Saturday, May 21, 2011

journey greatest hits limited gold edition

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  • Warbrain
    Nov 8, 09:51 AM
    Just goes to show that what Apple says about how much faster stuff is a load of bull. How come the MBP is 39% faster and the MB only 25%. Theyre the same chips at the same speeds arent they?

    What im trying to say is the MB should be 39% faster than the previous one right?


    In actuality, the speed increase is only 10 percent instead of 25-39 percent.

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  • Chosenbydestiny
    Nov 8, 01:52 AM
    I just want the graphics card to be more than a lame 64MB. Every other manufacturer on the planet has at least 128 in their notebooks shared or otherwise.

    I would buy a Macbook in a heart beat if they did that. Hell... With the money I'll save from buying a Macbook pro I might get two one black and one white.

    I would actually take that kind of change over an HD or RAM boost since that's
    one of the components you can't upgrade.

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  • Don Kosak
    May 4, 11:27 PM
    man i wish 3D would just disappear...

    Cover one eye?

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  • kinster
    Nov 8, 08:41 AM
    UK store is up :)

    Black or White C2D?

    The black one is only £20 cheaper than same spec white one if you upgrade it to 120gb HD.

    Which colour to get? :confused:

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  • bobsentell
    May 5, 07:59 AM
    Anything that removes iTunes from the equation is a win....

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  • e-coli
    Aug 8, 08:30 PM
    The one thing to remember is that this is a Developer's Conference so there is not going to be a lot of pizazz with flashy announcements. There was not a whole lot of new mind-blowing things announced so he could have been a little bit bored with it.

    Bored with such trivial things as THE OPERATING SYSTEM that runs his entire corporation! I highly doubt that's the case.

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  • Chrispy
    Oct 26, 06:14 PM
    My old roommate's macbook started shutting down randomly last night. She is not pleased to say the least. Quality control... it is a beautiful thing... something Apple should give a try sometime haha!

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  • pdxplm
    Nov 8, 08:50 AM
    Yep, been trying to decide IMac vs MBP, but will now get a Macbook and get the Imac the first of the year! WOOHOO...

    One thing positive, I can donate my old IBM Laptop to the Humaine Society! Going to a good cause AND a tax deduction!:)

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  • BC2009
    Apr 13, 03:55 PM
    If it's shipping in June, even June 30, how can it not be near final form? I mean when a developer tells me s/w is "nowhere near final form" I'm thinking early beta at best. But 2.5 months from release (assume June 30) shouldn't it be in the bug testing phases and everything else locked up?

    Coming from a software developer, it is very likely they are doing a concurrent development model whereby they integrate features from different source branches into the main branch one at a time. During this process you periodically "reverse integrate" the main branch into your feature branch to ensure your feature branch is functioning properly. When you complete a feature branch that has the latest main branch features integrated, you test the build within the feature branch, ensure it works, and then integrate into the main branch to make the new feature available to the other feature branches.

    If the "missing" features are relatively orthogonal to one another then it is very likely that when this "main branch" was built in February, that testing of the missing features was already well underway on separate builds within each feature branch. However, you don't integrate into the main branch until you believe the feature branch is bug free.

    So if they have major other things to integrate into the main release branch, then they should have all at been at about 98% code-completion in the February time frame, but still undergoing quality testing and bug-fix iterations. There is no way they are slapping new things on at the last minute other than fixes to defects they find.

    My bet is that the "missing features" are tied to other things they don't want to announce yet because it might reveal some of their strategy in other areas (i.e.: things like integration with iOS 5, cloud services, or iTunes or whatever -- who knows). There is obviously something they are holding back that Apple seems to feel is a big deal.

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  • MrFrankly
    Aug 24, 03:39 PM
    Is there anyone who actually got his serial number to be confirmed as a faulty one? I keep getting a " This serial number is invalid or does not qualify for the program."

    While my serial number starts with 6C5353... which as far as I can check fits into the range of valid iBook battery serial numbers.

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  • longofest
    Aug 29, 09:55 AM
    Amazon ( has Vista available for Preorder at the above-mentioned prices

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 12, 09:23 AM
    [QUOTE=Sydde;12126014]Probably not, though, because then our tech-toy upgrade cycles would be much less regular, we would have to fix more stuff instead of replacing it, and there would simply not be enough margin to maintain the crucial upper class. So, yeah, practically speaking, we have to./QUOTE]

    One wonders how Japan, the third largest economy in the world, does it?

    They are just as tech-toy advanced as the United States... if not more.

    And they manage to do it while spending only 0.9% ( of their GDP on defense ($46 billion) while the United States spends 4.3% ( ($663 billion).

    How is China growing into the next economic superpower while only spending 2% ( of its GDP ($99 billion) on defense?

    See, I think you have it backwards. You see our massive defense spending as propping up our economy. I think a closer examination will reveal that it is instead is instead, dragging us down.

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  • cootersgarage6
    Mar 18, 09:06 PM
    You guys are missing a huge point. A couple actually. There not going to take away the high storage and only leave people with a 64GB option, because people would buy the 120GB Zune. Have you ever though that they are going to release a huge 10 year anaversery or something? Also, so what? It's been 2 years since an upgrade. Why freak out? It's a classic, it doesn't need to do anything more. Also, the Zune HD and other Zunes haven't been updated in over 3 years,,, many products just don't need them right now.

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  • SandboxGeneral
    Mar 21, 01:27 PM
    It's doubtful that that return excuse can ever be used again. Too funny!

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  • JAT
    May 5, 10:15 AM
    well considering the CFO of verizon said the unlimited data plans were not a long term solution, yeah it's pretty feasible to think that they won't keep it around forever.

    So...are you on VZW? Do you actually have a care in this matter, or is it just another way to rant on others?

    AT&T still has people on $30 unlimited because they are grandfathered in. So will VZW, if they actually change the plans.

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  • adztaylor
    Mar 21, 01:35 PM
    Haha, very funny story and great PR move by Apple. As someone said above I doubt anyone can use this excuse again haha!

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  • Compatiblepoker
    Jul 23, 12:58 AM
    I'm personally not a huge fan of ebooks in the first place but on an iPod....come on. Too much strain for me.

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  • roxygal9
    Mar 11, 05:42 PM

    I think it could still happen, though. I still believe AppleMayhem had a credible story, and he said the 16th would be the day. Here's hoping.

    Im with u on that, but if apple mayhem was wrong he should ...

    If they do release mbp tomorrow/tuesday how many of u all are going to order an ipad too?

    Perhaps apple is trying to lure us in by the wait and then the relief when they come out...

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  • solarguy17
    Mar 28, 01:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I used to work at RS and really it was pretty good place to work. It was commission but I always made around $10 or so an hour. Yeah, it maybe overpriced but generally the employees are more intelligent then BB employees and way better then WM employees.

    Walmart is way worse the RS.

    Aug 3, 04:00 PM
    I have it on relatively good authority that they change the banner after the keynote. Seems ridiculous to me though.

    Mar 25, 12:39 PM
    Seriously. What happened to the support for the VZW iPhone? All this talk of fragmentation. Now we have essentially the same phone, on different software generations. What gives? I guess we really are the red-headed step child.

    I think that the Verizon iphone was so secretive that the iOS group didn't even know about it... once the VZW iphone was released, the iOS group now has to incorporate the changes...

    May 5, 11:58 AM
    No thanks - 3D gives me headaches.

    Agreed, can't stand 3D.

    I'd rather have a retina display than an element that gives me more grief. Well, hopefully this rumor won't turn out to be true > or if it does, maybe it could be a built to order option.

    Or like the poster above said, if you can switch it off, then maybe I'll roll with it. Unless, of course, this will raise the price of the iPad and/or the content itself.

    Mar 18, 05:17 PM
    I see no need for it when you have an outstanding product like the iPod Touch.

    Nov 12, 05:17 PM
    I can totally understand his frustration. His job is to make his application better. When there is a big bug that sneaks into the application but isn't caught before the release of the app. You discover it after several people complain (and several in FB terms is probably thousands) but you can fix the problem in an hour. But then you need to wait 2-3 weeks for the application to be approved by apple. In the mean time you can't do jack **** because the app store is completely controlled by Apple. Oh and the user has to deal with the bug until Apple approves the update which at the current rate can be anywhere from a week to three weeks (or more as noted below).

    His job is made harder because of Apple's BS. Why would you want your job to be harder than it needs to be? Of course you don't want your job to be harder. So why say that his job should be any different than your own.

    Nevermind the other developers out there like Cerulean Studio's who haven't heard a single peep from Apple about their Trillian app for the iPhone for over 3 months. THREE MONTHS.

    It's pretty clear that while one developer has the capability to be reassigned to better things, not all developers are. As a result he chose to make his life easier. Others can't, but my guess is that if they had the choice they too would switch away from the App Store.

    Look at Steven Frank (from Panic) who tried to ditch the iPhone for philosophical reasons as well. He wasn't able to leave. But my guess is his success rate would be higher now with the newer Android devices (Droid and Droid Eris/Hero).

    This isn't just one developer having problems. It's a LOT of big developers who are seeing issues. meanwhile more fart apps, flashlight apps and trash are loaded up on the store for no good reason. But those who actually want to make your life easier are getting nothing but grief (or in the case of Cerulean Studios' NOTHING).

    Look at the bigger picture is what I'm saying.

    I seem to remember though, the initial wait was 2 weeks, but when the app had errors, and resubmitted, Apple jumped on the fixes, and knocked them out pretty quickly, within a day of each submission. I may be wrong here, but I don't think I am.

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