Saturday, May 21, 2011

newt gingrich young

newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • bboucher790
    May 5, 01:19 PM
    The important part of all this is we'll be able to do the .x updates without connecting our devices to iTunes, even if it means using WiFi.

    I'm guessing iOS 5 will offer patches, instead of the full OS, letting users sync on their carrier's network. It's true this update method is more dangerous, but I have a feeling Apple is working on a safe way to do this.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • edesignuk
    Oct 11, 07:05 AM
    Originally posted by TheFink
    I can say with certainty that it is NOT Intel's nor AMD's fault. Megahertz is a valid benchmark for performance in the PC world.
    I'd have to dissagree with you there, even in the x86 world Mhz is not a clear rating, take the P4 and XP+ for example.
    The top Intel CPU at the moment is 2.8Ghz, while the AMD 2600+ (2.13Ghz) is AMD's best offering, even though there is almost a 700Mhz speed difference there the AMD will still be as fast if not faster as the apparently (going by Mhz) supreme Intel.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Groovey
    Nov 7, 05:42 AM
    Hopefully it will come out within a fortnight otherwise it will be a long wait to MWSF :( I envisage just increased HD and possibly 1GB ram standard if it comes out within the fortnight. But if the C2D Macbook comes out MWSF there better be some decent upgrades! Maybe dedicated graphics card or at least the X3000.

    That's exactly the same hope I'm living in. I'd guess the update is just around the corner. They're just itching to get their hands on our money before christmas. And also that way we can keep whining about the lack of a GPU. But a tiny bump on RAM and HD wouldn't be bad! :)

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Kirkmedia
    Oct 16, 06:26 AM
    Yes, it would be rare for two people who hardly know each other to go start sticking icky things into icky parts of each other's bodies :rolleyes: :D

    My first impulse would be to clean the girls ear with my tongue after she
    shares my headphones.

    (Sorry I went there, couldn't help myself)

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • daveheinzel
    Mar 25, 12:37 PM
    Does this update my iPad to an iPad 2? Also does it come with onions? Because I don't like onions.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • ruy
    Sep 13, 12:22 AM
    The new nano is disappointing on its look. I prefer if they don't make any change from the old model. simply a nano size mini......

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Doozy
    Jan 11, 04:14 PM
    Wifi access to your home music library. It would be great to have my entire collection available on my iphone.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • emotion
    Jan 11, 05:25 PM
    ..hmm... as many of you know .mac has really been struggling in the past few months.


    Steve will announce an all new .mac service, with web based applications reserved solely for .mac members. Also a new feature will be the ability to store videos on your .mac which can be streamed to your iphone and AppleTV 2.


    I like the sound of that. I'd love apple to do something progressive with .mac.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • cerisier
    Aug 24, 08:28 PM
    I finally got through on the phone after waiting 45 minutes on hold.

    On a side note, is this the same battery they're recalling (and still selling)? :rolleyes:

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • zucka
    Oct 26, 08:26 PM
    I'm not sure if my macbook's shutdown apply to the ones being discussed, but I suppose that's my question. I received my macbook in early september, and within a week it started to freeze the screen intermittently, and after a few days became more and more frequent. BUT THEN it started giving me kernel panics often. Both issues built up until I was having to shut down my computer 7+ times in a day. These were all random occurrences with no links to running certain programs, etc. I sent it in to AppleCare and they replaced the HD (after I had already wiped it, reinstalled, and the problem started again). After a couple weeks of getting my serviced macbook back, the problem has started again from the start, starting slow and then happening 7+ times in a day. AppleCare has told me that there is nothing they can do until the problem becomes increasingly worse, to the point that they can reproduce the problem easily. This is very upsetting, since with the very consistent progression of these kernel panics (and freezes) will land right around my midterms....ANYONE have ANY suggestions here? I don't even know if this is in relation to the random shutdowns you're talking about... But I'm desperate here.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • milo
    Sep 12, 04:03 PM
    So the 60% brighter display is just a software update? :rolleyes:

    OK, so there are no added features, just minor things like tweaked display and battery. All the new functionality is just new software and available to the other 5G ipods. Is that better? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Gapless playback is a software update ????

    I believe so. I think someone has already posted that they tried it on their 5G and it worked.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Dreamer2go
    May 5, 12:58 AM
    Unless this is it:

    or else.....
    I DISLIKE the Avatarish 3D
    I hate wearing glasses to movie cinemas.......

    why do these tech people always mess up the word 3D???

    Long before, they called graphics of Warcraft III "3D"........ then now... 3D = things that pops out.........

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • AP_piano295
    Apr 2, 09:15 AM
    And if the US spent even a fraction of the $600 billion a year it spends on its military on aid then we'd all be better off - free mosquito nets for Africans would be a good start (

    I sometimes wonder what the world would be like today if over the last 30 years we had spent 80% of our military budget on actually productive shite.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Sep 4, 11:23 AM
    yeh, your right, its not like apple are microsoft or anything. full screen ipods shuld be easy to make in a year

    It did take them a full year to develop a bluetooth mouse so...:rolleyes: :p

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Eso
    Mar 29, 03:03 PM
    A couple years ago, 4G meant LTE. Now it means HSPA+. I have no doubt that the next iPhone will be 4G capable, but it won't be LTE. I doubt that delaying the typical launch would have anything to do with including 4G.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • peapody
    Oct 10, 03:27 PM

    Damn this shot makes me really miss my ipad. :(

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • CHINAdeals
    Oct 28, 01:29 AM
    'fixed' for me.

    ironically the DAY they released the macbook started shutting down intermittingly..

    instaleld fine so for the fans..they still go 'nuts' when i run a few videos on THAT normal?

    like they get pretty loud ugh

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • blunderboy
    Jul 6, 02:05 AM
    I doubt it. While multitouch is practical for handheld devices, it isn't for desktop computers. The idea just isn't ergonomically sound, and doesn't seem like the kind of thing Apple would do. iOS is pretty good for what it is�a simple, stripped-down interface that allows people to interact with handheld devices. It's not a replacement for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux distributions, or other desktop operating systems, and it would be foolhardy for Apple to conflate the two.

    I know that I personally would be pretty annoyed if Apple decided to make all its operating systems identical to iOS�I think there's a time and a place for multitouch, and a time and a place for desktop operating systems. God forbid iOS and Mac OS X merge.

    newt gingrich young. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • flyfish29
    Aug 24, 01:19 PM
    4-6 weeks

    i'm happy
    new battery ordered

    I can't find out what number I call to get my new battery- what is it?????

    scratch that- I found it, but not it is too busy to take my call and disconnected me and links all are broken right now too- I guess you can do it online as well- but can't get it to load.

    Nov 27, 09:48 AM
    Lets hope they remaster them - the stereo effects on the original versions can be really painful on a pair of headphones.

    While it can seem weird by todays standards... I think it's great to be able to critically listen to them as originally recorded to see what fantastic work and pioneers they were in the studio arena.

    Sep 23, 10:14 AM
    I don't get it - if Wal-mart doesn't sell something does that mean no-one will buy it - at all? Just go elsewhere to get what you want.

    Disclaimer: I am not defending Wal-Mart I think they have some very poor business practices and I rarely shop there.

    In rural America a lot of the time there is not other choice than Wal-Mart. I know people that drive 40 miles to get to a town that has a Wal-Mart to do all their shopping. It would be over 100 miles to get to a city with a BestBuy or some other store that sells DVDs. For a lot of people, if they don't have it at Wal-Mart, it doesn�t exist. I know this is sad but it is true.

    I know Wal-Mart has a lot of bad practices, they treat their employees like crap, kill small companies that can�t meet there supply requirements, etc. But, just a reminder, they are (for the most part) operating WITHIN THE LAW. So if you really disagree with what Wal-Mart does, you should contact your legislator and ask them to support laws that curtail these activities or contact your local district attorney's office if you think they are breaking the law.

    Mr. DG
    Oct 15, 03:57 PM
    Another point - is that article cut down from a larger piece? The interviewer did a really bad job of following up the tough questions - he just let Jobs spin the answer (very skilfully, granted) into an Apple advert. No pushing for answers, just a change of topic.

    Mar 24, 06:03 PM
    Don't be too thrilled. His wife now might made him sell it for the $1000+ dollars he can get on ebay. :)


    OMG, that's funny!! And it'll probably happen!

    Mar 15, 10:39 AM
    I was really thinking about an iMac, but I'm considering a Sony Vaio laptop with an IPS monitor from a 3rd party. I'll definitely wait to see what Apple comes out with this week, though.

    Whenever anyone posts on here that they're thinking of going Windows, a lot of people either shout TROLL! or say: fine, goodbye.

    I still feel like it's a shame to leave Macs behind. Still, again I have to say that Windows 7 offers a lot more to the Mac-learned creative community than any other version from Microsoft.**

    **Other than maybe Windows 2000 pro in its heyday... nice solid system that got out of your way.

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