Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Renault Grand Scenic 2011

Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic 1.5td
  • Renault Grand Scenic 1.5td

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 15, 07:07 PM
    Sorry doublepost but different topic now:

    Wikileaks: Japan warned over nuclear plants

    Why does this not surprise me? Japan nuclear has a long history of coverups and poor operational procedures - including mixing nuclear fuel in a bucket and being surprised when it went critical.

    Even the UK here has a long history of blunders and covering up - look at Windscale, later renamed Sellafield in a PR move. Some of the radiation leaks here were only revealed decades later.

    Building reactors to a 1 accident in 1000 years standard of protection, as pushed by the industry PR, is just not good enough. Given 100 reactors, that equates to a serious issue every 10 years on average, and we already have far more than 100 reactors globally.

    None of this stuff is ever "perfect". I'm sure the US has had it's share of "coverups" and "blunders" too even with all the "red tape" this country has. It's just that most people were keeping an eye on the part where they purposely blew them up! :p

    No system is completely failproof. There's no such thing. You weigh the risk and then you accept them when it goes south.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic 1.5td
  • Renault Grand Scenic 1.5td

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 03:40 PM
    Basically, follow the local law until the point where is will cause you to sin AND be in direct violation of the Sharia Law framework.Give an example, please.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic (2011),
  • Renault Grand Scenic (2011),

  • Mikael
    Jul 12, 04:42 PM
    Even if the internal architecture of the two chips is the same, a Dual 3.0ghz Woodcrest configuration is still going to outperform a Single 2.66ghz Conroe. While Conroe might be very good, it's not the best, which is what pro customer's expect from Apple's highest-end workstation offering.
    I thought it was pretty obvious that I was talking about a potential single CPU Mac Pro. Woodcrest would obviously have to be used in a dual CPU machine. Also, I'd expect that lower speed grades would be offered too, which would make a 2.66GHz Conroe a nice pick. Or is only the absolutely highest clocked version of the CPU good enough to satisfy the demanding professional Mac users? :rolleyes:

    Sorry, just tired of the so called professionals that can't stop whining about how anything other than the best is an insult... It's annoying and it gets old fast.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. 2011 Renault Grand Scenic 1.5
  • 2011 Renault Grand Scenic 1.5

  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 06:46 PM
    I hope so, maybe we'll even see a slight MBP upgrade/speed bump. If not, I anticipate Apple referring to some new features of Leopard as well and that should get this crowd excited.

    Even if it turns out to just be the Mac Pro unveiled, that should tide folks over until MWSF--assuming the Paris Expo doesn't see anything new.I'm thinking Paris may be the time for the new Merom MacBook Pro intro. :)

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic Review
  • Renault Grand Scenic Review

  • �algiris
    May 2, 09:23 AM
    So make it unsafe, it's not a rocket science, cowboy.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_7 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E303 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So much for apple computers not getting viruses

    Educate yourself and find the difference between malware like this one and a virus.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic 2011
  • Renault Grand Scenic 2011

  • slinger1968
    Nov 3, 03:45 AM
    The most interesting thing I find about this article is that Tiger is dumping top Conroe NOW for $974. I love the marketing copy on this page. (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2341566&Sku=CP1-DUO-X6800&SRCCODE=CNETFEED&CMP=OTC-CNETFEED&ci_srccode=cii_5766179&cpncode=08-15259969-2). :eek: :

    We're Selling Our Core2 Extreme CPUs at COST.
    That's right...we're selling our complete stock of Intel Core2 Extreme processors AT COST! If you've been waiting for a price drop before making a move to the latest in CPU technology, it's time to take action now."I find bad marketing annoying but I have to admit that I'm way outside the loop of the general consumer.

    "it's time to take action now" Why? because the chips are only going to get cheaper?

    "So order an Intel Core2 Extreme processor AT COST today!"... because Intel is cutting the prices to retailers and tomorrow this same price for the consumer will be above cost?

    It's only :rolleyes: $949 at newegg.

    I buy what I want/need/can afford. Sometimes that's way ahead of the tech curve and sometimes it's not.

    Sorry, but I hate stupid marketing.

    Boy are you out of touch with reality.

    Let's say I'm a consumer who just bought an EyeTV Hybrid so I can play HDTV on my 24" iMac. And let's say I decided I'd like to archive my HD broadcast recordings on that iMac.Try reading what you are responding too. I'm fully aware of the consumer software that's available, but I also know the general consumer is not going to be archeiving HD broadcast recordings on their iMac.

    I clearly was discussing quad core chips' appeal to the masses, and I'm correct that most software out isn't written for more than 2 cores.

    Sure you and others have uses for quad core and more processors but don't act like a complete idiot and try and convince us that most people do. It's just stupid.

    I'm all for advancing technology but I also understand that most poeple don't ever push their computers to the limit. You are a small niche, stop acting like you are an average Mac consumer.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic 1.5td
  • Renault Grand Scenic 1.5td

  • takao
    Mar 13, 06:47 AM
    It won't be an issue. Please refer to my previous post in this thread.

    I feel like the fear mongering done by the international media is just unreal-- is everyone that uneducated?

    well flooding the inner containment vessel with seawater + added boric acid is by all means an absolute last resort option in any playbook
    (hardly a DIY solution: many reactors have the option and external connectors to do just that)
    afterall they don't even know the situation inside because the temperature sensors aren't working anymore
    also since that water can't be exchanged directly it means that they might have to cool the containment construction from the outside with additional water

    obviously it won't be a disaster on the scale of chernobyl but it is already high up on the scale of disasters (6 reactors without cooling, 2 core meltdowns), it's pretty much confirmed that nuclear material has been spilled even if it was just hydrogen blowing up the external construction
    it shouldn't be forgotten IMHO that a lot of radition will be spilled in the clean up progress (not only radiation: boric acid is actually quite toxic)

    as a consequence the german government for example is already thinking about taking back their early decision to extend the use of their current nuclear plants

    edit: according to some reports the evacuation zone was extended to 20 km
    edit: don't forget that reducing the heat of a molten core might take quite some time so i wouldn't call the danger off as well: even when being cooled it still might have just enough remaining heat to melt through the bottom of the pressure chamber. i suspect we will know more in 24 hours

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. New Renault Grand Scenic 15th
  • New Renault Grand Scenic 15th

  • peharri
    Sep 20, 11:58 AM
    That's pretty much my question too. The iTV is a mini without DVD, storage, OS, or advanced interface? I guess I just don't see a market for this at $300. Waste of time, unless I'm missing something.

    Well, it isn't "without storage", it has storage.

    It's fairly simple: it's a Set Top Box. It's another one, to add to your DVD player, cable box, and DVR. Well, I say "add to", but actually, you'll probably not need them. What is does is show whatever Quicktime will show that's accessable via iTunes.

    - That means anything on the iTunes Store
    - It means anything in your .Mac storage.
    - It means anything on your network, if you have one, that's exported via an iTunes Library.

    You'll go home after work, pick up the remote, and maybe you'll:

    - Buy a movie and watch it.
    - (Rent a movie and watch it, assuming Apple eventually supports the idea, or someone else finds a way to interface to it)
    - Watch a new episode of a TV show you subscribe to
    - Watch a free pilot of a show you're interested in.
    - Listen to a streamed radio station
    - Watch a subscribed-to video blog or browse other blogs, and watch them
    - Watch that highly amusing rip from "America's Funniest Videos" that your friend told you to watch, from Google Video, or other Google video clips.

    What will be available? Anything you want. As this becomes more and more popular, more and more content will become available. Expect CNN news to be just as available as episodes from ABC mini-serieses.

    How will you get it? Over your $25/month broadband connection. Which you'd have anyway for web and email.

    That's how you use it. For many people, cable, as a "just put on background noise and forget it" medium, will still rule. For others, such as myself, the prospect of TV built for me, rather than advertisers, is more compelling.

    I think it's awesome.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. 2011 Renault Megane RS N4
  • 2011 Renault Megane RS N4

  • Porchland
    Sep 20, 09:46 AM
    Oh please, yes. For me, iTV will only truly be the final piece of the jigsaw if I can also watch my recorded (and possibly live) EyeTV content through it.

    A hook-up between Apple and Elgato sounds the most natural thing. Elgato should continue to make hardware for all the various TV standards (terrestrial / cable / sat / digital / etc etc), but perhaps use some Apple desigers to make their boxes a bit more "Apple-looking". Then, Apple can take the EyeTV 2.x software and integrate it with iTunes.

    To those that say that Apple won't allow this because it would hit their own TV show revenues from the iTunes store... I disagree. They'll have to give in sooner or later, because EyeTV isn't going to go away. Would iTunes/iPod have been such a success if they'd have made us purchase all our music from iTunes, even the stuff we alread had on CD?

    I'm not going to pay �3 (or whatever) for an Episode of Lost if I could have recorded on EyeTV last night... especially when C4 repeat each episode about 6 times per week anyway.


    A lot of these questions come down to whether Apple is going to market iTV as a satellite/cable killer.

    Scenario A: iTV is a way to watch movies and shows in your iTunes library and (for $1.99) watch an episode of a show you forgot to DVR or that you just really like and want to own.

    Scenario B: Apple morphs its season pass feature for TV shows into a subscription service that is priced competitive to cable. Movies are available in HD for $3.99 for 24 hours.

    Scenario A doesn't really give me anything I don't already have, and I'm not going to pay $299 for the privilege of buying movies for $10 that I can PPV for $4. But Scenario B gives me a way to drop my cable package altogether; it's similar to the way mobile phones allowed people to drop local phone service.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic
  • Renault Grand Scenic

  • TimUSCA
    Sep 20, 02:01 PM
    TiVo will also charge you $12.95 every month (or $299 every two years) for the rest of your life for the privilege of using their box.

    It used to be $300 for a lifetime subscription on TiVo... they took it away though.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic 2007
  • Renault Grand Scenic 2007

  • Aduntu
    Apr 15, 12:27 PM
    Deuteronomy 22:23-24

    "If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city."

    Just to clarify: the latter passage says that if a woman is raped in a city, she must be stoned to death.

    I realize this is off topic, but I felt compelled to reply.

    You've taken that completely out of context. The point is that a person being raped, while conscious and aware of the situation, would do everything they could to stop it from happening. By not screaming, did she do all she could to keep it from happening? The verse right after that gives an example of a woman in the country, instead of in the city. She is raped, but makes an effort to scream in order to attract help from someone, but there is no one else around to hear her screams. If a person is being raped but doesn't try to resist or call for help, can she really be compared to the one that did call for help?

    This is by no means intended to be all inclusive, but demonstrates that there were in fact protections in the law for those who were raped and not those having sex while not married and claiming to be raped.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic Dynamique
  • Renault Grand Scenic Dynamique

  • skunk
    Mar 24, 07:14 PM
    "When they express their moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature ... they are stigmatised, and worse -- they are vilified, and prosecuted.

    "These attacks are violations of fundamental human rights and cannot be justified under any circumstances," Tomasi said. Great description of their own behaviour, justified by a 2,500-year-old book of revisionist history. Anyway, what exactly was the relationship between David and Jonathan?

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic (2011),
  • Renault Grand Scenic (2011),

  • ratzzo
    Apr 20, 08:45 PM
    I guess, the "learning curve." While the OS can perform the same functions as say, Windows, things may not be where you'd normally look for them as, granted, you're on another platform now. But Apple does great in this sense, by adding a search function to most OS options (System Preferences).

    I guess the other thing you might not like might be the fact that, after switching, you will want (or try) to keep up with Apple yearly hardware updates :p

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic 2010
  • Renault Grand Scenic 2010

  • chrono1081
    May 2, 08:52 PM
    Mac OS X fanboys really need to stop clinging to the mentality that "viruses" don't exist for OS X and that "malware" is a Windows-only problem. Who cares if viruses don't exist for OS X? News flash: viruses aren't all that common on Windows anymore. They just aren't. Phishing, Spear Phishing, trojans, and social engineering are much more cost- and time-effective ways to breach a computer's security.

    So no matter what you call "MACDefender," it's a problem. One that's not likely to be caught by a user who has been fed the Koolaid that malware is a Windows problem and that they don't need to be aware.

    Can you for once write something truthful? Why are you even here. Windows viruses are more rampant than ever before, trust me I remove them for a living and it eats up a good chunk of my work week.

    As for your constant "fanboy" comments I think calling people "fanboys" should get you the ban hammer. No one wants to hear it anymore. They just don't. Oh, and for the "koolaid" cliche? Real original :rolleyes: Haven't heard that a million times.

    You obviously know nothing about Windows or Mac if you honestly believe the FUD you constantly put on this forum.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic 2011
  • Renault Grand Scenic 2011

  • Sydde
    Mar 14, 08:01 PM
    So, if they have a serious meltdown situation, the whole site could become so contaminated that no one who wants to live more than a few hours will be able to get anywhere near the other cores to keep the hoses on them? It would seem like one meltdown will take the rest of them with it, in a sort of chain reaction.
    They are in real trouble now, can only hope the winds keep things blowing out to sea. I was hoping to get home from work to see things finally under control.... not the exact opposite. :(
    Yeah, the folks living in the western US are really looking forward to the "divine wind" from Japan.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. 2011 Renault Grand Modus
  • 2011 Renault Grand Modus

  • greenstork
    Sep 12, 04:55 PM
    It seems that will stream HDTV content, so I have my Elgato recording my favorite show in HDTV than it streams it to my flat panel and I can control it from my couch without having to go back to my computer on the other room.
    I can access the itunes store, see my photos listen my music, etc.
    What else you guys want?

    If the iTV streams HD content, then it's going to be heavily compressed HD content. Depending on the quality of the compression, it may look great on your flat panel and it may look just okay, we'll see.

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic, Opel
  • Renault Grand Scenic, Opel

  • paulvee
    Nov 3, 07:59 AM
    Most pros I know don't measurebate about specs on forums all day, every day - yes, once in a while they do, but most of the time they're...doing work...

    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Scenic: new 1.6 DCi
  • Renault Scenic: new 1.6 DCi

  • Peterkro
    Mar 14, 06:18 PM
    Number 2 reactor explosion,possible containment vessel rupture (I hope not) doesn't sound good.
    (it appears a expansion tank blew as it's directly connected to the main vessel this is not good)


    Renault Grand Scenic 2011. Renault Grand Scenic Resimleri
  • Renault Grand Scenic Resimleri

  • NathanMuir
    Apr 24, 12:08 PM
    And Fear.

    IMO, mainstream religion hasn't been about fear since the Middle/ Dark Ages.

    Power and control? Sure, depending on your view of religion.

    Apr 28, 08:47 AM
    The complaint isn't that iPads aren't being included in the smart phone market. The complaint is that there is a sole focus on smart phones when comparing Android vs. iOS market share when clearly the iPad and iPod Touch are very significant portions of the iOS platform.

    This is not a "smart phone" platform battle. This is a new mobile computing platform battle. But since Android has no viable competitors to the iPad or iPhone Touch, people (Fandroids and analysts alike) conveniently like to leave those devices out of the equation.

    The tangible item is the smartphone hardware itself. Thats like saying the battle between Sony and Samsung LCD tv's, isnt exactly about tv's... its about Google TV(Sony) vs Samsung Smart TV.

    Aug 29, 02:50 PM
    The heat from our major cities and towns go into the atmosphere, decrease O-zone protection, which in turn makes the sun shine stronger and melts our ice caps.
    Care to explain that for the rest of us? In what way has UV radition to do with heat radiation?

    Oct 12, 06:11 PM

    Thanks! Didn't think about clock()!

    Though, that gives me 100.8 seconds (assuming 10.08 seconds) when it ran in 10 seconds. Didn't you mean to divide by ten?

    May 2, 04:18 PM
    Bravo, this is the funniest post ever.

    I bet there's a lot of fan bois with soiled underwear.

    Could it be true? Their perfect computers now quite vulnerable.

    Ya gotta love it...the slap of reality :) :) :)

    …and in come the Engadget trolls… ;)

    Reality check is that I make 75% of my part-time communications and IT work from Windows based systems, fixing errors, virus removal, bloatware, instaling third party software such as mail, photo and calendar apps (Office), configuring their WLAN to work properly, et al.

    My OS X work, mostly teaching people how to use OS X (Apple's One on One but without the noise and lack of experience from minimum wage "Creatives"). Funny how the switchers fall in love with OS X and never switch back to Windows.

    Not knocking it, I got W7 on one of my 6-Core Mac Pro SATA bays and it runs amazingly. Of course, some of this is due to the hardware and drivers supplied by Apple, making it seamless as opposed to writing code for a myriad of hardware profiles…

    Bottom line, both are good, but Windows would be better following Apple's lead in producing the hardware with the product, ensuring less compatibility issue and adopting EFI (Bios? REALLY?). Course this would mean millions of large businesses reinvesting in MS built hardware, and with MS's product quality/industrial design, I'm not betting on it...

    Oct 9, 10:21 AM
    I meant quad-core package (socket) - be it Clovertown/Woodcrest or Kentsfield/Conroe.

    On a multi-threaded workflow, twice as many somewhat slower threads are better than half as many somewhat faster threads.

    Of course, many desktop applications can't use four cores (or 8), and many feel "snappier" with fewer, faster cores.

    In one demo at IDF, Intel showed a dual Woodie against the top Opteron.

    The Woody was about 60% faster, using 80% of the power.

    On stage, they swapped the Woodies with low-voltage Clovertowns which matched the power envelope of the Woodies that they removed. I think they said that the Clovertowns were 800 MHz slower than the Woodies.

    With the Clovertowns, the system was 20% faster than the Woodies (even at 800 MHz slower per core), at almost exactly the same wattage (1 or 2 watts more). This made it 95% faster than the Opterons, still at 80% of the power draw.

    You can see the demo at http://www.intel.com/idf/us/fall2006/webcast.htm - look for Gelsinger's keynote the second day.After watching that video I am more hyped up about getting the 8-core Mac Pro than before for my Multi-Threaded Workload. I also watched the Otellini Keynote (http://mfile.akamai.com/28603/wmv/intelstudio.download.akamai.com/10670//idf/event3/092606_pso/pso_high.wmv) and was struck by Phil Schiller's appearance where he REFUSED to utter the phrase "Core 2 Duo" with regard to the 24" iMac on stage. I was shocked and appalled that he made no mention it is Core 2 Duo. He called it a Core Duo iMac. Blows me away he forgot to say the "2" part.

    I can't tell if that was intentional on his part or not. :eek:

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