Saturday, May 21, 2011

will smith wife jada pinkett

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  • Zadillo
    Aug 3, 08:33 PM
    it's really funny to read those posts now. They should be infamous. I wouldn't want to be the one who posted that.

    Heh, yeah. I especially love all the posts about how it was a huge mistake for Apple to get into the mp3 player market (that the iPod would die a quick death and be a colossal failure).

    I think that is the problem when we buy so much into the speculation and hype - Apple releases something that, on the surface, is boring (i.e. "WTF?!?!?!? It's just an MP3 player and not some revolutionary new device?!!?!?!?"), but which has a much greater chance of success than some of the more out there stuff we want them to do. As a former Newton user, for example, I would be ecstatic if Apple did release a Newton 3000 or something, but I also realize that there is a good reason they aren't doing that - there still just doesn't seem to be a widespread market for PDA's at this point. So an MP3 player might be boring, but it turned out to be a very smart move for Apple.

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  • bikertwin
    Sep 7, 12:28 PM
    Surely Apple can't combine everything into something like

    Or can they?

    I normally don't pay attention to Apple patent applications, but this one's a doozie!

    Everything from 100% full screen to virtual keys, to selecting different modalities depending on orientation(!), to sensitivity to force of touch, to squeezing, to miniDVD drive, to ....

    WOW! :eek:

    Or maybe it's really the iTablet? Larger form factor than an iPod? They talk about various operating systems. Maybe it'll be OS X?

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  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Oct 16, 02:47 AM
    Here's my setup. Monitor on left and top are used for work. The vertical monitor is used for browsing forums.

    Evil Mickey Mouse, I like it. :cool:

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  • priceshirley
    Mar 9, 05:20 AM (

    Very creative. Nice color too.

    Nothing nearly as amazing as some of the pictures in the thread, but it's what I have. First attempt at HDR.

    Well spotted! Very good attempt! I really liked it.

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  • toddybody
    May 5, 08:04 AM
    IDK why iOS updates have to be a full OS download...if they manage to compartmentalize the update and allow smaller packages, then wifi updates will rock:cool:

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  • srathi
    Mar 29, 12:14 AM
    Sold out in 8 hours??? What on earth is this? A Hannah Montana concert? Dang it, I was gonna go too :cool:

    What about Google I/O then? It was sold in just 59 minutes!

    Apple is doomed!TM :D

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  • Roessnakhan
    May 5, 11:44 AM
    If its something I can disable then I have no problem with it, but for those that want that sort of thing they can use it - everyone's happy!

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  • GregAndonian
    Apr 17, 12:58 AM
    Ahh, Geez... First they make a new Final Cut Pro out of iMovie, and now they're selling the iPad at Toys 'R' Us??? :eek:


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  • NYC Russ
    Apr 12, 12:26 PM
    If Apple manufactured their products in the US, the iPhone would probably cost $999 with a 2-year contract and the iPad would probably cost $1599 for the 16GB model.

    When you have to pay someone $12 an hour to work an assembly line and pay for benefits and payroll taxes, that raises costs a lot to a country where you can pay 75 cents per hour and benefits like health insurance cost $5 a month rather than $500.

    A 25-page document isn't necessary and the law would be dumb. All that it takes is for someone to take a basic economics course.

    Americans who complain about jobs leaving overseas need to realize that when they go shopping they need to put their money where their mouth is. Everyone pays lip service to "made in the usa" but when they look at the price tags in the store they buy made in china!

    The thing to watch here is if the quality improves when production is done in Brazil. If the production quality is the same or better, that's good news for consumers.
    Electronics manufacturers are not in China for cheap labor. The manufacturing process is so automated that there is very labor involved. They manufacture in China because of currency exchange rates, and because of lax environmental laws.

    will smith wife jada pinkett. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 03:31 PM
    So we are not able to use that new cover art view when streaming over your home network I guess...tried it and the option is grayed out....oh well.Sure you can...

    [I'll post a screen shot whenever attachments are back on-line]


    Edit: There we are... :)

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  • deputy_doofy
    Nov 8, 08:05 AM
    glad i bought me a new merom mbp...


    Wish I had my new Merom MBP.... :( Already in for speaker repair.

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  • Alvin777
    Jun 29, 10:07 PM
    It'll just have a Retina Display with graphics higher than the current 4870 and faster hardware. It's only 22" because it doesn't need to be big at such pixel density. If you remove it's aluminum stand, it'll be light enough to be tolerable for your lap but it's gonna' be too hot.

    The whole screen can't be a big iPad that you put on a low table with virtual keyboard and pressure sensitivity (I expect the iPad to have Retina Display with pressure sensitivity and front camera) because that would be too tiring and the smudges are gonna' ruin photo editing sessions because nowadays you also use an iMac for professional jobs.

    The current iMac are already multi-touch with the multi-touch mouse. I just think it's the Retina display and the wireless keyboard will have iOS capabilities for things like Dashboard which is rarely used coz' it gets in the way of the your work.


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  • cult hero
    Mar 25, 06:07 PM
    I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. Humans are social creatures, we evolved being social to help us survive against great odds.


    I'll see if I can find it, but I wouldn't boast about having Asperger's, it's better to boast about being an NT (Myers-Briggs personality type)

    I was joking. I don't think we need a society of of Dr. House walking around.

    Me = INTJ, if you were curious. :P

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  • Unspeaked
    Nov 28, 10:07 AM
    There's no doubt Apple would pull some kind of neat marketing campaign to announce this deal to the world (assuming it goes through). The people questioning the value of that don't understand how iconic The Beatles are.

    Heck, even if not a single person downloads a Beatles track from the iTunes store, the fact that they're finally online, the media exposure that will produce (I've already seen several stories on it in the local news) and the fact that it could lead to things liked branded iPods make it worthwhile to promote in a marketing blitz.

    I agree with those that say "Come Together" isn't the right choice. "Revolution" would have been great, but as far as I'm concerned, Nike *owns* that track after their incredible use of it in the 80s (and I'm not a Nike fan!).

    I could see them being very coy and using a non-mainstream track such as "Tomorrow Never Knows" or something like that...

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  • NT1440
    Mar 11, 12:32 AM
    To put the waste into perspective for you ... Bernie Madoff as one man squandered 65 Billion dollars.

    The Military Budget is only 10 times that ...

    should we shave the Military spending down to the 1.25 Billion they spent over one weekend on that G20 Party?

    What you call the inadequate drop in the bucket ... would dwarf Military spending.

    Madoff wasn't in the government. That had nothing to do with the government (other than showcasing the joke our regulation system has become) so bringing it up doesn't even make sense.

    As for the G20, do things like that happen often in Canada?

    Also, we need to stop flip flopping between talking about Canada and the USA, or at least do a better job of distinguishing the two when putting numbers out there as it gets confusing.

    will smith wife jada pinkett. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 03:31 PM
    So we are not able to use that new cover art view when streaming over your home network I guess...tried it and the option is grayed out....oh well.Sure you can...

    [I'll post a screen shot whenever attachments are back on-line]


    Edit: There we are... :)

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  • Snowy_River
    Sep 1, 12:35 AM
    it's not all that expensive considering Apple has release three OS upgrades since XP came out at least. If you add those together it is more expensive than Vista. That's how you have to look at it

    This is a very hollow argument. For this to be valid, you have to only consider five year old computers. Consider any computer that is about two years old, and you have computers that, on the one hand, shipped with Windows XP and, on the other hand, shipped with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. Now, we have the release of Leopard and Vista! Mac users pay... $129! Windows users pay... $399! Which is cheaper?

    Okay, maybe you'll insist on considering computers up to three years old. Now we have Macs having shipped with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, and Windows machines having shipped with Windows XP. So, now we've reached today (or a few months from now, as the case may be), and Mac users who chose to upgrade each time will get up to Leopard for $129+$129=$258! And Windows users who want to try to keep up buy Vista for $399! But, then there are the Mac users who weren't that impressed with Tiger, so they waited for Leopard. They only pay $129!

    I could go on, but I won't. Yes, you can present the argument that 4 x $129 = $516 is greater than Vista costing $399, but it is a very tenuous argument, as I've shown above. Realistically, Leopard is primarily aimed at computers that have been built within the past few years. Therefore, the cost of upgrades only hits one or at most two of the upgrade cycles, and is significantly less than the cost of Vista.

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  • MacFreak2011
    Mar 25, 02:14 PM
    IIRC, it's a feature, not a flaw.

    Then how do you turn it off? If it's a feature I should have the option to change it back to how it was. It's pretty annoying and I'm surprised no one else is complaining about it. I understand how some people might like it, but you would think there would be the option to decide which one you want. Similar to changing the rotation lock on the iPad to mute, some liked it and some didn't

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  • bretm
    Sep 22, 01:58 PM
    Don'y boycott WalMart. Go buy DVDs there by the zillions. BUT NOTHING ELSE. Let them enjoy the losses from their loss leaders. Don't get sucked into buy some ol' roy while you're there.

    louis Fashion
    Mar 28, 04:01 PM
    Originally Posted by louis Fashion
    My diesel SUV will EAT your 95 MPG mini-mini. Hoooya. and when did this become the Auto blog?

    Originally Posted by iliketyla: I think I got off on a tangent, 'cause to be honest if I had the means I'd probably own one too. Sorry for being a hypocrite.

    It's just at 19 I'm limited as to what I can afford, so a scooter seemed like a good investment to save money while I go to school.

    You are forgiven, iliketyla. Go forth and prosper. And scoot safe.

    Mar 29, 09:33 AM
    That sounds like it makes sense, but does ATT have LTE coverage? or will they by October?

    AT&T is working on 4G... like them all. None of them have wide spread 4g yet. But it's coming. In my area it will be probably 2 years, but it's coming. This is why I don't think 4G is such a big deal right now. Besides... I use the 3G only when on the road and most of the time the speed is fine for email and casual browsing. 4G would be really nice... but it's not the "big thing" for me. And I don't think it's the "big thing" for most people as much as they would like to think so. I know I'm on WiFi most of the time anyway.

    Nov 8, 08:41 AM
    UK store is up :)

    Black or White C2D?

    The black one is only &#163;20 cheaper than same spec white one if you upgrade it to 120gb HD.

    Which colour to get? :confused:

    Mar 11, 03:20 PM
    9to5 revoked their statement...

    Update: We've received multiple tips that there would be Pro updates in the coming days. This latest one about the MacBook Pros may have been fake. Shame on us.

    Edit: Sorry, Esquare was a nano-second earlier than me :P

    Mar 28, 08:10 PM
    The Shack used to be great when you could get all kind of obscure parts, rows and rows of them. Needed to solder something or make your own audio banana plugs? Radio Shack had them. But they pulled all the "parts" out of Radio Shack and now they are just another overpriced electronics store.

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