Wednesday, June 1, 2011

jennifer hawkins 2011

jennifer hawkins 2011. The Day (Jennifer Hawkins
  • The Day (Jennifer Hawkins

  • Blue Velvet
    Oct 26, 12:20 PM
    What's on the Tshirts? Special Leopard ones?

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins (left) with
  • Jennifer Hawkins (left) with

  • eatapc
    Oct 26, 09:14 PM
    The .mac mail has been an embarrassment to Apple for some time. Ugly as sin and very limited. Strange, but Comcast updated their webmail interface this week also. The one feature I wish that Apple would add (unless I've missed it) is a button for "report as spam." I get more spam from my .mac account than from my Comcast account; with Comcast, you can report it and have the sender blocked.

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins
  • Jennifer Hawkins

  • sarge
    Mar 25, 08:41 AM
    I once sat on a plane next to an intellectual property lawyer who was commuting to NYC for work from Rochester. As it turned out he had once worked for EK and was now working in the city.

    When I conveyed my surprised over how strange it was that Eastman Kodak was lagging behind in digital imaging and still focused on film considering they were responsible for much of the technology behind digital imaging, he basically inferred that EK's leadership mismanaged their patent goldmine.

    jennifer hawkins 2011. winner Jennifer Hawkins.
  • winner Jennifer Hawkins.

  • hulugu
    Aug 14, 05:11 PM
    ...I can't think of one person I've talked to who found the ads to be completely positive. The people I know who like Macs were all a bit uncomfortable like me, being stereotyped as smug and elitist.

    If someone calls me smug or elitist because of these commercials I'll be forced to hurt them....Or at least sack their house with siege machines.

    Apple Ads = Chiat Day/Apple Executives
    Me != Chiat Day/Apple Executives

    Therefore, Apple Ads != Me. I don't know why people cannot grasp this simple idea.


    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins signing
  • Jennifer Hawkins signing

  • roadbloc
    Dec 18, 07:49 AM
    It seems that a lot of people are buying Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine in hope it will knock XFactor's Joe MacElderry's song from the UK's Christmas number one.

    Having never liked the XFactor or the songs Simon "Smug" Cowell has produced from the show, I am supporting RATM for christmas number one. I don't even like Killing In The Name that much, I am just one of the many people fed up of the XFactor and Simon Cowell dominating the UK's pop music industry with conveyer belt rubbish.

    What are your guy's views on this?

    jennifer hawkins 2011. beat Jennifer Hawkins and
  • beat Jennifer Hawkins and

  • wilburpan
    Sep 20, 09:23 PM
    Originally posted by cr2sh
    ...head to head, single cpu to single cpu th3y got us beat.
    Please reread my post above. According to the website, an iMac 800 MHz machine is comparable in performance to a 1.8Ghz P4 machine. And if you compare the cost of the iMac to a similarly equipped Dell 1.8Ghz P4 machine, the iMac is actually the cheaper of the two.

    This was a real eye opener for me.


    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins
  • Jennifer Hawkins

  • John.B
    Mar 28, 04:43 PM
    You will, in fact, get two different Field of Views but the same Focal Length.
    ^^^^ This.

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins and
  • Jennifer Hawkins and

  • im_to_hyper
    Jun 9, 03:52 PM
    Hey, at this point you are probably best off going with Ebay or Craigslist. I can offer you a best offer of $185 and can pay ASAP.


    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins and Jake Wall
  • Jennifer Hawkins and Jake Wall

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 09:05 AM
    That is what the USB stick is for! No need to download from anywhere. Don't cherry pick what you want to see and leave out the other options.

    And a Apple branded USB Thumb drive makes no sense cost wise! DVD makes much more sense as an installation media. And you know what, shipping .iso files or images you can write to your own USB stick outside the Mac App Store makes EVEN MORE sense! And even more sense is shipping a simple 20 MB file (either iso or USB thumb drive format) that basically boots the Mac into the installer and gets the rest of the OS from FTP/HTTP! Wow, 1996 called they want their distribution method back...

    Stop cherry picking arguments to answer and look, I can abuse exclamation points too!

    Saying we need DVD Drives just because all the machines out there (still) have DVD drives is a poor argument - following that we still would have floppies. I don't want a DVD drive in my next machine. I would need it only for reinstalling the OS (which on MacOS I actually never had to do, but worst case it might be needed). Actually I won't have a DVD in my next machine since it will be the MBA. The future is here.

    Then that next machine can come with a USB thumb drive like the MBA! But mass duplicating Lion media for retail sale is not about future Mac machines, it's about current owners buying the OS for their current Macs, which currently have DVD drives.

    And if you see the whole picture (distribution, shipping, storage, ...) I doubt that a read-only chip on a USB stick is much more expensive - and you save on all new machines the cost for the DVD drive and can use the space for better things. If it is so much more expensive, why does the cheapest Apple laptop come with a USB stick instead of DVD? Yes it might be a tiny bit more expensive.

    It's at least 15$ more expensive for a 4 GB drive. More for a 8 GB drive. DVDs cost pennies. USB Flash memory doesn't. You can put your hands over your hears and refuse to listen to the truth all you want, but that's how it is.

    Duplication time and costs alone make this prohibitive. Where pressing a DVD takes a few seconds is not less, the Flash memory is limited by its writing speed. 4GB is non-trivial to write out, 8 GB is twice as long. We're talking at least a few minutes per drive. Pair that to the massive parrallele storage array is that writing out these in parallele, and costs go way up over a simple DVD press.

    How often to you reinstall your OS that you keep inserting and removing it and scratching it all up? It should be a cheap stick (not good for anything else) that just sits 99.99999% of its time in the shelf. It's not that this is meant as a 'free Apple branded USB Stick' that you use all the time.

    Mine is still in its packaing if you want it. I can ship it to you if that is really just you want, instead of spamming the forums asking for an overpriced installation media when DVD makes much more economical sense for Apple and its users.

    As for the scratching, reports on the MBA forum are that 1 use is enough to leave the thumb-drive in a less than pristine state. Not multiple. Not "reinstall the OS every week". 1 use. It's just that cheaply made and frankly, from having looked at it, I can agree it is. With no guides to insert it into the port properly, there is no question in my mind that it will get scratched up pretty bad the first time you try to use it.

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins with designer
  • Jennifer Hawkins with designer

  • Matty-p
    Apr 18, 03:23 PM
    ive got a ps3 and a mac pro coming monday or tuesday so will contribute these to project ps3 +24/7 (i did a weeks folding for toms hardware a month os so ago and i got 1250 ppd just on the ps3) mac pro probly only about 5-6 hours a day but more like 15 hours in the school holidays and weekends :rolleyes:! could you suggest a client for the mac :confused:?? and i think i will start a new folding acount but just to make sure you can put more than one client/machine on one acount/username also how many ppd can the 2009 quad core enty leval mac pro achive on 24/7 ????


    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins
  • Jennifer Hawkins

  • gatearray
    Apr 5, 10:25 AM
    First off, leave my post alone.
    Secondly you will see iPad 3 as early as September if competition is stiff. Only if iPad 2 retains major market share will Apple will delay release of iPad 3 until 2012, thus extending revenues from iPad 2.

    Wow, you're some kind of business GENIUS! :)

    Seriously, though, hell will freeze over before iPad 3 is released in September, or any time whatsoever in 2011. Just let it go, man...

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins Clothes
  • Jennifer Hawkins Clothes

  • Vegasman
    Apr 12, 02:44 PM
    I find that it corrupts the database when it reaches 2GB in storage, no matter how many messages are involved.

    Try reaching that limit again. You will surprise yourself.


    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins
  • Jennifer Hawkins

  • twilson
    Sep 26, 07:15 AM
    The word "Podcast" is derived from iPod, of course, but the CONCEPT of podcast is not inherently ipod-related. Because of that, it inherently dilutes the iPod trademark.

    You can't trademark a CONCEPT, the thing you would be looking for there is a PATENT (God forbid).

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins FHM Australia
  • Jennifer Hawkins FHM Australia

  • voicegy
    Jul 6, 02:07 AM
    Don't know if she's getting the machine from an Apple Store, but if so, they're MORE than happy to perform the data transfer.:)

    (there is, I believe, a reasonable cost involved)


    jennifer hawkins 2011. Swimwear 2011
  • Swimwear 2011

  • kainjow
    Sep 25, 11:41 AM
    I wonder why the iTunes store video downloads were upgraded in size recently but no current iPod can take advantage of this new format. I still speculate that we'll see a new larger format Video iPod that can do double duty for us photographers.
    All 5G iPods with upgraded firmware to 1.2 can play the iTS movies just fine.

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Supermodels jennifer hawkins
  • Supermodels jennifer hawkins

  • JackAxe
    Apr 20, 02:44 AM
    The iOS has some good games, but older games made for joystick/buttons/paddles don't quite cut it. I can't imagine Tempest with at least buttons (though the knob is ideal).

    I like TRON and the game for the DS you have to use the touchscreen for some of the battles. The Tank and Disc battles the stylus/finger gets in the way of the playing screen.

    The PSP version you just use the buttons, keeping the screen clear for viewing.

    I think Sony's design of a rear touchpad on the new PSP will be the answer to a lot of "mobile touch gaming".

    Yeah, the touchscreen isn't there for most established games, but for the games that can take advantage of it and don't rely on twitch movement, games that are more casual in nature, it's a very cool way to play, like World of Goo.

    That PSP opens lots of options, like a real pointer. =O


    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins and Bernie
  • Jennifer Hawkins and Bernie

  • damet
    Apr 20, 02:45 PM
    Try updating windows 7 through windows update. Make sure you have the lastest updates for Windows 7. I had this problem too, but after I updated everything, it worked like a charm. No shutdown issues.

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins Hair
  • Jennifer Hawkins Hair

  • MacDawg
    Jan 4, 09:55 AM
    I love my Garmin Nuvi :)

    Sounds promising and I may check it out

    jennifer hawkins 2011. Jennifer Hawkins.
  • Jennifer Hawkins.

  • kiljoy616
    Feb 25, 03:52 AM
    Throughout the attempts to lay blame on parents, there is a bogus assumption that the 15 minute password time extension is obvious and/or that parental restriction ability is known or easy to use.

    Millions of people buy the iPhone because it's supposed to be "intuitive" and NOT require reading a manual or spending time researching every Settings menu. (Just look at all the fanboys claiming Android is "harder" because it has more options.)

    Not only are in-app restrictions buried in Settings where it's not quick to get to, but worse: in typical Apple iOS fashion there's no way to set a purchase option per app... it's only a global setting.

    Since Apple is quick to refund such mistaken in-app purchases, even they have tacitly acknowledged that there is a problem.

    So it's likely that a change will be made. If you were an Apple developer given the task to fix the problem, what would you do?

    Apr 24, 01:43 PM
    Ok ignore my ignorance.....

    but my computer is on 24h a day, I never turn it off, so it would make sense for me to help the MR cause. I have tried setting it up before but it never 'did' anything. Help?

    whats your machine? are you capable and comfortable with terminal controls? or need a GUI lol

    you can read more Here (
    and Here (

    Mar 17, 02:12 AM
    Around 15 NOK per litre (10 USD per gallon).

    Mar 26, 05:09 PM
    Two questions:

    1) Is that an iPad on the table?
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D

    It's one of those containers holding the bill. It's too black to be an iPad.

    Apr 6, 12:41 PM
    Has the Woz ever been wrong!

    But he is absolutely right. It is perfectly useable without a base computer to sync with, too. Think of it this way, if one doesn't have a computer already, they won't have anything to sync. Then it's just on to the iTunes Store.

    This is the right device for, say, my sister, who just wants to be able to browse the web, play some games, and watch some videos. And my guess is that's the target audience as well as the "normal" user.

    Apr 25, 10:07 AM
    As for your Android is "OPEN" comment, I don't think you know what "open" actually means.
    2. Closed review process. All code reviewers work for Google, meaning that Google is the only authority that can accept or reject a code submission from the community.
    That may, but at least code submissions are possible. When was the last time you heard of Apple accepting community-submitted iPhone OS code? Oh, right. Not possible. Someone still needs to oversee core code submissions, and that's how ALL software works. In this case, Google is the lead developer so they oversee those submissions.
    3. Speed of evolution. Google innovates the Android platform at a speed that�s unprecedented for the mobile industry, releasing 4 major updates (1.6 to 2.1) in 18 months. OEMs wanting to build on Android have no choice but to stay close to Google so as not to lose on new features/bug fixes released.
    Valid point. They have updated it pretty quickly, but it seems to be a bit slower now.
    4. Incomplete software. The public SDK is by no means sufficient to build a handset. Key building blocks missing are radio integration, international language packs, operator packs � and of course Google�s closed source apps like Market, Gmail and GTalk.
    There are language packs available, and as a user, you can translate core apps if you need to and submit them to be added.
    5. Gated developer community. Android Market is the exclusive distribution and discovery channel for the 40,000+ apps created by developers; and is available to phone manufacturers on separate agreement.
    Wrong.. Unlike the iPhone, on Android you can install any application you want from any source you want. Does the Market make things easier? Yes. Is it required for app installation and distribution? No.

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