Friday, May 20, 2011

was randy jackson in journey

was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Discusses #39;Idol#39;
  • Randy Jackson Discusses #39;Idol#39;

  • derondantzler
    Nov 13, 08:29 AM
    Palm and Android both allow this if I recall.

    Yet still both platforms aren't nearly as good as the iPhone in general terms. As far as their application distribution, not nearly as good either. Just search the web for all the hate that people give Android Market.

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Journey is
  • Randy Jackson Journey is

  • ModestPenguin
    Aug 2, 04:20 PM
    Dirty whiney windows users messing with our macs.

    Back off.

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Journey: CL03
  • Randy Jackson Journey: CL03

  • sedarby
    Jan 11, 04:29 PM
    This might be silly, but there is nothing particularly 'Apple' about that sign. Other than the beautiful white typeface against black canvas, of course. As people have pointed out, it isn't Myriad set. Why would Apple change their font for one banner? Do they do this regularly?

    Isn't it possible that this sign belongs to another company showcasing software etc at Macworld? Doesn't Apple normally have some sort of branding on their banners?

    Excuse the ignorance if I have no idea.


    The banner has a huge :apple: underneath the slogan. It is branded and definitely Apple. Something in the air is probably iTunes Movie Rentals with Apple TV or the new iMac (don't know how something in the air applies to iMac but I'm sure Steve will enlighten us) ;)

    was randy jackson in journey. dame randy jackson journey
  • dame randy jackson journey

  • richdun
    Jul 22, 09:48 PM
    Integrate motion sensors! With a flick of the wrist, the page will turn. Hot Damn!

    Three words: Etch. A. Sketch.

    was randy jackson in journey. randy jackson and michael
  • randy jackson and michael

  • Spike Spiegel
    Oct 11, 01:40 PM
    all of the mac users i know are casual to hardcore gamers. to say that the mac gaming community is a minority worth ignoring is not true. also, ALL of the mac users i know are more tech saavy than any of the PC users i know, who only use the internet, mail, and counter strike. In my experience, mac users are more apt to tinker with their machines(RAM,hard drives, video cards etc.) I think apple needs to re-evaluate its priorities and put performance before style.

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Journey
  • Randy Jackson Journey

  • MrNomNoms
    Apr 11, 03:54 AM
    No one is making you pay for CS 5.5. Just wait and buy CS6, CS7, etc as you normally would have.

    That isn't the issue mate, the issue is that Lion is around the corner and I'll bet my bottom dollar Adobe will damn well use their launch of 5.5 to justify dropping support for CS5 when it comes to Lion. So what does one do - hold back on Lion so one can keep with CS5 or upgrade to CS5.5 just to get Lion support? don't think it isn't going to happen - look at CS4 and the fact it took MONTHS for Adobe to finally fix the data corruption bug in Fireworks where it would crash on exit when running on Snow Leopard.

    Sorry, I want to move to Lion as soon as it is released because there are some friggin awesome features that I really like but there are scum sucking a-holes like Adobe who will use it as yet ANOTHER reason to milk their customers.

    Adobe keep whining about Apple and how they keep getting 'screwed over' and yet when are we going to see Adobe stop screwing over its customers, both Windows and Mac OS X, using the ever so slightest system change to justify charging an upgrade when what they should be doing is issuing updates and supporting their products for up to 5 years like Microsoft does (Adobe is a big enough company to carry that cost).

    was randy jackson in journey. of Randy Jackson Journey
  • of Randy Jackson Journey

  • Passante
    Aug 3, 04:01 PM
    Powerbook drivers? hahaha

    Well now I'm not as certain ha ha himmmm

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Diabetes
  • Randy Jackson Diabetes

  • Edge100
    Nov 27, 01:52 PM
    Beatles are not my generation so I don't know a lot about them..but weren't they into free spirits and happiness and what not? Why are they all about suing and being greedy now?

    Edit: which of them are even alive anymore to profit? Or is this the doing of their heirs?

    "Paul and Bingo are still alive. John and Keith are dead." :)

    They're "suing and being greedy" because they earned it. Their songs and likenesses are valuable, and they are entitled to revenues gained from them.

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Journey Photos
  • Randy Jackson Journey Photos

  • OllyW
    Mar 19, 05:31 AM
    I applaud you. I would have done the same until they added the "convert higher bit rate to 128" option to the iPhone. Now, I can have 5200 songs on my iPhone 32GB, which is roughly half my iTunes library, with enough space for app, photos, and video. I see no reason to carry around two devices when one does everything I need, plus all the guilty pleasures of the web.

    Try squeezing 26,000 songs on your iPhone. ;)

    was randy jackson in journey. randy jackson and michael
  • randy jackson and michael

  • appleface
    Jul 22, 11:36 PM
    With newspaper profits tanking, this may be the way to resurrect the American newspaper. Grab your iPod off the dock in the morning and read the Times on your iPod while you're sitting on the train.

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson
  • Randy Jackson

  • hatehereyes
    Oct 26, 12:44 AM
    I really hope you're being funny. You're a much more active member than I, but it's "fliquo.". Someone even has a sig stating something like, "the screensaver is fliquo, the answer is always fliquo."

    JESSICA never jokes!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

    was randy jackson in journey. randy jackson and michael
  • randy jackson and michael

  • IJ Reilly
    Aug 29, 11:04 AM
    Ok, I see your point. But when does the consumer stand up and say "I DON'T WANT WINDOWS ON MY COMPUTER" and force the Dells to load something else besides Windows. If the OS was so undesirable, the consumer would have been up in arms. Dell sells computers with Linux preloaded, but I don't see Linux making any dent in anyones armor.

    I'd sooner wait for hell to freeze over.

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson
  • Randy Jackson

  • Manzana
    Aug 24, 12:52 PM
    new batteries for us!!! and i was wondering how much longer mine would last :cool:

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson on American Idol
  • Randy Jackson on American Idol

  • weiss
    Nov 8, 07:51 AM
    Simple answer:

    No. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not next month. Next year.

    i doubt it, arnt apples sales of desktops down? and notebooks up?

    the macbook will be revised after the macmini



    New MBs only at the next Macworld 2007

    No way. Probably not until 1st quarter 2007 (fiscal).

    Ahhhh... feels good to read these pearls right now, doesn't it? We've got so many prophets here in MacRumors :D

    was randy jackson in journey. randy jackson. Must gamba was
  • randy jackson. Must gamba was

  • iliketyla
    Mar 28, 08:24 PM
    Are we under the assumption that the Lion upgrade will be $29?

    I haven't been around for a release past Snow Leopard so I'm not sure what to expect.

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Journey: Here
  • Randy Jackson Journey: Here

  • ee99ee
    Sep 12, 01:56 PM
    Time to give it the ultimate seemless playback test, Pink Floyd "Dark Side Of The Moon":)

    Make sure you're smokin' a doobie while you're at it... haha :P


    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Journey hairs
  • Randy Jackson Journey hairs

  • thedude110
    Jul 22, 09:27 PM
    wouldnt the screen strain the eyes?

    Yes. Yes it would.

    Until display resolution matches paper resolution, the e-book will remain relatively unpopular.

    This does seem to make a serious run at the "iPod for Education" crowd, though -- fighting to keep brand loyalty with the kids, I spose ...

    was randy jackson in journey. randy jackson and michael
  • randy jackson and michael

  • eva01
    Aug 24, 03:56 PM
    What does it mean to "recall"?.

    what do you think it means?

    And i called apple, they basically told me tough luck right now and i will have to wait basically till tomorrow to check the website because they are still updating it

    Because the tech tried to input everything on his side and it wouldn't accept it either.

    was randy jackson in journey. Randy Jackson Producer Randy
  • Randy Jackson Producer Randy

  • Kar98
    May 4, 11:18 PM
    Uh, isn't the world in 3D? I mean, we do see in three dimensions, correct? Is this a clever way of saying you are blind?

    Mar 30, 11:42 AM
    actually NATO doesn't come into play ... or do you see any german troops ? ;) ...

    Good point. The involvement of Britain and France would seem enough, I guess, but you're correct, it's not a NATO operation.

    ... Just think about it: Sarkozy got funding for his last campaign illegally from libya. Can there be a more convinient way of getting away from that dirty laundry than bombing them into oblivion ? While at home showing how much of a strong leader he is for increasing popularity ?

    Anne Applebaum made a similar argument in Slate just a few days ago, arguing that France, really Sarkozy, was pushing for the intervention in kind of 'wag the dog' scenario.

    Rodimus Prime
    Nov 14, 02:52 AM
    Anyone complaining about Apple's app approval process has clearly not developed for other mobile devices for the US Carriers. Even with its faults, the App Store is a walk in the park compared to Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon.

    Blah blah blah full of miss infomation and comparing Dumb phones to the iPhone

    Please compare the iPhone to other smart phones before you go your standard bashing crap and miss information.

    I got all those point you made on how to get in to the Carriers apps store. Guess what the US carriers do not block you from downloading 3rd party apps from other location or even installing your own ring tones on the phone. Google offered its apps on multiple phones NOT threw the apps store.

    On my old LG CU 400 AT&T labeled and locked I downloaded multiple apps from third parties. Yeah very few worked but that is not the point.

    Also all the crap you listed other failing is it it compared iPhone to dumb phones which are VERY different ball parks. In the smart phone world guess what those phones have never had the restrictions you are trying to put on them.

    People would not be so up in arms about the crap apple is doing for the apps store if people would install apps from places other than the App store. Then apple can be as hard as they want on what gets in THEIR app store since others can make there own or load them off there own site.

    Apr 17, 10:47 AM
    I'm fine with Best Buy... but Radio Shack & Toys "R" Us, not so much.

    Seriously, who cares who sells them? Do they affect how you live? This cracks me up. No matter who sells them, we all have to get up and go to work and live our lives. :rolleyes:

    Doesn't matter where Apple sells its products. Better to make your products available everywhere than in just one or two specific stores. Remember: Not every city has an Apple store and can be quite a distance to the closest.

    Best Buy is an ideal place to sell iPads, since its a consumer electronics store.... Apple is a consumer electronics company ( these days ).

    BTW - Best Buy has been selling iPads for a long time, so only makes sense they sell iPad 2...

    ^^^^ Very true!!

    May 5, 10:22 AM
    And of course - Apple will be teh first OS manufacturer to ship OTA updates "in volumes". (Android OTAs are 60-70 Em Bees - iOS being superior ships 300+ Em Bees!)

    Sep 13, 08:12 AM
    They're not using OLED screens. From the iPod nano tech specs:

    It's definitely just a regular LCD screen.

    oops, not sure how I missed that. I even combed through their page :eek:

    Sorry guys. disregard what I said :(

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