Friday, May 20, 2011

will smith house inside

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  • millertime021
    Mar 28, 08:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'm going to be pissed if there's no new iPhone.

    However, I don't think Apple cares about me.

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  • camelsnot
    Apr 2, 05:08 AM
    The competition hasn't learned that a huge portion of actual customers don't buy cell phones based on these kinds of hardware specs. And there's not enough money (bottom-line profit) in catering to those fewer customers who do care.

    Your point? The competition can still sell the phone at the same or cheaper rate, with a better quality camera. Everyone benefits. If you don't like/use the camera phone, then don't use it. Not every feature on a phone people "need" or use.

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  • Fredou51
    Sep 12, 01:59 PM
    It looks like Apple got sick of the scratch complaints and went back to the Mini design. Odd that Apple would take a step back on the design front. Of course I always thought the Nanos were boring anyway, so maybe now this will give me an incentive to get one.

    And let the "I have to pay how much extra for black" complaints begin...
    At least you get 8GB instead of four. You don't pay that extra just for the color. The 50$ difference for that extra 4GB capacity is reasonable compared to the 200$ for 80GB instead of 60GB on the Macbook especially since you can upgrade the white macbook to 80GB for 50$. So the Macbook is actually 150$ for the color while the nano is 50$ for the color and the capacity.

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  • jdylan
    Mar 14, 12:22 AM
    and P.S. - Apple, your laptop line is already to expensive. :eek: Don't release a consumer product that only rich companies can buy. :(

    Wow, I'm a rich company? And all this time I was thinking I'm a poor art school graduate! Gee, I wonder if I qualify for corporate welfare? I mean, I've bought MBP's and PowerBooks since they first came out...

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  • LuvMacs
    Apr 17, 10:13 PM
    What part of the medical industry is adopting the iPad (besides a medical school trying to appear avant garde) and how? I'm a physician at one of the largest pediatric hospitals in the nation and I usually see more iPads at my local Starbucks than at work. So, please enlighten me. Use specific examples please.

    I'm actually typing this on my iPad 2 and find it being sold at a toy store as appropriate. I love it, but let's keep it real here.

    I am a Transplant Physician at a University Hospital. I, and several others at my Medical Center use the iPad to access our Electronic Medical Record at the patients bedside, take notes and access reference material.

    The most recent issue of the Mayo Alumni Newsletter focussed on that institution's implementation of mobile technology (specifically iPhones & iPads) in delivering more efficient patient care.

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  • asxtb
    Aug 24, 07:59 PM
    Will this recall ever expire?
    The reason im asking is that my 3k550 A1079 12" PB battery only has been through 18 battery loadcycles and still has 100% capacity according to cocounut battery...

    Im wondering If I should get it replaced right now or wait untill my current battery starts running out of juice? What would you guys do?

    edit: My pb warps every once in a while, could a new battery fix the problem?
    My guess is that the recall won't expire. Apple can't deny someone a new battery because they 'didn't know' they had a bad battery and found out a year or so later. The previous recall from (someone said) 2005 is still valid. I'm sure in a year or so you'll want a new battery.

    My battery falls within the parameters but my battery is fine. Full charge and does not get hot at all. As soon as I notice something I'll file for a new battery. Until then, I'll continue using my battery as normal.

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  • heron88
    Mar 4, 09:48 PM

    f/11 1/160 ISO100 22mm

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  • Teorik Deli
    Mar 25, 06:57 PM
    Is anyone having trouble like randomly opening apps? When I'm writing in Twitter App, it's switched to Notes. I back to Twitter and then it's switched and played music. I have iPod Touch 3rd. :confused:

    PS: Sorry for bad English.

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 28, 02:37 PM
    I fail to see how it is your business what car they drive whether it gets 95 mpg or 2 mpg and whether they have 7,000 kids or none.

    Get over yourself.

    If we applied your logic to every situation in the world, oh what a place it would be.

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  • d0minick
    Mar 21, 01:48 PM
    this made my day. little things like this go a long way for a companies user base. Reminds me of Pixar's stint for a little girls dying request to see the movie (

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  • partyBoy
    Oct 16, 12:23 AM
    On the last page of Part 12 I posted a setup that is located in my home office (mainly used by my wife). Different room.

    Where did you buy that buddha head ?

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  • vnowarita
    Dec 1, 06:32 PM
    I love how everybody is like "I've got the CDs who cares" or "Buy the CDs they are cheaper". The Beatles on iTunes isn't for you. It is for people who don't buy CDs, it's for the future when the majority of people get digital music and it's certainly for a whole generation of kids who won't know what a CD is or care, in the same way that vinyl is now seen as archaic.

    I'm sure I am repeating someone else's thoughts, but it doesn't seem clear to a lot of people.

    The real problem is you are losing the "feel" of those albums from Vinyl.
    I'm a Gen Xer and tapes were b and Cd's were the big thing when I was growing up.
    I had the luxury of having parents who had a Grundig Majestic Stereo with record player. I own it now. It captures a lot more of the recording than digital ever can.
    Case and Point Rolling Stones "Let it Bleed"
    No comparison. I love digital music because its easy to store. That's it. Quality goes to Vinyl hands down. I'm just sayin'. Vinyl is not Archaic is all.

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  • Redbookpro
    Mar 11, 03:03 PM

    this waiting and now being taunted by front-page rumors.

    Damn you steve!!! Damn you!!

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  • woxel1
    Nov 27, 09:43 AM
    It's true! All you need is cash.

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  • Winni
    Mar 19, 12:54 PM
    some people just want an ipod for listening to music.
    not every apple user in the world needs all that iOS stuff.

    i'm really hoping for an ultimate classic model, but i'm being a bit hopeless.

    meantime I just bought a used 4g ipod classic 20gb for 30� (40$), it's wonderful :)

    The only usable iPod is the iPod Touch. The ClickWheel "interface" of the classic is a royal pain in the back when you have to navigate through thousands of titles. And even the interface of the iPod Touch could be much better if they dropped all those useless animations and transition effects that only achieve one thing: They slow me down. And that is especially dangerous when using the bloody thing while driving a car.

    Very often, I envy the people who have a USB port in their car radio; they just plug in a USB stick without all those unnecessary fancy things and they are not locked into the "iTunes experience" or any other DRM prison.

    Surely there's a place for a high capacity iPod. 32GB doesn't cut it. Even 64GB doesn't cut it.

    64 GB is six times the size of my current mp3 library. But I only keep the stuff that I actually like to hear. I'm no longer collecting full albums just because I can. It doesn't make sense to keep unnecessary things around just because you have the storage capacity for it. It's a waste.

    "The things you own end up owning you."
    -- Tyler Durden in Fight Club

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  • Chrispy
    Oct 26, 10:15 PM
    I'm not sure if my macbook's shutdown apply to the ones being discussed, but I suppose that's my question. I received my macbook in early september, and within a week it started to freeze the screen intermittently, and after a few days became more and more frequent. BUT THEN it started giving me kernel panics often. Both issues built up until I was having to shut down my computer 7+ times in a day. These were all random occurrences with no links to running certain programs, etc. I sent it in to AppleCare and they replaced the HD (after I had already wiped it, reinstalled, and the problem started again). After a couple weeks of getting my serviced macbook back, the problem has started again from the start, starting slow and then happening 7+ times in a day. AppleCare has told me that there is nothing they can do until the problem becomes increasingly worse, to the point that they can reproduce the problem easily. This is very upsetting, since with the very consistent progression of these kernel panics (and freezes) will land right around my midterms....ANYONE have ANY suggestions here? I don't even know if this is in relation to the random shutdowns you're talking about... But I'm desperate here.

    Call Apple consumer relations. I'm not sure of the exact phone number but I'm sure someone here has it handy ;) That kind of service is simply not acceptible!

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  • Cheerwino
    Apr 17, 09:23 PM
    Deleted by author

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  • stroked
    Apr 26, 07:11 PM
    Boy, am I glad it's my bedtime.

    So am I.

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  • hazza.jockel
    Oct 3, 12:57 AM
    What also sucks, and I still stick with my call,is that the Halo community contains the largest number of @$$hats to ever discover a microphone. From the well documented You Tube video of random players verbally harassing a gay player before a match even starts. To the almost pathetic way some players are addicted to the 'N' word. To the now immortal play style of wanting to be the only player who gets the best weapon or vehicle, and are willing to kill teammates to get it.

    Totally agree. Team killing ****** me so much. The worse thing is that usually if someone kills you to get your sniper or other weapon, you often don't get the option to boot them but if I accidentally betray someone it always seems like I get booted.

    I also usually mute people straight away during multiplayer. I don't play halo to hear people saying random/stupid things or singing into the mic. I have never heard the "N" words used before though.

    Also ranking of halo games for me:

    1. Reach
    2. Halo 3
    3. ODST
    4. Halo Ce
    5.Halo 2 (by far the worst one)

    Aug 24, 01:22 PM
    Getting a new one too...shame that the Apple site is pretty much crashing under the load...

    Actually now I took it out I notice a minor bump in the battery. I wonder if it's just a small little screw or a slightly inflated (about to explode) battery.

    Nov 12, 12:47 PM
    The sandboxing done on the iPhone means no application can access other applications data, and the only access they have is to the address book. This could be mitigated by prompting the user to allow an app to be granted access to the address book in cases where the app wasn't approved by apple.

    Couldn't Facebook also approve all of their applications by default, and only be given access to a user's personal information by explicit consent of that user?

    Nov 2, 06:49 PM
    I'm pretty sure that Flash wouldn't even work on an iPhone. It uses 100% CPU on my MBP and video still lags!

    This is probably the reason that Apple doesn't even want to let Adobe make Flash, because they know they would fsck it up somehow.

    And, since iPhones overheat, CPU usage at 100% for any length of time could cause the battery to explode!

    Don't just blame Adobe...blame apple too. It's a code/OS issue. It's works perfectly on PCs.

    Jul 23, 09:10 AM
    I absolutley like this idea. Imagine college professors being able to produce podcast notes (some type of e-book podcast) and students being able to download them.

    I also see it being useful for short things like Cliff Notes, written (typed) podcasts, concert programs, newspaper or magazine subscriptions but not front line books. Although, it could work in concert with Project Gutenberg or UPenn's online book programs. The extra screen real estate would be important.

    Jan 11, 12:53 PM
    Maybe an inflatable Mac?

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