Friday, May 20, 2011

american idol 2011

american idol 2011. american idol 2011.
  • american idol 2011.

  • Ugg
    May 1, 07:25 PM
    Corvus, glad to hear you, your wife and the cats are ok. I'm sure it must have been terrifying.

    Glad your MBP survived too!

    american idol 2011. american idol 2011 pia.
  • american idol 2011 pia.

  • baleensavage
    Aug 29, 09:24 AM
    A lot of users don't mind if they get crap, as long as it's cheap crap. I can't count the number of times I've heard recently people saying that all they want from their computer is to be able to surf the web, check email, and do a Word document.
    Unfortunately, these people may say that they only use their computer for that. Of course when they see their friends using digital cameras and printing photos, they all of a sudden decide that they can do that on their computer, and next thing you know they have a copy of Photoshop running that they "copied" from a friend and they are complaining because their computer is too slow.

    This is why I think that Apple has it right with one, full-featured version of their software. The pricing tiers are just an excuse for Microsoft to charge $400 a computer for businesses, while ripping off the consumer who doesn't know any better by selling a sub-standard product.

    american idol 2011. American Idol 2011 Season 10
  • American Idol 2011 Season 10

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Apr 12, 02:16 PM
    .....and Foxconn is a Taiwanese company!

    american idol 2011. justin bieber on american idol
  • justin bieber on american idol

  • tveric
    Nov 8, 09:38 AM
    Still glossy-display only apparently. That sucks.

    I agree. To not offer people a choice here is ludicrous. All the people that want a sub-15" notebook with a matte screen are completely shut out. Thanks, Apple.

    american idol 2011. american idol 2011
  • american idol 2011

  • NinjaHERO
    Mar 25, 01:42 PM
    I'm just glad they are not trying to run this on the 3G. I can barely keep the phone running as it is. I wish they would come out with a throwback OS for the older phones. Something to stop the constant freezing.

    Just a few more months, then maybe an Iphone 5 takes away my pain. :D

    american idol 2011. Tags: american idol, fox,
  • Tags: american idol, fox,

  • blahblah100
    Mar 28, 12:50 PM
    ...and they showed one of the 'good' retailers, Costco, the door.

    I believe Costco showed Apple the door.

    american idol 2011. 2011 american idol boys.
  • 2011 american idol boys.

  • TMay
    Oct 13, 07:47 PM
    I have better things to do than rehash a situation that I have no control over. Especially a situation that gets rehashed on a biweekly basis by generally the same individuals.

    Still, four options await:

    complain; then buy a PC
    complain; but wait for what-ever-it-is-that-your-waiting-for
    don't complain; then buy a PC
    don't complain; and wait for what-ever-it-is-that-your-waiting-for

    In the mean time, I suggest that we all prepare ourselves for the reality of faster machines by mastering all of the software that we already have in our toolboxes.

    I'm done...

    american idol 2011. American Idol 2011. Best Ever?
  • American Idol 2011. Best Ever?

  • aristobrat
    Nov 1, 01:01 PM
    So maybe me and my friends are unlucky too, eh? :rolleyes:
    Statistically, using the sources that MacInDoc cited in his quote, yes.

    american idol 2011. American Idol 2011 Top 24
  • American Idol 2011 Top 24

  • USAFA16
    Mar 28, 11:30 PM
    That's very good for apple.:apple:

    american idol 2011. AMERICAN IDOL (2011)
  • AMERICAN IDOL (2011)

  • tomitom
    Apr 17, 10:09 AM
    All they are doing today is a pre-order there is no one device avail on BEST BUY stores !!!

    called 5 stores and they all say the same WE DO NOT HAVE IPAD 2 STOCK !!

    This promo is for pre-order only !! with shipping date of 3-4 weeks and u have to leave a 100$ bill to reserve it so what the point anybody !!!?!!

    american idol 2011. American Idol 2011 Fox
  • American Idol 2011 Fox

  • macUser2007
    Nov 4, 06:31 PM
    That's like saying that Microsoft should make windows work better with iTunes... kinda backwards.

    Given that Safari is the fastest browser out there, I think Apple has done their part. Adobe needs to step up, and optimize flash for osx.

    Well, if iTunes was a plugin, used by virtually 100% of the world's computer users, then Microsoft would care enough, to ensure that it ran well on its platform.

    Apple has been fairly hostile to Flash, and has obviously not cared enough, to ensure that Flash performs well on its platform.

    And as far as Safari being the fastest browser, you believe in ads way too much. Safari is the most inefficient of the major browsers with Flash, and it has some serious issues with Java. It takes it about three times longer to load my iGoogle page, than either Camino or Firefox.

    After I did my tests with Flash (see my post above), I finally changed from having Safari as the default browser, to Firefox 3.6 Beta, on all my Macs, as well as on my HTPC (W7). Safari has a great UI, IMO, but I actually customized Firefox to look just like Safari, so I am happy.

    But if my iPhones 3GS don't get Flash in the next few months, through jailbreaking or officially, I'll be looking carefully at some of the new Androids with the enormous screens soon.

    I love Apple, I love their design. But I already switched to Windows for my Home Theater box, after realizing that Apple would never deliver what I wanted, and I'll switch my phones even easier, if my Internet experience is crippled, because of the lack of Flash.

    american idol 2011. american idol 2011
  • american idol 2011

  • koruki
    Apr 5, 04:22 PM
    He doesn't know why he wants to build a good camera for Apple? Cause last time I checked Sony doesnt actually know what market they want to go in and just dips their feet into everything. Not mention Samsung has been doing much better in the smart phone market than Sony but are building most of the components in the iOS devices.

    american idol 2011. American Idol 2011 Tour
  • American Idol 2011 Tour

  • Eidorian
    Nov 8, 09:15 AM
    *sigh* No dedicated graphics. I know most of us would kill for a Geforce 7300/7400 Go build to order option.

    Hopefully Intel and Apple can get some performance out of the GMA X3000.

    american idol 2011. American Idol April 28, 2011
  • American Idol April 28, 2011

  • Chris Bangle
    Jul 23, 10:17 AM
    FADER Magazine already on itunes...... If thres already a magazine it cant be hard to get more

    american idol 2011. American Idol Judges 2011
  • American Idol Judges 2011

  • Jason Beck
    Mar 14, 04:44 AM

    american idol 2011. quot;American Idol,quot; Wednesday
  • quot;American Idol,quot; Wednesday

  • ~Shard~
    Sep 12, 01:58 PM
    Looks pretty awesome, I've been waiting all summer for this. I'll be buying one for my wife as soon as apple stores have them in stock. They say today, but I'm guessing it will be at least a few days?

    Yeah, that's usually the way it works - I'd say a few days is more realistic for a product like this one. And expect it to sell quickly. :cool:

    american idol 2011. american idol 2011.
  • american idol 2011.

  • DRewPi
    Nov 8, 07:40 AM
    THe wait is finally over !!!!!

    where is my credit card and much is in there !!! OOOO well ... just waiting for the specs !!! but that sounds so good for today !!!!

    Thx for all those waiters out there.... the wait must be good... let' wait and see !!!! :D

    american idol 2011. american idol 2011 top 9.
  • american idol 2011 top 9.

  • pyrex
    Sep 13, 03:55 PM
    wow, what is the point of even advertising a smaller box, the nano box was miniscule as it is. It just makes you wonder what they have cut out of the old box to make this box smaller, maybe they make you buy the dock and ipod-> usb cable, and the ipod plug all seperately.

    american idol 2011. American Idol 2011 Top 12
  • American Idol 2011 Top 12

  • orangerizzla
    Apr 2, 02:32 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    8 megapixels eh? All we need now are interchangeable lenses and a nice iBag to carry them in. I too subscribe to the megapixel myth but bring it on anyway!! :)

    Oct 25, 09:53 PM
    ^ Thank you very much!

    Nov 8, 08:06 AM
    anyone know when they will be available in the apple stores?

    Apr 13, 04:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    If you think about it, it's not all too surprising that some of these "professionals" are getting so worked up and sulky over this release. The notion that "pro editing" can belong to just about anyone, rather than an exclusive circle of elites, poses an existential crisis. Apple's re-thinking of editing is also a re-thinking of what it means to be "professional". The announcement sheds light on a future in which their "advanced", learned techniques are no longer advantageous. The "industry pros" are facing the plight of impending impotence. It's not something anyone would really openly admit, but I think they're feeling a bit naked, stripped of their status.

    Who can blame them for being pissy?

    Apr 16, 07:07 PM
    Your statement makes no since. Windows is a hardware dependent OS. If you have the hardware it will run. Buying a 400 dollar Hp is different then running it on a 800 ASUS. You are use to using low grade windows computers. I use Both macs and Highgrade windows based PCs (ASUS & Sony) I see no issues with any of them. Some one game me an HP and it was a piece of ****. I am using an ASUS board right now and I am in LOVE with it.

    1. My statement made perfect sense. Apple builds excellent hardware that competes very well with other expensive hardware, the build quality is better than what anyone else produces, and Apple's Macintosh computers often have unique design that you cannot find elsewhere. Anybody who needs to run Windows and is willing to pay for top quality hardware is well advised to consider buying a Macintosh.

    2. You are in LOVE with an ASUS board? I'm in love with my wife. If my MacBook was stolen or damaged I wouldn't shed one tear; I would just wait for the insurance money and buy a new one. You seem to have a strange irrational emotional attachment here.

    Oct 14, 03:23 PM
    Originally posted by buffsldr

    [Insert Random Unrelated Patriotic statement here]

    [Insert unwanted opinion #1 here]

    [Insert half truth here (eg Give the people what they want, then fail to back it up with marketing research) here]

    [Attack supporters of your fellow debater with personal insults here]


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