Tuesday, May 31, 2011

iphone 5 verizon release date

iphone 5 verizon release date. Verizon iPhone 4 Release Date,
  • Verizon iPhone 4 Release Date,

  • gameface
    Apr 12, 08:28 PM
    I was at an NAB supermeet in maybe 2003? There was all of 30 of us there. That pictures is insane.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date.
  • iphone 5 verizon release date.

  • Big-TDI-Guy
    Mar 4, 07:25 PM
    I will be devastated on the day that my 2002 Golf TDI dies. 50mpg - I drive the hell out of it - I'm a HUGE guy and it's comfy. Oh yeah, and I can fit a full sized washing machine inside the hatch. (or a 50" plasma TV, for that matter)

    My favorite memory to date with this car, pulling into a gas station (with a new washing machine in the back, of course) and watching the owner of a Jeep Grand Cherokee have a fit about how he can't fit one inside his...

    And then I told him my average MPG. :D

    iphone 5 verizon release date. verizon iphone 5 release date
  • verizon iphone 5 release date

  • Eddyisgreat
    Apr 2, 07:50 PM
    Did any of you notice the obnoxious in your face music in the background obviously designed to detract your attention away from the product?

    How about the "Screen Images Simulated" tagline that lets people know that we basically spruced up everything you saw in After Effects and you won't get the same effect?

    What about the line by line jabs at competitors products that make the viewer feel unsure about just how useful the product is if they need to refer to a competitors product to make a point.

    ....yeah. I didn't notice any of that either.

    Nicely done :apple:.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date.
  • iphone 5 verizon release date.

  • umu
    Jan 1, 05:46 PM
    How about some kind of iSight?

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date.
  • iphone 5 verizon release date.

  • markie
    Nov 5, 08:08 AM
    Do you have a clue what you're talking about? It's pretty well-known now that Consumer Reports framed the Suzuki Samurai to sell magazines and to tear down a Japanese company (and SUVs in general). They had to design a custom test course to get the results they wanted, designed specifically to get the Samurai to tip. The article about how unsafe it was, was written BEFORE they drive tested the car.

    I can tell you, I know a lot about a lot of things, and the things I know about, when I read Consumer Reports I am AMAZED at the sheer incompetence of their testing. At best, it's severely flawed, hearsay, and/or simply meaningless. At worst, it's severely biased.

    What a crock of nonsense. :rolleyes:

    Apparently, your idea of "corrupt" is to tell the truth about products instead of letting unsafe, Chinese garbage get pushed on the world with millions in advertising, but not a useful word in the bunch. Do you think Apple is going to advertise their antenna problem or Suzuki is going to brag that their vehicle is more likely to roll over than most other vehicles on the road? Heck no. Most magazines take money directly from the manufacturers that advertise in their magazines and thus have a total conflict of interests. Here's a magazine that doesn't take a dime from advertisers and thus has no reason to pick on anyone or lie about anything. But YOU call that "corruption." That's like Republicans saying they will create jobs (and leave out the "in China" part).

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date. verizon
  • iphone 5 verizon release date. verizon

  • paeza
    Nov 15, 08:21 AM
    Gosh, I'll be able to email and type Word docs SO much faster!! :p

    So funny

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date.
  • iphone 5 verizon release date.

  • DewGuy1999
    Apr 21, 11:19 AM
    Amazing that a thread on whether or not a person CAN drive a stick shift car has turned into a full blown debate on the merits of automatic vs manual transmissions. Personally I think this argument is similar to the Mac vs PC argument that has gone on for years, ultimately they're different, and a person should be able to use whichever one (or both) they choose for their own personal reasons. In both cases, transmissions and personal computers, they have their good points and their bad points. To each their own...

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 release date verizon.
  • iphone 5 release date verizon.

  • LondonCentral
    Mar 22, 11:52 PM
    end the classic? Please no! It's great for storing large libraries, uncompressed music/complete music + video libraries and you are able to use it without looking. iOS is fun to look at, but the ipod app is terrible and can't replace tactile controls. I also hate using my phone as a music player as phone calls require me to interface with the player, rather than just take out my earbuds and answer the call (much faster and easier)

    The real, and best, reason to not discontinue it is that the classic represents Apples first big win. Its a very symbolic design, and I doubt they will be retiring it...ever. Much like porsche and the carrera, or Ford and the F-150.

    The classic IS the ipod. Notice how people still call the ipod touch the "itouch". Few think of it as "the ipod".

    There always be a market for a slim, easy to use, portable, high capacity music player with touch controls.

    I've never heard anyone call it the iTouch until I read your post.
    They're all iPods of one sort or another, simple. Everything changes, everything moves forwards...embrace the change.

    Use the clickwheel in your mind....

    Yes, I just said that. :|

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 release date 2011
  • iphone 5 release date 2011

  • CmdrLaForge
    Nov 28, 10:05 AM
    In fact - that comparison is a little early. Make the same one in 5 years.

    I am wondering how the comparison for the XBox vs. Playstation vs. others looked like some days after the initial start.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. release date for iphone 5
  • release date for iphone 5

  • aquajet
    Sep 6, 09:22 AM
    The latest pathetic Mac Mini upgrade continues to highlight the idiocy of the decision to build a cheap 'switcher' computer using expensive notebook parts.

    Sometimes it's about form over function. This is nothing new for Apple.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. The Verizon iPhone is here,
  • The Verizon iPhone is here,

  • NateEssex
    Sep 27, 10:25 PM
    I just want to confirm that I did send them the $26 donation they asked for from their subscribers. I believe in what they do, even if I disagree with them on this issue (as noted ad naseum in this thread).

    Wow, I think $26 is a bit too high. I would pay $15 max.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 release date verizon.
  • iphone 5 release date verizon.

  • AppleIntelRock
    Dec 30, 02:13 AM
    .. it appears your keyboard layout is different though. :p

    Sorry, I was trying to type upside down :D :p ;) :cool:

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 release date 2011; iphone 5 release date 2011. powerbook911. Sep 28, 09:28 AM
  • iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 release date 2011; iphone 5 release date 2011. powerbook911. Sep 28, 09:28 AM

  • freebooter
    Sep 6, 12:45 PM
    I agree that the lower end 17" iMac is a better deal than the mini.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. verizon iphone 5 release date
  • verizon iphone 5 release date

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 2, 08:21 PM
    I really like this ad. Maybe this will be the new direction of Apple's marketing?

    Apple was one of the first to proclaim that technology is a means to your jobs and not the job itself. The world uses tools that engineers make for a purpose and not having the hotted box out there.

    To use the automotive analogy, we are out of the muscle car era and moving into a market where functionality overrides hardcore specs. This also makes the jobs of an engineer much more difficult since customer demands are now more intangible.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date.
  • iphone 5 verizon release date.

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 7, 05:02 AM
    To think you guys thought it was punishment to ship us here. I laugh.

    I already have one of each, though my MacBook does randomly shut down. But another G5, hmmmm, well i don't use my Quad with 4gb 1tb 7800 to its potential anyway.

    Once again the UK is redundant. Wait until we play England in the Ashes, omg, we are going to destroy you.

    Instead of shipping 'you guys' out there. I would of shipped myself over there and left 'you guys' here. Makes more sense! ;)

    About the extra G5 does it help my case if i say im considering a Mac Pro and any possible huge 40"+ screen they produce (if any).

    I dont follow cricket but I'll kick your ass at football! :D

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date.
  • iphone 5 verizon release date.

  • nicksoper
    Oct 23, 11:03 AM
    I've been waiting for my 17 inch macbook pro for months now, and it's finnaly due to arrive on Monday. (Getting it from UK to South Africa without it getting stolen is a big problem I've had)

    So I'll be gutted if they release new one, but I'm working on the old 1ghz G4 powerbook, so I'm going to be flying anyway! With or without the extra odd 20% speed of the core2 duo.....

    Perhaps there will be the case re-design though, that would be nice.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date.
  • iphone 5 verizon release date.

  • skunk
    Mar 20, 08:39 AM
    The jets and rockets are there to prevent Gaddafi from killing civilians, not to prevent Gaddafi from winning.However, if his armour is destroyed and his defences shattered, and his troops are unwilling to pose as sitting ducks, the rebels will have a damned sight easier task.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. release date for iphone 5
  • release date for iphone 5

  • soulreaver99
    Nov 23, 05:07 PM
    Judging from the pic, that's a CDMA blackberry

    Blackberry Tour is both GSM and CDMA, like the Bold on Sprint. You can pop in any simcard overseas and it will work.

    iphone 5 verizon release date. iphone 5 verizon release date. The complete iPhone 5 Rumor; The complete iPhone 5 Rumor. Number 41. Apr 15, 09:56 AM
  • iphone 5 verizon release date. The complete iPhone 5 Rumor; The complete iPhone 5 Rumor. Number 41. Apr 15, 09:56 AM

  • leekohler
    Mar 24, 12:47 PM
    If you don't think your mind is capable of learning to be ambidextrous then you must not have a very high view of the human brain. Would it be very difficult, and unpleasant at first? Absolutley , is it possible? YES! You're not born knowing how to write, you're taught. Teachers used to force student to write with their right hands. You weren't born gay, you chose to be gay.

    Teachers don't teach left handed kids kids to be be right-handed anymore, do they? Why? Because it didn't work so well, it screwed a lot of kids up, and there was no reason for doing so anyway.

    And yes, I was born gay. I did not choose to be attracted to the same sex. Why do people who have no idea what they're talking about, never listen to those who are living it and do know? I could not sleep with a woman if I tried, believe me. The equipment won't work.

    And our country was NOT founded on Christianity. To say that it is, is absurd. The evidence was just shown to you.

    Apr 3, 10:55 AM
    Like when device can be useful with poor specs. Are you talking about those iPad 2 cameras? How useful are those with their embarrassing specs?
    Well, they are video cameras and they actually take better quality videos than, for example, Xoom's better-specced cameras. So in reality, where 99% of the time people use cameras on tablet for videos rather than photos, they are actually more useful than cameras with "not embarassing specs", but with internal image processing software not using these specs to their full extent and producing poor quality video.

    Aug 31, 03:45 AM
    I don't think that is always the case. In this case, specifically, we are likely looking at the high end mini bumping down to the low end price range, and the high end being a new machine. That would meant that the high end mini is basically getting a price drop, which would push the refurb price down: the refurb Core Duo mini is currently MORE than a new Core Solo. I'd definitely expect to see Duos get a price drop in the refurb store if the new mini line up is 1.66 duo and 1.83 duo.Yes I agree that is what you would expect as would I. But it doesn't work that way. They are more than likely to stay just where they are.

    Look at how old some of that stuff is from 2005 - a few even from 2004 - there and how they are still priced as if they hadn't long ago been replaced by more powerful models. Makes no sense. But there it is to study and see. :confused: :eek:

    They're still selling Quad G5's for $2799 which is rediculous.

    Apr 23, 12:17 AM
    Not this easy.

    It's not so much about finding people at any moment, but knowing where they've been. And this file makes it dirt simple to find that out.

    A guy in your terrorist cell claims he's not FBI, because he's never been to Washington DC. Even his phone contacts are all people nowhere near there. Yet what if his cache list says otherwise. He's probably dead.

    By now, you also know that I always speak from personal experience when possible.

    I was Military Intelligence and NSA in the heart of the Cold War. I did undercover field work at times. This kind of easy info is both priceless and dangerous. I've seen field officers compromised in almost every way imaginable. My scenarios are not stretches by any means.

    Sorry, I just don't buy it. Isolated examples dependent upon a very rare set of circumstances that the average user won't encounter. I *do* believe your experience, you're very well versed when it comes to tech and no doubt well-treavelled, but this is just too much of a stretch. Yes, it's possible. But it's also possible to gain the same information in much more common and easier ways, instead of the super-spy scenario. I'm not sure how your terrorist cell example applies to anything relevant (or dangerous) for the average, everyday person.

    I'm pretty sure your average FBI agent's iPhone (assuming they carry around iPhones) that has been cleared for use (and very likely modified) by the FBI can be stripped right down forensically and will have revealed absolutely nothing.

    The average user who is *not* a secret agent really has nothing to be in up in arms about, provided they haven't just knocked off a bank or killed someone.

    Apr 19, 11:58 AM
    desktops are slowly but surely dying out. Notebooks are becoming more and more powerful and even moreso portable so what will an iMac offer that MacBooks won't have? Larger screen

    Which is why desktops won't die out.

    Aug 31, 03:23 PM
    Ahh crippling like using inferior Gpu's like in ProMac & Mini? Both GMA950 & 7300 are bottom tier.

    The 7300GT is a lot better than the name implies. It's more like a 7600 light than a regular 7300. Specs are significantly better for this card than the Radeon x1600 the iMacs use.

    Are the Yonah chips being phased out now that Merom is coming on line?

    I would think the same fab would produce the Merom chips...

    Yes. Any yonahs around would probably be from existing stock. It's a direct replacement.

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