Thursday, May 5, 2011

Well, Yeah, Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye is Hot!

And she's the first Asian Chief Justice in California history, but turns out Democrat Assemblyman Charles Calderon is taking progressive heat for suggesting she's an attractive woman. At Los Angeles Times, "Senator demands apology for assemblyman's comments on the chief justice":

Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye

The head of the state Legislative Women’s Caucus called Tuesday for a state assemblyman to apologize for remarks that referred to the physical appearance and personality of the chief justice of the California Supreme Court.

Sen. Noreen Evans (D-Santa Rosa) sought the apology from Assemblyman Charles Calderon (D-Whittier) for comments he made during a legislative hearing on a bill he introduced to give judges more say in the running of the state’s courts. Calderon said he meant no disrespect to Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye.

A transcript and tape of the Judiciary Committee meeting were not immediately available, but the assemblyman said in an interview that he was making a point that the bill was being advocated on policy merits rather than based on some bias against the chief justice. The assemblyman recalled saying his support for the bill has nothing to do with how "smart" or "nice" the chief justice is.

"It isn’t that she isn’t pretty," he said in the interview, recounting his comments in committee.

Evans fired off a letter asking for a formal apology.

"Your remarks regarding the chief justice were degrading and inappropriate," Evans wrote. "As the leader of California’s Judiciary, Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye should be taken seriously and not spoken about in such a dismissive and frivolous manner."

"It is crucial that women be valued for more than just being 'nice' or 'attractive,' " Evans added.
The letter is here.

No, no! You just can't objectify women, just ask (freakin' PC asshole) Scott Eric "I'll End You" Kaufman!

Hey, Little Scotty, does Calderon get a pass because he's a Democrat? Or are you going to "end him" for not toeing the left's totalitarian line? Okay, check back with me on that, will ya? Thanks bro. Freakin' dickwad loser.

RELATED: I'm throwing this post into the ring for "National Offend a Feminist Week 2011."

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