Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Video: Stephen Colletti & James Lafferty's Nature Pilot “Wild Life: A New Generation of Wild.”

Stephen Colletti, James Lafferty (Nathan on OTH) and his younger brother Stuart Lafferty have teamed up with renowned nature photographer and author Ian Shive for a 22-minute “spec episode” – or pilot – called “Wild Life: A New Generation of Wild.”
“It’s very documentary style said Colletti. We’re shooting a type of show that would end up on, like, the National Geographic Channel or the Travel Channel or something like Discovery."

Colletti said he grew up in California going to the Sierra Nevada Mountains and now he hikes the Santa Monica mountains. But because of work on “One Tree Hill,” he doesn’t get much free time.
And that’s part of the idea for the show. Colletti said “Wild Life” will be going for a somewhat younger demographic than most nature shows. But it’s also geared for people like themselves, who have a love for the outdoors but might not be able to experience it all the time. Colletti said the audience will get to feel the learning curve as the team travels from place to place.

“You always learn something new about yourself and your surroundings when you spend time outdoors, especially in places you’ve never been before,” said Lafferty.
If the show is picked up, it will likely focus on America’s National Parks and other natural areas.

Check out the video above and you can support the project by following the guys’ personal experiences via Twitter: @StephenColletti @IanShivePhoto and @WildLife_TV and liking their facebook page.
They are hoping if they get enough attention from the fans, that they will be able to sell the pilot to a television network so please watch and re-watch the video and spread the word.
Thanks guys! : )
credit -,
~Kelli at Hills Freak

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