Friday, May 20, 2011

las vegas map strip

las vegas map strip. las vegas map of the strip
  • las vegas map of the strip

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 27, 08:24 AM
    Its not about being a criminal or paranoid. This data is for the sole purpose of marketers to sell us crap.

    Well, I'm tired of seeing ads everywhere I turn. You can't go to the bathroom now without seeing a ad shoved in your face and its becoming tiresome.

    Perhaps we can interest you in a *free mobile OS? Android. By Google.

    *funded by advertising

    las vegas map strip. Las Vegas Strip Map, Nevada
  • Las Vegas Strip Map, Nevada

  • Hamish
    Apr 11, 10:36 PM
    Looking forward to the new final cut studio.

    if apple is smart they will allow access to individual parts of the suite
    as seperate Mac App Store downloads.

    If it were possible to buy apple Motion on it's own I think many existing After Effects would be very happy to have something else to play with that can take adavantage of their hardware and deliver some fun realtime workflows...

    it could be a halo product for such editors as well to end up using the whole suite...

    I bought motion for 300 when it used to be sold individually, and I have spent a tonne of money since simply because I love that product.

    do it apple. please.

    las vegas map strip. Las Vegas Strip Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Map

  • macpross
    Aug 6, 11:28 PM
    Great joke, thanks very the same line as Tiger Computer Dealers, right?

    We already have a Mac Pro line of products, we are also the owners of AppleLocks, and MacMice. The Tiger thing was silly.

    las vegas map strip. las vegas strip map. of the
  • las vegas strip map. of the

  • FriarNurgle
    Apr 27, 08:17 AM
    for all the tin foil hatters out there, what will happen to the phone performance when the location services are turned off?

    las vegas map strip. Las Vegas Strip Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Map

  • teme
    Jul 20, 09:00 AM
    All these rumors are making it so hard to decide when to get a new computer... my desktop and laptop are both about five years old. Though I don't have an urgent need to get a new ones, something new would surely be nice and useful.

    At first I was waiting for a portable with Merom, but now I'm interested in portable with Santa Rosa platform and Merom... and that's not available until March 2007. For desktop I was waiting for Conroe, but it all depends how Apple is gonna use that chip. If they release a minitower (which I'm hoping for), I'm not sure would I get it right now or some months later (if Kentsfield is going to be released this year).

    las vegas map strip. Las Vegas Strip Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Map

  • Unspeaked
    Aug 7, 09:39 AM
    Hey Guys.

    When do you think they'll update their website with the new "Mac Pro's"?



    Assuming they're released, they'd probably bring the Apple Store back online around 2:00pm.

    (They traditionally take it down during a keynote...)

    las vegas map strip. las vegas map of the strip.
  • las vegas map of the strip.

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 8, 06:29 AM
    In nine months or less......... we'll have those
    Top Secret features in our machines - too bad
    for Redmond they won't be revealed until then.
    Core graphics and Quartz Extreme will be amazing.
    Love Time Machine, Spaces, etc.

    Is this a poem? Lovely.

    las vegas map strip. Location on Monorail Map
  • Location on Monorail Map

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 04:31 PM
    Don't hate. I have money and I can spend it however. Maybe I'll buy an ipad and leave it in the bathroom for people to use as they're taking care of business.

    Yeah, I also remember you always talking about how your mom had an iMac (or something like that) but how you thought Apple stuff was overpriced crap. Of course now you own a MBP and "love" Apple stuff, except for the iPad of course, cuz your XOOM has 2 native apps and runs widgets. (I also remember you bragging about how much money you made. So it is you.)

    As for tablets-for-toilets, you have far more chance of seeing those pallets of XOOMs at Costco (as balamw mentioned) being firesold for high-tech bumwipes.

    las vegas map strip. I think Olecapt#39;s crime map is
  • I think Olecapt#39;s crime map is

  • scotty321
    Apr 7, 10:46 PM
    Anybody who knows anything about the people who work at Best Buy will tell you that they are all a bunch of untrustworthy backstabbing liars, and you can't trust a thing they do or a thing they tell you. Best Buy is the worst.

    las vegas map strip. Houses Next to Las Vegas Strip
  • Houses Next to Las Vegas Strip

  • sam8940
    Apr 6, 03:57 PM
    what about the hacked nooks?

    las vegas map strip. las vegas map strip.
  • las vegas map strip.

  • zooniverse
    Aug 8, 06:48 AM
    love the new features so far. Hopefully a UI refresh will be one of the top secret features to finally get rid of the dated brushed-metal finder etc...

    las vegas map strip. Las Vegas Strip Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Map

  • Bleubird2
    Apr 27, 08:50 AM
    Its not about being a criminal or paranoid. This data is for the sole purpose of marketers to sell us crap.

    Well, I'm tired of seeing ads everywhere I turn. You can't go to the bathroom now without seeing a ad shoved in your face and its becoming tiresome.

    It reminds me of a line from Futurama:

    Leela: Didn't you have ads in the 21st century?"

    Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio, and in magazines, and movies, and at ball games... and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts, and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams, no siree.

    Well, Fry could have added our iPads and our phones too. Its disgusting already how much advertising has infiltrated our lives. You can't even read a news story on the internet without an ad being being intrusively shoved in your face.

    I'm old-fashined I guess because I have no interest in having a smartphone in the first place. I just have a standard flip-phone. By owning a smartphone, you are always going to be faced with privacy issues because if you are using facebook/twitter and whatever else you are using to broadcasting your information. If you don't want advertisers to use your information, stop using social networking sites and search engines and stop being connected.

    las vegas map strip. Las vegas strip map
  • Las vegas strip map

  • Peace
    Aug 5, 04:01 PM
    I can't wait for Monday. I'll be working that day, so I am going to try to watch the keynote before reading any updates. I even have the Quicktime Events page bookmarked. :D I figured I would be more surprised by taking this route.

    This is the first WWDC I'm really looking forward to, mainly because of what we're going to see... Leopard in action! :D

    Edit: Peace, that's not entirely true. None of us know whether Apple will release Cinema Displays with iSights built-in. I'd say it is unlikely, but you never know until it actually happens.

    Just an opinion p0intblank.We all have em :)

    las vegas map strip. las vegas strip map hotels.
  • las vegas strip map hotels.

  • Burger King
    Apr 27, 08:56 AM
    Keeping a log of nearby locations I've been around, is by proxy, logging my location. If they keep a record of the towers my phone and iPad have linked to, and the locations of these towers are fixed and known, then Apple is in effect tracking my location in this linking.

    I think it was not a bug, nut data waiting to be sent to Apple for profit generating purposes.

    You really need to get a dumb phone............oh wait.....the NSA will still be able to log every conversation, text and yes your location..........

    Either get rid of your phone or quit being such a whiner

    las vegas map strip. las vegas strip map with
  • las vegas strip map with

  • daneoni
    Aug 27, 07:34 PM
    Now. But how much have iMac prices changed since release? I don't think they have. They released the iMac and MBP lines around the same time Yonah was intro'ed, and the iMacs did not see any speed bumps or price changes that I know of. Therefore they should be able to implement similar pricing with Conroe @ 2.4GHz, just with a profit margin closer to the iMac release amounts.

    Of course they could always go for the 2.13GHz version, which is less expensive, and still plenty faster than the existing 1.83 :)

    20" iMac prices have least in the UK

    las vegas map strip. Strip Map
  • Strip Map

  • blakbyrd
    Aug 5, 04:07 PM
    Reposting my prediction from another thread:

    las vegas map strip. Las Vegas Stip
  • Las Vegas Stip

  • cmaier
    Apr 19, 02:12 PM
    One of the three basics that must be proven in order to win a trade dress case, is the likelihood of confusion.

    In other words, would someone think they're buying one thing but really getting another, such as might happen with shoes or pills or whatever.

    That sort of misstates the test for likelihood of confusion. A consumer might, for example, believe that Apple licenses or otherwise blesses the Samsung products. That's probably good enough.

    las vegas map strip. Map of the Las Vegas Strip
  • Map of the Las Vegas Strip

  • 0815
    Apr 27, 08:17 AM
    I actually thought looking at a history of where my phone has been on a map was kinda cool. Bummer.

    Yes - I was hoping when they 'fix' this that they will leave an option in the settings to keep that data - I absolutely enjoyed browsing through the data and revisit my trips that way (and sometimes wondering 'what the hack did I do in that location?)

    las vegas map strip. Las vegas strip map vegas com
  • Las vegas strip map vegas com

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 27, 09:52 AM
    * Newsflash You can do both *

    Wow, I don't know what's worse, your apathy or the irony. They're called "priorities" and some people need to get theirs together� that would be called "reality"...

    Then why are you telling me to worry about Japan and the jobless americans instead of the iPhone location database that Apple needed to address and did to my satisfaction ? :rolleyes:

    Newsflash, I can do both and did!

    What does this have to do with priorities ? Like you said : I can do both. Apple doesn't need to wait for the Japan disaster to be over to fix this. They don't need to wait for jobless americans to get jobs.

    What was your point really ?

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 23, 01:59 PM
    Yes I am aware of our Pakistani situation. Do I support it? No. I have the exact same view that Joe Biden supposedly "had". We have no business being near other countries in a military manner unless they are a direct threat to us. "Unless we are attacked or unless there is proof we are about to be attacked"

    If you are supporting non-intervention, than I disagree. I support the notion that the UN (using member-nations' pooled military or civilian assets) should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions.

    With that being said, the UN has many flaws and I am not satisfied with the way things are done. But I do feel that intervention is sometimes necessary, if imperfect.

    Sep 18, 11:59 PM
    It would be fantastic for the MacBook to have the Core 2 Duo, (MacBookPro is a given), the fact is, Apple needs to do this update to stay in the same ballpark as the pc notebook makers.

    Now if they could just give the MacBook a real graphics card, I'd be a taker.

    Randy at (

    Apr 27, 09:49 AM
    I'm old-fashined I guess because I have no interest in having a smartphone in the first place. I just have a standard flip-phone. By owning a smartphone, you are always going to be faced with privacy issues...

    Did you know dumb phones record every call you make? That they record who you call, and how long you talk to them? That when landlines are involved, nubmers are recorded that pinpoint the location? That your phone transmits that information to your phone company? Look at your next phone bill. Your standard flip phone even records who calls YOU and tells THAT to your phone company, too. AND if you lose your phone bill--as is the case if you lose your phone--all that data's available, in unencrypted form, to anyone and everyone!

    My take: Yeah, the data should've been encrypted, and prudence would have had it deleted after a short time. They're fixing that now. But it serves a purpose we all value, facilitating calling and optimizing location services when we want them. It's a glitch, nothing more, exaggerated by media attention (and i'm part of the media, so I'm not unfairly finger-pointing) just as happened with antenna-gate and the fuss over Toyotas accelerating out of control (where almost always the conclusion is someone put their foot on the accelerator instead of the brake, by mistake). Ten years from now someone will write an entertaining book about the gap between public hysteria and reality on these issues and many others (birtherism, anyone? or if your political views swing in a different way, government spending way beyond its means?)

    I'm not saying the location database is operator error. Clearly not. I'm just trying to keep it in perspective. (It's not time-stamped? It's accurate sometimes only to 50 or 81 miles, as in cases reported in this thread? My phone, using the data that's recorded, consistently puts me five miles from my home, in a different county, across a river, four or five cities away, due to some oddity of cell tower location).

    Look, your credit cards not only keep track of where you've been, but how much you spent there, and when, with precise geographic accuracy. Sometimes they even tell what you've bought. Just look at your next bill. Did you know your bank keeps track of every check you write, and to whom, and sends that information to you unencrypted via the mail? Did you know...

    I think we should keep this situation in perspective. Too many people here see the privacy sky falling on them, when they're really swimming in it. (Did you know the device you're using to read this doesn't protect you from being victimized by horrible unencrypted metaphors...?)

    Jun 18, 07:55 PM
    Would also like confirmation on this from someone
    that works for Radio Shack. Here's why....

    If you did not get a PIN it's hard to even pick a store
    to try and buy a phone from on launch day.

    Most stores were unable to even preorder one phone
    for their customers. I called 4 stores in my area and
    only one of them was able to generate a single pin.

    The store manager told us that the way Radio Shack
    determines how many phones they will get is by how
    many 3GS phones they sold over the year.

    There are so many factors that play with each
    individual store not to mention the fact that I don't
    think Radio Shack has a huge supply of phones coming
    to them in the first place.

    Mar 26, 01:46 AM
    No way. The current Lion is a developer preview and not even a beta. For third party applications to test their products on OS X 10.7, just as any 10.X, there are dozens of beta's before it even reaches GM. As a developer since 10.1, I can assure you there has never been an instance of such. Currently Apple is examining the hundreds of bug reports filed by developers as well as many other suggestions before releasing the first official beta.

    If the remote chance this is valid and Apple has set a new precendent for OS X development, then I would know well that Apple officially cares less about OS X and much more about iOS (as evident by the dozens of iOS updates for all iOS devices to date).

    This post made me laugh. As a developer who is actively testing and reporting bugs I can tell you that without a doubt this is 100% false. My dozen of bug reports combined with a lot of different discussions happening in the developer forums is a pretty clear indicator they have a while to go.

    Side note: Really? Techcrunch?

    On point.

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