Monday, May 30, 2011

Kymco Super 8 Modified

Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 50.
  • Kymco Super 8 50.

  • Don't panic
    Mar 15, 05:11 PM
    i can't find a good source for timed updates.
    all things seem to go together and i can't really tell what's new and what's not.

    one thing seemingly emerging as really problematic is the spent fuel pools.
    I can't understand how it is possible that the design puts it in the worst possible place (in terms of management during a crisis) and without ANY containment protection.
    it's crazy.

    puma, could you explain the rationale?

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 125 - Kymco
  • Kymco Super 8 125 - Kymco

  • Westside guy
    Sep 20, 01:15 PM
    It seems like a lot of people don't really grok what the advantages of having a network really are. You don't need a full-blown computer dedicated to the television - e.g. yet another Media Center PC or Myth-TV box. That "solution" is too expensive, way too overpowered, and too energy-hungry for what it needs to do. I suspect the hard drive inside the iTV is somewhat equivalent of "network attached storage" - the computational heavy lifting, such as it is, will occur on your actual computer; but it'll be using the iTV's drive rather than its own drive for storing the shows etc. I imagine you can plop a DVD into your computer and watch it on your TV, too - if you're watching a movie, you're probably not using your computer's DVD drive at the same time anyway.

    Heck, this is the sort of thing I always wished Tivo would come up with. I have two Tivos - but really all I need is one Tivo plus a wireless receiver that'd let me watch shows on a second television. Doubly so now that Tivo is selling their own two-tuner units.

    This whole iTV thing will be rather interesting. Depending on how it plays out, I can see myself dumping Tivo and buying an EyeTV (the El Gato (?) product). This Apple iTV doesn't need to be a PVR per se, but for flexibility's sake if EyeTV can hook into this whole system - for the people that want to still have over-the-air/cable television - it could be pretty sweet.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco super 8 125 125 cm3
  • Kymco super 8 125 125 cm3

  • Ugg
    Apr 15, 11:10 AM
    What are you talking about? If you're talking about the Apple employees, this issue is obviously something that's very personal, real, and long-lasting for them. It's hardly a "hip" or "trendy" thing. If you're just talking about society (or the MacRumors forum), I don't understand that either. Many people are bullied, sure. But what's wrong with focusing on this particular group? There has been a recent spate in teen suicides due to teasing surrounding their sexual orientation.

    Many people are suffering, so we shouldn't bring up the Tsunami in Japan? Wars occur all the time, so we shouldn't try to stop the genocide in Darfur?

    That's what's so sad. Victims are victims no matter where they live.

    One thing I find encouraging is that so many social moderates are coming out and saying, "Hey, enough of the gayness already." That means that the message is finally getting across.

    It will take more videos, more personal appeals by "real" people but I think we're finally at a point where being gay is ok.

    It's sad that caliber can't see it that way. I think he's simply too young to understand what a struggle it has been since Stonewall.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. kymco super 8 125cc,
  • kymco super 8 125cc,

  • Krevnik
    Apr 15, 10:08 AM
    I'm not against the message of encouraging people to reach out for help in a time of need, or helping those under the stress of bullying to realize that it gets better. Though, I am curious why a commercial company is attaching itself to a particular community? If Apple participated in a video that supported a community of people believing that marriage should be between only a man and a woman, the LGBT community would be outraged. Why alienate customers that may have strong opinions on the subject, no matter which side they're on?

    First off, these aren't just Apple employees. These are LGBT Apple employees. They are reaching out to kids in a similar situation and saying "you are not alone!"

    This isn't about politics, or encouraging a lifestyle or anything that dramatic. It is about giving that little bit of support and being able to say "hold on, you aren't alone, it gets better."

    Sure it might alienate those who believe it is a sin, but this isn't a salvo in the marriage debate. Sometimes, just sometimes, you have to stand up and support what you believe is the right thing to do, even if it alienates you. Civil rights work over the last couple hundred years included people who weren't slaves, weren't black, and risked alienating themselves in the eyes of their peers for what they saw was the right thing. Can we dismiss their contribution for the reason that they shouldn't have done it? Should businesses, who we complain are too amoral, back down on an issue when they show a bit of morality and backbone because it might alienate customers?

    Blast em for being on the wrong side of the debate, but I don't see why taking a moral stand of even a watered down variety is such a problem. This company has already done far more in this area, such as officially voicing itself against Prop 8.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 2t.
  • Kymco Super 8 2t.

  • jdsam
    Apr 12, 10:33 PM
    So, I'm psyched to see an update to FCP, but what happens to Final Cut Studio. Is all the functionality of the other apps bundled into FCPx? I could see apple dropping DVD studio pro and bundle in the functionality of color, but who am I to say. I'm just wondering what is happening.


    Also... they didn't mention any I/O stuff like thunderbolt. Thunderbolt seems to be the rage for all the hardware makers right now. I feel like a thunderbolt mac pro would be logical right now, but I don't know what is going on in the world of work station processors right now though. And, if they are going to have a thunderbolt mac pro a display with thunderbolt I/O seems equally logical.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8
  • Kymco Super 8

  • maccompaq
    Nov 10, 02:51 PM
    I have the iphone 3gs, and at&t has never been able to get their act together with the iPhone but with the os upgrades service seems to keep getting worse.

    Do you think problems will be resolved when / if verizon has access to the iphone (effectively lowering the burden on at&t, even thought they probably still wont be able to keep up)

    It is the fault of AT&T, not the iPhone. Every call I make gets dropped. It makes no difference if I use my iPhone 4 or my LG phone.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Fotografia 0: KYMCO Super 8 50
  • Fotografia 0: KYMCO Super 8 50

  • benixau
    Oct 12, 10:41 AM
    for crying out load, who cares if a pc can do its sums better than a mac. My brother does maths better than me but i kick him in english.

    In other words if i am more productive on my mac then it doesnt matter that it might be a little 'slower' it is a faster machine because i can work faster. End of story. New Thread.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. 2009 KYMCO super 8 moped
  • 2009 KYMCO super 8 moped

  • gollum
    Nov 28, 08:38 AM
    I very rarely get dropped calls on AT & T (been with them since LA Cellular)

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. /2009+Kymco+Super+8.
  • /2009+Kymco+Super+8.

  • rhinosrcool
    Mar 18, 04:49 AM
    stop gouging the customer. first we pay for 'unlimited' data thats capped at 5gb then they limit it to 2gb and force you to pay more to tether.

    I totally agree.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. 2009 Kymco Super 8
  • 2009 Kymco Super 8

  • Ericatomars
    Oct 7, 12:27 PM
    yeah that they were also sure that chicago would get the olympics! It didnt happen...

    Once android gets a grip on apple and its actually at the point where they could have that chance Apple will change the game! Thats just how it goes... There is a reason why so many people stand behind Apple's products....

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8.
  • Kymco Super 8.

  • gmcalpin
    Apr 15, 10:31 AM
    Perhaps those groups should make their own videos.
    Thank you. (I mean, no ****, right?)

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 50
  • Kymco Super 8 50

  • Mord
    Jul 12, 05:55 AM
    At what point servers began to demand less than workstations or regular desktops? Server-grade hardware (SCSI cards for example) are 8x pcie, so I expect nothing less from Apple server hardware. Anything less would be a joke.

    i meant for graphics.

    oh and stop with the quadruple posting, you can reply and open the thread in another tab and copy quotes across to multi quote, or just learn the quoting syntax and use one window

    as for why mac users use photoshop it's because the competitors suck, gimp is ok but nothing more, corel products make me want to pull my hair out and don't talk to me about fireworks is a completely different product.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Pictures of kymco super 8
  • Pictures of kymco super 8

  • TheFink
    Oct 9, 03:10 PM
    Originally posted by Cappy
    Faster this, faster that. Software here, software there. Upgrade this, upgrade that. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    I like computers just as much as the next geek but when you break it all down what can't you do with computers and OS's from even 5 years ago that you can today? In truth the only real benefits are that Windows and Mac systems are faster and more stable than they used to be. For Macs to make any inroads more innovation is the key. They cannot compete on price/performance and never will. Moving to x86 could help of course. Note that most people don't buy Macs because of price and not because of performance issues.

    So with this in mind if you set aside the small contingent that truly needs faster Macs for their jobs in professional settings, the Mac really needs lower prices and more innovation. Do that and Apple will have a winner that they would need to open up the clone market again just to be able to make enough of them.

    Frankly this whole benchmark argument is stupid for most of the people here. Benchmarks should be used as nothing more than a guide and you should have multiple sources if you want to base a purchasing decision from them alone. Too many people treat them as the end all be all.

    One point you are missing is that I can upgrade my PC 5 times over and still have the cost be lower than buying a new Mac. So a mac can run modern apps 5 years later. For the same price, I can get a PC, drop a new HD, video card, and CPU in a few years later and then end up with a leading edge PC, and not a bleading edge mac. My B&W G3 isn't even upgradable to the speeds of the current iMacs. With a PC a new mobo and CPU will get me into whatever is the current CPU class....

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 50cc
  • Kymco Super 8 50cc

  • IBradMac
    May 5, 08:38 PM
    AT&T Customers Continuing to Experience Excessive Dropped Calls

    Four years now. wow.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 125
  • Kymco Super 8 125

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 12:47 PM
    Bust every last one of them AT&T!! :) In fact start with this person.
    LOL for what using 900mb of data last month.........:D

    You people are too much............:)

    I know the road At&t is on, they are trying to make money.

    I posted the lost revenue

    I posted the reason they hate unlimited

    you can make excuse after excuse for At&t bottom line is

    If I have 5gb lets say, then I should be free to use up to 5gb without worry.

    The facts get distorted by deceptive TOS's from At&t and peoples own agendas.

    Agendas on both sides
    The stupid people who use 10's of GB a month to download movies and torrents
    The people who are righteous and like to point fingers and "I told you so"

    I haven't tethered in 6 months.


    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 125
  • Kymco Super 8 125

  • FloatingBones
    Apr 28, 09:12 AM
    Almost all of that is due to the iPad. They had around 4% of the global market for computers last year.

    If you run the numbers, you'll see it's actually closer to 5% than 4%. Call it 4.5%.

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 50cc
  • Kymco Super 8 50cc

  • whooleytoo
    Sep 21, 02:47 PM
    I think there's (at least!) two separate debates going on here -

    - what is the best home entertainment network design/topology?
    - how well does the iTV serve the topology Apple has chosen?

    The first question is a doozy. Personally, I think Apple's choice is a bit unwieldy. Have your entertainment network rely on your Mac/PC is fine; except when you need to restart after installing software (could the hard disk in the iTV buffer enough content to keep going until the Mac restarts? Possibly). Another problem is if your home PC is a laptop, which might not be in the home, or will sleep if inadvertently shut.

    Also, it is a bit tedious if you have to get up from your sofa to your Mac, start downloading the film/show, then return to the couch and wait for the film/show to start playing. Wouldn't it be far better if you could purchase the film via the iTV, without having to go to your Mac/PC? (If this is possible, feel free to ignore this paragraph. ;) )

    Personally, I'd prefer to have a home entertainment storage server, essentially something akin to the iTV but with a large hard disk (or RAID) attached, which stores all my iTunes and other media. Anything I buy on my MacBook - songs, TV shows, movies - are backed up to the server when I plug it into my home network (could the Leopard backup APIs achieve this?) and thus always available regardless of where my Mac is. And, I'd watch far more moves if they were just a menu click away, rather than rooting around the house for a DVD case.

    As for the second question, if you accept Apple's argument that the Mac/PC will be the entertainment centre for the home, the iTV is probably the simplest device you could come up with. It's basically an Airport Express with "AirFlicks".

    One thing puzzles me though - the iTV is not a complicated piece of kit, hardly any more so than the mini or any other Mac. So, why did Apple pre-announce earlier this month for release early next year, and not release a finished product?

    Did they think of it too late to finish it in time for the iTunes Movie store announcement? Unlikely - people have been calling for video streaming for some time; and Apple would have been working behind the scenes on the iTunes movie store for some months. The fact that they appear to have finalised the configuration, aesthetics and price would indicate it's more or less done. More likely - iTV is waiting on some other key piece of technology before it can be released. And the obvious answer would be - Leopard.

    iTV isn't being released until the Leopard timeframe, and Leopard has major unannounced features which we won't hear about until Macworld '07. Could it be some Mac media centre functionality as some have suggested?

    p.s. as for a name, how about the "Apple Jack"? Rhymes with Apple Mac, and implies "jacking" all your content into your TV? Whaddya think?

    Eeek! sorry. This post was far longer than I expected!

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 125
  • Kymco Super 8 125

  • gollum
    Nov 28, 08:38 AM
    I very rarely get dropped calls on AT & T (been with them since LA Cellular)

    Kymco Super 8 Modified. Kymco Super 8 50
  • Kymco Super 8 50

  • firestarter
    Mar 15, 07:38 AM
    nuclear power hadn't got a long term future in germany before this event though. the discussion is only about the running time of existing nuclear plants (after all 6 reactors were originally destined to be shut down originally in the 2010-2013 time frame)

    the politicking here will be that after the elections the reactors will be turned _on_ again .. against the will of the voting population

    That's a failure of the German politicians to make a case for nuclear power there (although I imagine that Germany has good potential for hydropower and other renewables).

    I think that the opposite could be said for the UK. Over the last few years opinion has turned more pro nuclear. In contrast to Merkel, Cameron turned the Japanese situation into a positive - saying that the UK could 'learn lessons' and make nuclear even safer.

    Sep 12, 04:53 PM
    I'd be willing to bet the new iMacs and Mac Pros will only need a firmware update.

    Good to know, since I'm not waiting till Q1 to upgrade. Could you elaborate on why you think that.

    Oct 12, 09:48 AM
    Originally posted by MacCoaster

    javajedi's Java and Cocoa/Objective-C code has been available here ( for a couple of days. My C# port is available for examination if you e-mail me.

    I was thinking of the x86 and PPC assembler produced for the core loops. I could bung the C through GCC and get some assembler on my windy tunnels, true, but I'm not geared up to do the Windows side of things.

    Mar 27, 07:46 PM
    If I've harmed anyone in anyone in any way, I want to hear about that from the harmed ones. Everyone here is welcome to his opinion about me. If anyone here hates me, he's welcome to say so publicly or privately. But I think I'm the only one here who knows whether I hate anyone. We're strangers to one another.I do not hate you in the least, but I do recognise hateful, dogmatic propaganda when I see it.

    Jun 7, 02:21 PM
    I have 12 cells above my roof (loft) that were installed by att in Feb/March. Even since they put those up I am still getting dropped calls EVERYDAY. Lately 3G has also been jumping to EDGE a lot.

    I can not stand ATT, this is the last company I want to work with but because of Apple I am forced to. I can not wait to see if I can grab an unlocked iphone 4 from Australia and use it here on another network. I ll even fly to australia to grab on myself. It is not a question of price as I would pay $1000 if the phone and the service was working as I expect. But dropped calls piss me off the most.

    Apr 12, 10:50 PM
    Does anyone know if the new FC will take AVCHD files natively as Premiere CS5 does?

    AVCHD...RED in supported and immediately rendered.

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