Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bin Laden Not Armed and Wife Not Killed: White House Backtracks on Official Account of al Qaeda Raid

At CNN, "Bin Laden unarmed when killed, White House says," and New York Times, "White House Corrects Bin Laden Narrative."

That's a really big lie, that Osama resisted U.S. forces. And why? The administration didn't want backlash against targeted assassination? How lame? The president's been doing so well. I didn't think I'd be going back to calling him "Obambi" so soon. Sheesh.

And from Jimmy Bise at Hot Air, "The Story Shifts on the Abbottabad Raid; UPDATE: Carney Revises Again, Says There Was “Resistance” from bin Laden." (Via Memeorandum.)

ADDED: Well, maybe this was just epic incompetence. See Michelle, "Brennan and the bin Laden story bungle":
Why the changes? As the famous situation room photo shows, Brennan was in the room watching the raid video along with President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and others.

He probably disclosed more than he should have and it’s possible his betters were forced to walk back his comments for opsec reasons. What’s your best, good-faith guess?
I'll update if I find more info, but my best guess is that the White House embellished --- as if our Spec-Ops guys needed that?

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