Saturday, May 21, 2011


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  • griz
    Mar 28, 08:42 PM
    Apple is at the core a software company.

    I'm not sure many would agree with you on that. Apple has always been a hardware company. Just because their software drives their hardware doesn't mean they are software focused. If they were primarily a software company, they would have gone the way of Microsoft and put out MacOS to run on any generic PC box. But we all know their take on that. Just to drive my point home, when was the last time Apple released a piece of software that people went nuts about and stood in lines for hours to get?

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  • Warbrain
    Aug 24, 01:32 PM
    Doesn't matter. I think the script they were using was broken anyway. I tried to enter my affected serial number a bunch of ways and it wouldn't accept it. My guess is that they took the site down to fix the issue.

    Or it could be because the story hit the front page of Digg :)


    Yea, the page is probably digg****ed as well as being destroyed by MacRumors, AppleInsider, Engadget, TUAW, Think Secret, Slashdot, etc.

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  • Unspeaked
    Sep 22, 03:14 PM
    I agree - for me this is what cemented my extreme aversion to going anywhere near a Walmart. If they could essentially put Rubbermaid (the Number 1 rated US company at the time) out of business, then they unfortuantely do wield too much control over the retail business. Until i saw the Frontline episode I wondered why Rubbermaid had become junk and couldn't find the selection that used to be available.

    They seem to go after just about every niche there is. Just look at the latest news of selling generic prescription drugs for $4 for a 30 day supply. It looks again to be a hook to get people into their stores. They say it covers 300 different drugs, but in reality it is only 124 medicines but in a variety of doses. So they may end up with 12 out of those 300 being different versions of amoxicillin. Some popular drugs aren't included, like Zocor. But all the gullible masses will see is $4 PRESCRIPTIONS!!

    Your points would mean more if it was a big secret that Walmart bullies their suppliers and sells low quality products.

    As it stands, *everyone* knows they abuse their suppliers, *everyone* knows they sell the absolute lowest quality merchandise from various Asian sweatshops and *everyone* knows they aren't very good to their employees.

    Yet people happily go there and spend money in droves, because as much as they dislike a large company bullying other companies (and in this case, the competition) and as much as they dislike supporting sweatshops or a bad employer, they dislike wasting their meager paycheck on markups even more.

    It's the same Starbucks mentality that fills the world with hypocrisy.

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  • Darth.Titan
    Nov 12, 01:56 PM
    I predict this will be a hot thread for discussion. I'll admit that the app approval process leaves me a bit cold, and is in dire need of some changes.

    Perhaps devs jumping ship will spur Apple to action.

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  • afornander
    Sep 12, 08:34 PM
    STOP THE FLAMING:mad: :D ;)

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  • MarlboroLite
    Jan 11, 04:35 PM
    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh it's the iPlane. How clueless can people be?!

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  • baleensavage
    Sep 12, 02:59 PM
    Has anyone seen anything about being able to redownload TV shows we already purchased with the higher resolution. I haven't seen anything, but if Apple doesn't offer this, I'll be pretty peeved off as I just bought these shows recently.

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  • shardey
    Apr 2, 01:21 AM
    The iPhone 4's 5 mp camera has superior quality against its competitors 8mp. The reason being is that the quality of the lens that is in the iPhone is higher than the opposing. I hope to see crystal clear hdr photos and 1080p 30fps video. 1080p on the next iPad would rock!

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  • YourHerojb
    May 5, 10:49 PM
    With this 3D facetracking display being rumored, the first thing I thought of was the future of iPad gaming.
    Imagine playing a game, where instead of moving the right analog to change the camera angle, you just move your head to look around the corner.
    (come on everybodys tried it with there tv at least once :P)

    But then I came upon the fact that the placing of the cam on the ipad would pretty much prevent landscape mode since your thumb would be in the way.
    Then of course, theres the new smart cover or any docking system, you could prop it up in landscape mode and use some sort of bluetooth controller or maybe an iPhone as a controller to your iPad.

    I would be so impressed.

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  • Solfeggio4
    Mar 19, 12:44 PM
    I see them thinking that the iPod line should definitely move to a 100% touch-screen interface. However, like many people have already said, sometimes you just want a music player. I love having my entire music collection in my bag at any time with the Classic. They should keep it until they can truly beef up the capacity for the the Touch.

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  • notjustjay
    Sep 22, 01:20 PM
    It's all fun and games until someone wakes up with a dead horse head in their bed.

    But seriously... $9.99 to $12.99 movie downloads when I can go over to any store (like, oh, say, Wal-Mart) and buy the real deal for a buck or two more? Just how in God's name is this a threat to them?! Wal-Mart's smartest move would be to drop their DVD prices by that buck or two, until they cost the SAME or LESS than online downloads.

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  • AP_piano295
    Apr 27, 03:15 PM
    Did you notice how he put it? "On the media"?

    Skunk you can be a good liberal and recognize the disparities in how our society treats/views different races, while also recognizing the very real presence of disparities in group behavior(s).

    The graph at the bottom of this page shows that black persons are on average 5 times more likely to commit violent crimes than white persons.

    This problem is REAL the media may dis-proportionately report on crimes done by black men. That doesn't mean the disparity doesn't exist. There is something wrong here and refusing to acknowledge the problem will not make it go away.

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  • slinger1968
    Aug 31, 03:29 PM
    It is good news, at 400 buckeroos people will go "Wa!!" and look at the price tag of a Mac Mini, figuring Macs are not so expensive after all.How is it good news?

    General consumers aren't going to buy a $400 retail version of windows Vista. They will wait to get the new OS untill they purchase a new machine and Vista will be included (or an available upgrade) at an oem price level.

    This retail pricing of Vista is about the same as the retail price of XP. But who cares, the vast majority of people don't buy windows retail.

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  • NYY FaN
    Oct 15, 05:06 PM
    On the last page of Part 12 I posted a setup that is located in my home office (mainly used by my wife). Different room.

    I decided to update my own office (kind of) with a brand spanking new iMac which is replacing my late 2009 Macbook Pro.

    Old Specs Macbook Pro 17":
    2.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
    4GB RAM
    500GB + 80GB SSD ( took it out before selling)
    Nvidia 9400M + 9600M

    New Specs iMac:
    2.93Ghz i7
    8GB RAM
    1TB Hard Drive + (still want my 80GB SSD inside this baby, but difficult to do so!)
    ATI Radeon HD 5750 1GB

    So far, so good.

    The speakers are also still there, but these are not shown in the picture.

    This is an old/new comparison.

    Mind the quality, but my iPhone 4 broke (will be replaced) on me so I used an old iPhone first generation.

    I kept the iPad 64Gb Wifi.

    Feedback is always welcome. :D

    Just curious.. why would you put the iMac inside the window and block it entirely? Seems a bit odd

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  • BigBeast
    Apr 2, 06:50 AM
    A crap camera will never take a great picture, despite the hands it is in. It might take something vaguely enigmatic on some level, but with bad lens, inability to capture colors, or faulty mechanics/electronic, it will be nothing more than a crippling piece of equipment.

    A good photographer can frame, layer, focus the subject, and compose well. Yes, you don't need a "good" camera for those qualities, but you need a well-creafted camera to back up and improve on the photographer's skills.

    Sorry to say, but your are mistaken. People have been taking phenomenal photos without the cameras sold today. Cameras of yesterday were not as accurate nor precise as they are today, yet incredible photos have been taken for quite some time. How is that?

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  • jacobo007
    Mar 29, 12:46 AM
    Apple is at the core a software company.

    No, Apple is a hardware company.

    Both of you are wrong, Apple is a vertical systems integrator and vendor.

    Apple is a marketing company above all else.

    The truth is Apple is a Systems Company.


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  • Warbrain
    Aug 24, 01:25 PM
    Bummer - 14" iBook is not affected. No new battery for me.

    My thoughts exactly. Makes me wonder why the 14" iBook isn't affected.

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  • TigerWoodsIV
    Mar 22, 12:52 AM
    They definitely just need to have an update to 220 GBs that was previously discussed here. Idk what I'd do. The biggest iPod Touch is way too small and way more money.

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  • hiyel
    Sep 12, 02:21 PM
    I just installed it on my PC, restarted, and it said:
    "Quicktime 7.00d0 is installed, iTunes needs at least QT 7.1.3" where infact the setup file is supposed to install QT 7.1.3.
    Uninstalled, reinstalled and restarted several times but no luck...

    Mar 11, 08:03 PM
    Update: 9 to 5 Mac now reports that the cited source may have been a hoax, although it notes that it has received multiple tips of a MacBook Pro release in the very near future.


    Nov 9, 05:08 AM
    I think it's ironic all this Apple not liking Flash business when the iPod/Nike+ pages are some of the most Flash-heavy sites I've seen. :confused:

    Oct 15, 04:38 PM
    When you look at Steve Job's odyssey from being Apple's CEO, bringing in Sculley, getting stabbed in the back and booted from his own company.

    Jobs goes off on his own, founds Next computer, develops innovative hardware, makes alliances with the likes of George Lucas, founds Pixar and comes up with hit movie after hit movie.

    Meanwhile Apple goes through the dark ages, predictions of Apple going belly up, they beg Steve Jobs to come back to the helm.

    Jobs returns to Apple, gets to work and turns the company around with some of the most inspiring products (iMac) and great market presence.

    Then his team comes up with the marvelous iPod. The Macintosh lineup is arguable the best in the PC world.

    Things would have been much less interesting if Steve didn't have to make this difficult trek. Sometimes what looks bad can be the beginning of something great if you don't give up.
    That is sooooo true. Without Jobs, apple would be in the *******.

    Apr 18, 09:31 AM
    I am a Transplant Physician at a University Hospital. I, and several others at my Medical Center use the iPad to access our Electronic Medical Record at the patients bedside, take notes and access reference material.

    The most recent issue of the Mayo Alumni Newsletter focussed on that institution's implementation of mobile technology (specifically iPhones & iPads) in delivering more efficient patient care.

    Thanks for the reply. I think this is great. I would love to do the same, but from my experience it seems that academic centers are extremely slow to adopt new technology. There is just too much red tape when it comes to hipaa.

    Mar 29, 02:38 AM
    Wasn't Tandy sort of a big name in computers back in the 80's? It seems like when I was little quite a few people had Tandy computers from RS.

    I had a TRS-80 Color Computer 2 around 1984 when I was 11 and later a Tandy 1000HX. I loved radio shack, not sure why all the hate from here... Being a real store of course an adapter, wire, or plug will cost more from them; but they usually have them in stock and will take returns if it is wrong. I went looking for a few obscure parts and they do still stock them, its just they are in the long pull-out drawers so its not so obvious what they have. Plus they are usually kept up nice and are local; I wish Apple could partner with them for computer sales as well. The local store orders food from my restaurant all the time, so I would love to give them business.

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