Monday, May 30, 2011

On Twitter, Gennette Nicole Was One of Many

Followed by Rep. Anthony Weiner.

And two "follows" equal a "DM".

At Gateway Pundit, "Gennette Was Not Alone… Weiner’s Twitter Friends Include Pages of Young Lucious Fans."

And at Ace of Spades, "Update: Number One "Suspect" In Hacking Says No Police Have Contacted Him In 'Hacking' Case."

Also, at The Other McCain, "@JoanWalsh Blames @AndrewBreitbart and #tcot Bloggers for #WeinerGate Story." Plus, at Daily Kos, "Breitbart's #TwitterHoax - How It Went Down (updated w/ smoking gun)." Really aggressive reaction. I'm gonna check around Twitter and update in a bit ...

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