Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Peugeot 307 Tuning

Peugeot 307 Tuning. Peugeot 307 | Maxi Tuning
  • Peugeot 307 | Maxi Tuning

  • �algiris
    May 2, 09:28 AM
    You're awfully sensitive about this issue, chief.

    When things a blown out of proportions.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. Peugeot 307
  • Peugeot 307

  • alex_ant
    Oct 7, 04:26 PM
    Originally posted by barkmonster
    I can just see the look of disappointment on everyone's faces when the dual 1.25Ghz mac is slapped silly by both windows systems at practically everything.
    Won't happen. To a Mac zealot, if the G4 is slower than anything, either 1) the benchmark was rigged, or 2) "pcheese" and "Windblowz" suck anyway.

    The Pentium 5 could come along and deliver 15,000 in SPECfp and all the Mac zealots would be whining about how SPEC isn't a real-world benchmark and how Macs deliver such better real-world performance etc., even when they have nothing to substantiate their claims but the biased and selective evidence from themselves and their Mac-using friends.

    I love Macs, but I harbor no illusions about them not generally being just about the slowest thing on the block at the moment.


    Peugeot 307 Tuning. peugeot 307 tuning, 307 noire
  • peugeot 307 tuning, 307 noire

  • Kilamite
    May 2, 09:15 AM
    I don't believe this can install without user intervention? Even the screenshot shows you need to click continue.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. Cream Peugeot 307_3
  • Cream Peugeot 307_3

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 12:45 PM
    But any time a fad gets discussed over a period of years, it's no longer a fad, it's a trend.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. Peugeot 307 MM Tuning Front
  • Peugeot 307 MM Tuning Front

  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 04:39 PM
    I completely agree. As a software guy myself (maybe I'm a bit biased :)) I think the real magic is software. I think most would agree with me that Apple has a rather "unique" approach to software engineering, that sets it apart from the rest of the pack. Afterall, this is the biggest reason we use Macintosh. In my opinion, this is much more important than speed.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. for the peugeot 106 tuning
  • for the peugeot 106 tuning

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 05:23 PM
    The installer is marked as safe to auto-execute if "open safe files after downloading" is turned on.

    This is again just brushing over the issue. You're again not helping. I get all the rest. I even get this part. I want to know more about this part in particular though. What is "an installer" but an executable file and what prevents me from writing "an installer" that does more than just "installing". What is so special about installers that would prevent a malicious payload (without privilege escalation, unless you were to exploit a local privilege escalation bug) from auto-executing ?

    This is my point and this is what I'm trying to dissect here. This sentence of yours is the tip of the iceberg. Let's go deeper here. You keep repeating this non-sense that's everywhere on the web and that I've read and told you thousands of times that I understand.

    Installers being marked as safe really doesn't increase the likelihood of user level access as the Javascript exploit already provided user level access. I don't understand why you are hung up on this installer being able to auto-execute; it really makes no difference in terms of user level access. The attacker could have deleted your files with just the Javascript exploit.

    I don't know of any Javascript DOM manipulation that lets you have write/read access to the local filesystem. This is already sandboxed.

    Let's face it, auto-downloads are not a Javascript exploit, they're a feature used on many sites these days : "Your download will auto-start in 5 seconds, click here if it doesn't work". It's not uncommon and quite not the issue here.

    The issue is Safari is launching an executable file that sits outside the browser sandbox.

    I'm beginning to suspect you don't quite understand what is going on here. I think it's not my technical knowledge that is at issue here, it's your understanding of my point. Again, stop replying to me if all you want to do is discuss the tip of the iceberg covered by the press. I don't care about that, I read that, it raises more questions for me than it answers.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. Bajos laterales peugeot 307
  • Bajos laterales peugeot 307

  • Popeye206
    Apr 9, 11:35 AM
    I do think the market can sustain 4 companies, perhaps even especially the casual market which is significantly larger. I would challenge you to answer why you think the smaller top-end console market can sustain 2 large players, but the broader casual market could not?

    Unless Apple pulls a rabbit out of it's hat with Gaming, I'd think that iOS games would be more geared towards families and multiplayer... but not at the same level as something like Halo on XBox, but more like the Nitendo Wii games.

    Given this, I think the systems that need to worry is Playstation (they've been having their own issues) and Nitendo given iOS games could easily take on the Nitendo market.

    However, what's to say that Nitendo couldn't port some more popular games to iOS? It would be a killer combo and would expand their revenue stream to what could be a huge competitor.

    IMHO, I think Nitendo should be talking to Apple and make it happen.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. MacrosTuning
  • MacrosTuning

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 11:04 AM
    Do you think they make him change in the closet? :)I shouldn't think Lee remembers what a closet is, it's been so long since he was in one.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. tuninglove
  • tuninglove

  • skunk
    Mar 24, 07:19 PM
    Not supporting actions is hate?

    You do real that Tomasi is talking about the attacks on "People who criticise gay sexual relations..."Don't be so disingenuous. The Catholic church has stigmatised gays relentlessly.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. peugeot 307 cabrio tuning
  • peugeot 307 cabrio tuning

  • tigress666
    Apr 9, 11:59 AM
    I am firmly against poaching executives. They should always be deep-fried.

    Bah! Stir-frying is better! Healthier too.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. ImageShack
  • ImageShack

  • jonnysods
    Apr 9, 02:07 PM
    Very exciting. Can't wait to see where this is all headed.

    Imagine iPhone 7, 8, 9, they are going to be incredible!

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. Peugeot 307 Cc Tuning. peugeot
  • Peugeot 307 Cc Tuning. peugeot

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 03:34 PM
    That is not true at all,it's not a binary choice.As I've said before the most effective answer in the short term is to stop wasting energy unnecessarily.

    Let me guess, that involves overturning governments and the acceptance of a pastoral lifestyle based on Anarcho-Marxism, right?


    That study (by the 'National Petroleum Council') is interesting. They suggest that increased nuclear use offsets coal use, as they're both 'base load' providers, with oil/gas topping off supply peaks. A few comments about it that I'd make:

    - It's talking about a scenario with nuclear energy. I was arguing with a 'no nuclear' advocate. While the point the paper makes (that nuclear offsets coal) is an interesting one that may be valid, the reverse (that the removal of nuclear would not increase oil/gas use) assumption cannot be made.
    - In the UK at least, gas power stations are being used for base load generation. (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/26eb22d6-fe52-11de-9340-00144feab49a.html#axzz1GVurvRcH) This scenario isn't considered in the paper's 'coal offsetting' stance.
    - The cost/benefit of oil/gas is not made, and the scenario of peak oil (http://www.businessinsider.com/wikileaks-peak-oil-is-real-2011-2)is not covered.
    - No discussion about alternatives to oil/gas for peak provision takes place. Vehicle to grid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle-to-grid) (for example) is likely to be much more viable in 20 years time.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. rajout arriere peugeot 307
  • rajout arriere peugeot 307

  • THX1139
    Jul 12, 04:50 PM
    we are not saying conroe is crap it just is not suitable for a mac pro.

    This thread is getting too funny. Apple has been so far behind on power these past few years and now we get the chance to use Conroe, and suddenly that's not good enough for the Mac snobs. Conroe is an extremely fast chip (especially compared to G5), so I don't get why some people think it's a bad choice for the pro-line up. Sure, it can't do smp, but not everyone needs or want to pay for quad processing.

    So, aside from the ability to do multiple processing, what advantages does Woodcrest have that make it mandatory to go in the pro-line? How much "faster" is it going to be over the Conroe? It's my understanding that they are identical in that respect.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. Peugeot 307: Gonças
  • Peugeot 307: Gonças

  • spipenge
    Jun 7, 06:35 PM
    So, there I was...two dropped calls in the span of 10 minutes. I called AT&T's "customer service". I get an actual tech support person on the phone who gives me a bit of what I have to believe was unintentional honesty. In my area of New York City, the AT&T tech person said, there were 7 towers. Three were completely out. One was experiencing 50% degradation. The AT&T "tech support" person told me that there was no date when they expected the three towers to be restored. So...it's hardly a wonder I barely have a signal in my neighborhood, I received dropped calls and the 3G network is downloading at a whopping 678kbps. Way to go AT&T.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. 2.Peugeot 307 Heckstoßstange
  • 2.Peugeot 307 Heckstoßstange

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 18, 09:36 AM
    AT&T already gets $50 I'll be damned if I pay anymore for the 1 time a month I actuly need to pull up a full web page due to flash. Yes they get $50 for data, $30 for my unlimited plan (I use ~1gb) and $20 for unlimited texts which is simply insanely small amounts of data.

    What contract did I physically sigm when I got my phone? The only thing I signed was a credit card receipt. All you idiots need to read up about Ma Bell and the **** they tried pulling years ago. It's headed back in that direction now.

    To all the morons who say if you don't like it don't get it. Your right the carriers should rule over ours lives. We should simply not have phones if we don't want to grab our ankles and like it, every time the phone companies come up with a new way to stick it to us.

    Weak minds will continue to be brainwashed by larger corporations site any TOS you want. Your the same people that argued about how AT&T needed 2 years to get MMS to work, and they were right. Probably the same lot that gladly ponied up extra cash to unclock Bluetooth and ringtones on your celluar one / vzn phones.

    Well no not quite. Over in the UK I laughed at AT&Ts inability to get the ball rolling on MMS. But if you sign a contract you stick to it. It couldn't be any simpler.

    O2 charge extra for tethering, guess what? I voted with my wallet and didn't pay it.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. 08 peugeot 307 pics
  • 08 peugeot 307 pics

  • awmazz
    Mar 11, 08:57 AM

    To get an idea of how massive this one was, I am in Himeji, and just an hour east of me, in Osaka, buildings were swaying. Now if you look at a map of where the quake is and how far away Osaka is, my god.

    No link. TV coverage - NHK World.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. side-sill, Peugeot 307
  • side-sill, Peugeot 307

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Sep 12, 03:55 PM
    There's no need for DVR functionality. Apple will replace your cable subscription.

    Not at the current prices, they won't. I just did some quick math and for our household, (and we don't watch much TV by national standards), this content model is 50% more expensive than satellite for the shows we watch, and that doesn't include being able to turn on FoodTV or HGTV for some veg. time on occasion.

    At 99 cents a show it starts having a price advantage. The trouble with TV is the bandwidth for value balance - a 3.5MB song I'll listen to a hundred times. A 250MB TV show I'll watch once, twice if it's incredible, only more if it's "Best of Both Worlds". Broadcast has a big advantage here.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. peugeot 307 tuning,peugeot
  • peugeot 307 tuning,peugeot

  • R.Perez
    Mar 13, 03:57 PM
    That's fine for soaking up occasional peak demand (I linked to 'vehicle to grid' techology a few posts back), but not providing energy for a full night... unless you have a link that says otherwise?

    Well here is a solution to your "problem" at least.


    The biggest limiting factor is cost, but when you factor in the cost of the environmental impact, it becomes cheap in comparison.

    Peugeot 307 Tuning. Peugeot 307 Tuning blau
  • Peugeot 307 Tuning blau

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 07:44 PM
    We need a way to record our own TV shows from our cable subscription.

    Is that legal? If it's not - even if it's blurry - Apple won't do it.

    Secondly, if Apple allows you to do that, then you wouldn't buy content from the iTS. That's not what Apple wants.


    Apr 20, 07:05 PM
    Delving into this would drive the conversation in an entirely different direction, and I don't feel like going off topic. Pay for your music, it's your choice. I'll continue to illegally download mine and enjoy it just as much.

    I'll also continue to pirate software. Cry about it.

    As an artist who creates work people pay for, I think yer...what's the word? Scum. But I'm sure that keeps you awake at night. :D

    Apr 9, 03:40 PM
    Can anyone tell me what are the names of 2 games placed on the picture above the article. One is Tony Hawk i guess but the second? Thanks

    Oct 7, 07:11 PM
    yes, we can still be friends, and i am sorry about comparing you to hitler... i am jewish and know the seriousness of that!

    Apr 20, 08:56 PM
    Ive had macs sine the late 90's, ipad, all iphones etc.

    But this summer im getting the galaxy s2. But i like to customize stuff. I feel the iphone is generic. Everyone is the same with a different background.

    I feel they can do so much more with their os. And yes apple fanboys will say just wait for ios 5.0. Problem is we have this disucussion last year to.

    Also with honeycomb android actually made a tablet os. I hate that theipad is just a scaled version of the iphone os. Use the screenspace.

    Dont get me wrong. I love apple. But they have their shortcomings. Dunno why the iphone 5 (rumors) will get delayed. Then android will get a surge the next months.

    Also i feel sorry for those who are mindeless zombies and just buy whatever the company makes. That goes for both parts ofcourse.

    I jusr love the open feel of android. Play a 1080p mkv if i want. Download torrrnts. File system. Widgets, cusromaztion. And i love the apple ecosystem, just not how closed the experienced gets.

    I just hope we can respect people for having different taste, and jusr enjoy our purchase. And dont pick on eachother

    Apr 24, 11:49 AM
    I figured I'd use this wonderful Easter Sunday (a day spent celebrating the beginning of Spring and absolutely nothing else), to pose a question that I have.... What's the deal with religious people? After many a spirited thread about religion, I still can't wrap my head around what keeps people in the faith nowadays. I'm not talking about those people in third world nations, who have lived their entire lives under religion and know of nothing else. I'm talking about your Americans (North and South), your Europeans, the people who have access to any information they want to get (and some they don't) who should know better by now. And yet, in thread after thread, these people still swear that their way is the only way. No matter what logic you use, they can twist the words from their holy books and change the meaning of things to, in their minds, completely back up their point of view. Is it stubbornness, the inability to admit that you were wrong about something so important for so long? Is it fear? If I admit this is BS, I go to hell? Simple ignorance? Please remember, I'm not talking about just believing in a higher power, I mean those who believe in religion, Jews, Christian, etc.

    If you strike a bias and confrontational tone, you get one in return. ;)

    And people wonder why PRSI conversations revolve in endless circles, rehashing the same tired subject matter...

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