Saturday, May 21, 2011

may 21st calendar

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  • filmantopia
    Apr 13, 04:48 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Spoken like a 12 year old :rolleyes:

    Owning software /= professional. Skill and natural talent for editing make you a professional. A real pro can cut footage on any system, any piece of software and doesn't rely on apps to do it for them. It's a tool that they use to do what they do faster and more efficiently so they can maximize their time/profits.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 6, 08:29 AM
    When they come out and we both buy one, can we have a little MacRumours party topic? We can dance all night long! ;)

    I would be so happy!
    I'll wait for the Media Centre Edition to ship - that's one of the "super secret" parts of OSX 10.5 that hasn't been shown.

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  • NoNothing
    Mar 28, 11:38 PM
    I'm not sure many would agree with you on that. Apple has always been a hardware company. Just because their software drives their hardware doesn't mean they are software focused. If they were primarily a software company, they would have gone the way of Microsoft and put out MacOS to run on any generic PC box. But we all know their take on that. Just to drive my point home, when was the last time Apple released a piece of software that people went nuts about and stood in lines for hours to get?

    The iPad 2? Do you really think it just he hardware?

    I am going out on a limb here and say you are both wrong. Hardware. Software. Hardware. Software.

    The truth is Apple is neither a hardware nor a software company. They are what we in engineering call a Systems Company. A systems company is a company that designs both the hardware and software of disconnected devices. A systems integrator is a company that designs systems of disconnected devices without actually designing the hardware or software. A company like Boeing is a systems integrator. They do not actually build many of the piece parts and write little, if any, of the software on planes like the 787, they simply assemble systems delivered by various vendors. Dell is a systems integrator.

    Apple, on the other hand, designs the software in the form of OS X, iOS, XCode, Aperture, iPod OS... and they do design the hardware in the form of custom ASICS for memory controllers, the Apple A4/A5, batteries, cases, specify screens (retina is not COTS) and so on.

    They also design protocols for communications like AirPlay, FaceTime, Bojour and so on. These are the pieces to put the individual parts together. This is what makes Apple one of the few system companies left in the world. This is what gives Apple their competitive advantage. This is what makes Apple so amazingly hard to duplicate. Apple's primary competitive advantage is most higher-ups simply do not know what a systems company is. It is a lost art in companies leaving the crazies of the Jack Welsh school of management scratching their head.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 17, 06:36 AM
    It's both sad and sickening to see how many Apple fanboys are elitists who only want Apple products to be sold at upscale stores. Such fanboys want Apple products to be regarded as high-end fashion accessories and status symbols. What a shame that Apple has such a feminized culture associated with it. I miss the days when Apple products were regarded as tools for accomplishing tasks.

    Seems like you have your own special elitism. However, I don't think true Apple fans care where it's products are sold. I know I certainly don't. I have liked Apple products since the early 80s. I'm in it for the technology and productivity. The day they leave that harbor I'm out, regardless of whatever special status the brand may hold. But I have seen no evidence of that happening. Apple products may be more mainstream now than 15 years ago, but they help me be as productive as ever.

    Good luck to you guys. As far as stocks for the general population, what a completely botched release by Apple.
    In Australia I've checking regularly. Initially after the first handful were released, their web site has shown 3-4 weeks, that was up for 2 weeks, then dropped to 2-3 weeks, which has now been up for 2 weeks+
    Be nice to have some sort of very rough idea!!

    Err... seems like a broad estimate like "2-3 weeks" is a rough idea. It's also not a long time. If people would just order and get on with their life there would be no need to hunt and peck and moan.

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  • macchiato2009
    May 5, 05:02 AM
    Just put a retina display into the next revision! The same PPI is not needed hence the greater viewing distance, but 1024x768 is noticeable after using the iPhone 4.

    yeah definitely !

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  • netdog
    Nov 27, 11:57 AM
    �10 says Paul and maybe Ringo will have a live video hookup into MacWorld 2007 to announce the exclusive.

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  • pkagel
    Apr 17, 01:52 PM
    Toys R Us is where I bought my C-64 back in the day and I'm pretty sure I got my TI99-4/a there before that. I'd buy an iPad at Toys R Us, why the heck not.

    I guess you're too young to remember Children's Palace or the Sears Christmas catalog :) Used to be that's where you'd go to browse, play with, and buy your Atari 400 or Vic-20.

    Back to the present: hold on to your hat, this is going to blow you away, but Toys R Us already sells...the iPod Touch!!!!

    I don't know why you would expect them to not also sell its big brother, the hottest toy / gadget to be found? It's for kids, you know?

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  • wnurse
    Aug 8, 10:35 PM
    Instead of the headline reading macbook hacked in 60 seconds it should of read x vendor welcome to your lawsuit we promise it wont last 60 seconds!

    The macbook was hacked in 60 seconds. Why it was hacked or whoose software was responsible is irrelevant. The macbook was HACKED, PERIOD!.
    End of story.

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  • mrgstiffler
    May 4, 11:41 PM
    I want to see wifi syncing first...

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  • bloodycape
    Aug 2, 11:07 PM
    Is this just the only for the Macbook, or is the macbook pro also affected?

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  • R.Perez
    Mar 10, 09:47 PM
    The budget exercise lets you feel like a politician. I was disappointed that there was no entry box for my pork barrel projects and pay raise.

    I glad you guys enjoyed this. I figured that exercise was the perfect counter to that neo-liberal nonsense that 5pt posted.

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  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 2, 05:37 PM
    Let my voice ring clear, loud, and somber: this is not the time to be an Apple apologist. To sit back and blame a component manufacturer is to lose the point of power which comes from taking total responsibility for a shipping product, a feat which no PC manufacturer or Microsoft have ever attempted or likely will.

    We and Apple should take our lumps as they have been served to us, thank these people for pointing out a weakness, apologize, strengthen and move on.

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  • greenstork
    Aug 3, 05:26 PM
    BTW, even if I believed that Apple was going to come out with an Apple cellphone (and I don't (, I've never seen so many people absolutely convinced of the existance of an unlikely product.), WWDC would unquestionably be a bad place to announce it. If you believe such a thing exists, wait for an appropriate consumer-oriented show or a special event.

    An Apple phone that runs on some sort of mobile OS X should be released at a developer's conference. Presumably, developers will write applications for a new mobile platform.

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  • steezy1337
    Oct 26, 08:35 AM
    Are you satisfied with your Beats by Dre ?

    i LOVE them! they're by far the best headphones i've ever had, although the bass does seem kind of exaggerated at times but this is perfect for me as i love lots of bass. the sound leak isn't too bad unless you're playing them at full volume but because of the sound isolation you never really need to turn it up all that much.

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  • simie
    Aug 30, 03:28 AM
    Here is some more details

    News Source: Canada has released pricing for Windows Vista. Windows Vista Ultimate is listed at $499 Canadian which translates into $450.36 in USD. Home Premium is listed at $299 or $269.86 USD, Vista Ultimate Upgrade is priced at $299 or $269.86 USD, while Home Premium Upgrade is $199 or $179.60 USD.. has all prices online for pre-order. They've also listed a launch date, which apparently is January 30th, 2007.

    Edition Regular Price Additional License Upgrade Price Additional License
    Ultimate $399.00 $359.00 $259.00 $233.00
    Business $299.00 $269.00 $199.95 $179.00
    Home Premium $239.00 $215.00 $159.00 $143.00
    Home Basic $199.00 $179.00 $99.95 $89.95

    Anyone know the UK pricing?

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  • Yankees 4 Life
    Jan 11, 04:58 PM
    "something in the air" sounds like Steve Jobs farted. I don't think the wait for that could be long enough.

    hahahaha that would be hilarious

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  • Keebler
    Sep 22, 12:54 PM
    Last I checked this kind of anti-competitive action was illegal under monopoly laws...

    you might be right...wasn't MS hit with something similar? It's not fair for a distributor to threaten the product producer (OMG..that is bad english, but you know what i mean).

    i actually think it's funny b/c the studios don't like to be told what to do by anyone. if using Apple helps distribute their products, i highly doubt they'll listen to wal-mart or anyone for that matter.

    it would be interesting to know whether or not WM has specific distribution deals with studios which has language indicating the studios can't distribute.

    in the end, it just looks pathetically whiny by WM to cry about this. "OH..we can't sell online so nobody else is allowed...that's not fair." blah blah boo hoo.



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  • hoppo99
    Jul 24, 06:40 PM
    I would say this is probably not for books. We already have audiobooks after all and reading a book from a screen is not ideal. Where this really would be useful is for articles and blogs, in fact this could be linked up with Safari so that you could download the RSS feed of your favourite sites to read on the go. This would be a great feature and could be a free part of the iTMS (in need of a new name perhaps) like podcasts. Movies will be problematic because of battery life, they're going to deplete any battery very quickly compared to music and even more if with text. Would be a great feature and to keep at least one step ahead of the competition.

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  • p0intblank
    Sep 22, 02:01 PM
    Target is better anyway. :)

    Nov 3, 01:14 AM
    if Adobe can get it's s*** together and make Flash work on OS X, then I would be more opposed to Apple's reluctance to see it ported to iPhone.

    Sep 6, 09:37 AM
    you people are never happy...

    Apr 2, 05:32 AM
    Wooohooo hallelujah about friggin time it got a decent camera and if it's the same one as whats in the Xperia Arc then this is the best news ever. let's hope apple let you have the full feature set and options.

    Nov 23, 11:39 PM
    I wonder if anyone payed 1.29 for revolution number nine.

    Steve Jobs=God
    Jan 11, 05:13 PM
    All this talk about what the main products are gonna be

    I'm more excited about the 'one more thing...' to be honest, that is usually always the thing that bowls me over

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