Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lady Gaga drops the R-Word!!!

In a recent interview with NME Gaga calls the allegations that she ripped of Madonna's Express Yourself for her new track Born This Way, retarded.

Her exact response was: "I'm a songwriter. I've written loads of music. Why would I try to put out a song and think I'm getting one over on everybody? That's retarded."

Surely that has outraged this group. But where is the outrage? A few days after Kobe gets fined by the NBA in large part because of the outrage of the LGBT community. A community by the way that is very supportive of Lady Gaga. Where is the LGBT community on this? They should call for her to clear the air on this maybe make a stupid video like Kobe had to do.

I am hoping that the reaction is just delayed. I personally think that both of them should be able to say what they want. But if you are going to jump all over Kobe for insensitive remarks be consistent and hold Gaga accountable.

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