right sidebar on the raw page (http://www.apple.com/aperture/raw/index.html).
Annoyingly for me no EOS 400D support as of yet. So I still can't use my RAW files. I'm sure it's coming though :(
Annoyingly for me no EOS 400D support as of yet. So I still can't use my RAW files. I'm sure it's coming though :(
Aug 14, 08:43 PM
The only people who like these ads are mac users. They make the zealots feel special and supperior which might have been the whole point. As said before, you never get customers by making fun of them. These ads only alienate POTENTIAL customers, thats not a success and its not brilliant. So far apple users are the only ones defending these ads as representing products rather than the people who use the products. If everyone else doesnt see it the same way then the ad is a failure no matter how much people argue, once the target audience misses the point then youve lost. Youll get absolutely nowhere asking "are these ads elistist?" on a mac forum, go ask it on a forum with a high number of PC users and Im sure the responses will be 100% different. Computers arent cheap, if you make fun of someone who spent a lot of money on something, something they probably like a lot, youll just make them defend themselves if you act like they made a stupid decision. I mean jeez, how is that not common sense?
While Im sure they made a few sales with the ads (or pushed a lot of people on the edge of getting a mac back over to the PC side), they could have made MUCH better ones that didnt make fun of potential customers. HP's commercials are good examples of how to sell a computer, they show celebrities and all the things they do on their laptop. Someone new to computers is going to see that ad much more favorably over the apple ad since it actually shows why they should get a computer rather than how stupid everyone else is for not having a mac.
The ads were well executed like usual, but the stupid idea strengthens the stereotype of apple user elitism. I think apple should try to fix that stereotype rather than keep reinforcing it. Instead of saying "hey dumbass, stop playing with calculator and get a mac" in a passive aggressive way, they could have said "pc's are cool but you might find that macs are better at a lot of things, check it out."
While Im sure they made a few sales with the ads (or pushed a lot of people on the edge of getting a mac back over to the PC side), they could have made MUCH better ones that didnt make fun of potential customers. HP's commercials are good examples of how to sell a computer, they show celebrities and all the things they do on their laptop. Someone new to computers is going to see that ad much more favorably over the apple ad since it actually shows why they should get a computer rather than how stupid everyone else is for not having a mac.
The ads were well executed like usual, but the stupid idea strengthens the stereotype of apple user elitism. I think apple should try to fix that stereotype rather than keep reinforcing it. Instead of saying "hey dumbass, stop playing with calculator and get a mac" in a passive aggressive way, they could have said "pc's are cool but you might find that macs are better at a lot of things, check it out."
Aug 14, 09:45 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
LA Times interviews (http://www.latimes.com/news/custom/showcase/la-ca-long23jul23,0,1268414.story?track=tottext) Justin Long who plays the "Mac guy" on Apple's recent ad campaign.
Justin Long comments on his involvement in Apple's ads and his increasing recognition from the Apple ads:

lena meyer landrut bee

Lena Meyer - Landrut (Musician

(Lena Meyer-Landrut) - Page 3

Lena Meyer-Landrut

(Lena Meyer-Landrut)
LA Times interviews (http://www.latimes.com/news/custom/showcase/la-ca-long23jul23,0,1268414.story?track=tottext) Justin Long who plays the "Mac guy" on Apple's recent ad campaign.
Justin Long comments on his involvement in Apple's ads and his increasing recognition from the Apple ads:
Sep 27, 05:58 AM
You're pretty close to nailing it there - in truth, they're still sheep and zealots, terms that imply a lack of ability to think for oneself and an over-the-top reaction when someone else makes up, or changes, their mind for them. It's the same morons, they just rush to extremes no matter what.
Woah, woah, woah.
First of all, the "cease and desist" letter wasn't posted here until the second page of the thread, hence all we had to go on was the other sites' reports. (And even I missed that one post until just now).
And even having read that letter, I'm still opposed to Apple's moves and intentions here. They're still trying to trademark the word "Pod", which I think is utterly farcical.
Never mind the delicious irony in Apple objecting to the phonetic similarity between iPod and MyPodder, when iPod was obviously chosen to leverage the phonetic similarity with a familiar word ("tripod") - could MyPodder not argue they were doing likewise? Never mind the fact that the Apple name was 'borrowed' from another company, and was the name of one of its products ("Classic") was taken verbatim from another company.
Woah, woah, woah.
First of all, the "cease and desist" letter wasn't posted here until the second page of the thread, hence all we had to go on was the other sites' reports. (And even I missed that one post until just now).
And even having read that letter, I'm still opposed to Apple's moves and intentions here. They're still trying to trademark the word "Pod", which I think is utterly farcical.
Never mind the delicious irony in Apple objecting to the phonetic similarity between iPod and MyPodder, when iPod was obviously chosen to leverage the phonetic similarity with a familiar word ("tripod") - could MyPodder not argue they were doing likewise? Never mind the fact that the Apple name was 'borrowed' from another company, and was the name of one of its products ("Classic") was taken verbatim from another company.
Apr 21, 07:03 PM
1.419$/Litre or 5.51$/US Gallon.
The only place in North America where gas is ridiculously HIGH....QUEBEC. Taxes represent 30-35% of the cost of gas. *sigh* But at least our roads are smooth... Oh no wait, they are not.
The rest of Canada isn't all that far behind Quebec (which, to anybody looking, is NOT pronounced qwah-bec), but that still is bloody high. I bet out in NL it's pushing $1.50/litre.
The only place in North America where gas is ridiculously HIGH....QUEBEC. Taxes represent 30-35% of the cost of gas. *sigh* But at least our roads are smooth... Oh no wait, they are not.
The rest of Canada isn't all that far behind Quebec (which, to anybody looking, is NOT pronounced qwah-bec), but that still is bloody high. I bet out in NL it's pushing $1.50/litre.
May 5, 10:54 AM
The microsoft usability tax costs even more, in wasted time and low productivity.
While that may be true for you, it's not true for many others. Windows is not complicated no matter how much you want it to be.
While that may be true for you, it's not true for many others. Windows is not complicated no matter how much you want it to be.
Feb 23, 01:29 PM
Here we go kids!! Expect lot's of grandstanding and some real knee jerk legislation cause this IS the year to gear up for the big election. I wish someone would inform people that it's their responsibility to be informed consumers AND parents. My kid racked up $380 in cell downloads in one month. I didn't need my senator to step in. I took away her phone for a month, blocked her ability to purchase ANYTHING on it, and worked out the bill with my provider (AT&T) who practically wiped it all away. This is just going to burden us with more laws and subsequently, more taxes in the form of direct taxation of products, indirect taxes by way of price hikes due to a rise in business tax, or BOTH.
Amazing, a parent that actually does what they are supposed to.
Amazing, a parent that actually does what they are supposed to.
Mar 7, 10:45 PM
I'm sick of waiting in lines all night outside....
Has anyone else experienced fights breaking out and stuff? It's crazy...everytime I have done this people would drive up and flame us...eventually getting into physical fights with us..its crazy.
Considering just going to target really early and trying to get one :D
Has anyone else experienced fights breaking out and stuff? It's crazy...everytime I have done this people would drive up and flame us...eventually getting into physical fights with us..its crazy.
Considering just going to target really early and trying to get one :D
Apr 29, 10:35 AM
Any recommendations on a couple of good hotels to stay? In the less than $130 price range...
Alex Hobbs
Mar 28, 06:15 PM
It sold out in 8 days last year. If you are planning on going DO NOT hesitate on getting the tickets.
It's sold out already!
It's sold out already!
Apr 19, 03:37 PM
I wish Expos� would have been in iOS 4. I really don't like the current multitasking option.
Jun 10, 06:54 PM
Just buy T-Mobile. Its cheap and compatible with the current iphone hardware.
Apple would have to add AWS (1700 MHz) frequency support to the iPhone and iPad, but as mentioned upthread that should be less work than adding CDMA.
Apple wouldn't necessarily have to buy T-Mobile outright. They could strike a MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) deal as part of an equity stake, for example. An MVNO arrangement would give Apple some flexibility, with preference to T-Mobile but the option to fill in gaps through wholesale arrangements with other carriers.
Apple would have to add AWS (1700 MHz) frequency support to the iPhone and iPad, but as mentioned upthread that should be less work than adding CDMA.
Apple wouldn't necessarily have to buy T-Mobile outright. They could strike a MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) deal as part of an equity stake, for example. An MVNO arrangement would give Apple some flexibility, with preference to T-Mobile but the option to fill in gaps through wholesale arrangements with other carriers.
Feb 26, 01:25 PM
The blight of liberalism. How about we talk about how time and time again, it's utterly failed to do anything but grow an already bloated government, destroy liberty, personal property, and worsen an economy that used to be second-to-none?
You are unwise to choose a side in a fight where neither parties give a rat's ass about you. It's not liberalism or conservatism that has failed to do anything. It's both. Our government is at a standstill.
But I know they need their vacation time. And of course, they need their pensions even if they only serve one term. It's a lot of hard work accomplishing nothing and we owe them so much.
You are unwise to choose a side in a fight where neither parties give a rat's ass about you. It's not liberalism or conservatism that has failed to do anything. It's both. Our government is at a standstill.
But I know they need their vacation time. And of course, they need their pensions even if they only serve one term. It's a lot of hard work accomplishing nothing and we owe them so much.
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