Friday, May 20, 2011

billy graham library

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  • toddybody
    Apr 14, 10:38 AM
    And all the Apple haters claim the "iToys" are responsible for the immense growth. Nah, people just want a PC that works and its called a Mac!

    Totally, cause Windows doesnt work...users are just pretending :rolleyes:

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  • sidewinder
    Nov 13, 12:29 PM
    I'm seriously amazed that ANYONE is defending Apple here.


    Have you not understood a single post discussing the merits of Apple approving apps? The simple fact is that it is a good idea. Apple's execution is somewhat flawed and could certainly be improved.


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  • twoodcc
    Mar 25, 01:26 PM
    i never really noticed any battery issues, but i'll install this anyways

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  • AxisOfBeagles
    Mar 8, 12:16 PM
    and yet another from this weekend's visit to Loreto ...

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  • FadeToBlack
    Sep 12, 06:54 PM
    Is it just me or do the colors seem brighter than the Mini's? It could just be my screen.

    They look brighter to me, as well. Can't wait to get my Silver one!

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  • ImNoSuperMan
    Sep 6, 08:26 AM
    Did the stores go down today as well like yesterday????

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  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 7, 10:49 PM
    I'm curious to know whether these Top Secret features have been excluded from the developer preview as well........

    Would they purposefully give developers a beta with striped down features?

    And if the point of not publicly releasing them is that they dont want Microsoft to copy the features but they DO include those features in the developer preview, I have to imagine that Microsoft will see those features as I assume it is an official Apple developer and would receive these materials!

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  • Sydde
    Mar 11, 05:28 PM
    So the military is too big to fail?

    The President's opinion on the matter: Video ( and transcript (

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  • bpran
    Mar 12, 06:39 AM
    Hong Kong Apple store also down!

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  • reckless_0001
    Mar 25, 05:18 PM
    Yes, it does.

    For whom doesn't understand what we are talkin' about: There is a way to enable 4~5 fingers gesture function which is allowed only for developers. Purchase Xcode($4.99) from Mac App Store, install it, connect the iPad to the USB port and Xcode will recognize your iPad and there is a button asks you to use this iPad for development purpose. Click it and it will ask your developer ID but you can simply click cancel, it will anyway continue the procedure to enable the function. After that, go to the preference - general on you iPad, you will get to see the option for the 4~5 fingers gesture. I personally think, it is worth more than $5.

    Dude, Just set up a free Apple Developer account then download it for free from ADC. :)

    EDIT: My bad. Guess it's not free, I'm pretty sure I had an account before.

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  • mufflon
    Oct 15, 03:24 PM
    Did anyone love this quote?

    That was definetly a really sweet quote, steve jobs must really been on a emotional rampage - really nice considering all the stale and boring business related interviews (featuring other people than steve jobs that is) that one is able to read from time to time - a nice spark of sunshine from a dark sky.

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 19, 12:11 PM
    This thing turned Apple around, and turned them into the cash carrying monster they are today.

    Actually Time Travel made Apple the success they are today.

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  • iTravis
    Apr 2, 01:54 AM
    U Mad? :confused:

    My sentiments exactly. . .

    It probably was a typo though, I don't see how iPhone 4 users are complaining, if anything it's the people going to be off contract I.E the 3GS crowd.
    Regardless if people want the latest in tech it's their business. I can't wait to upgrade though :p

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  • eb6
    Nov 8, 09:15 AM
    wednesday is sooo the new tuesday!:eek:

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  • mlblacy
    Apr 12, 07:27 AM
    The very world/country you live in is build on greed, theft, slavery...and here's something new for you but your probably supporting it every day. But hey whatever you do make sure not to download anything you haven't payed for

    Screw it i pay a monthly bill that allows me access to the in my twisted mind i believe that since i payed for the internets, everything that is downloadable is legit :D

    so, because I live in the US I can't think something is morally corrupt?
    That is an interesting perspective, especially since you have no idea what my political & moral beliefs are...

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  • heron88
    Mar 1, 02:10 AM
    Photobucket, Flickr, etc. None of them accurately show the color in this photo as I see it straight off of the card. It's a lot warmer before the upload. Oh well:cool:

    East Tennessee:

    f/11 1/500 ISO250 66mm

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  • yankeex777
    Mar 29, 09:01 AM
    Will ATT have signifigant enough LTE coverage by then? Or would and LTE iPhone only be offered to Verizon?

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  • Cinch
    Sep 6, 10:16 AM
    As a MBP owner who bought a rev1 model right when they came out -- and has been sending it in to fix its many, many problems constantly, and is now seeing it lag behind the iMacs in speed and power -- I feel like I bought a lemon. Thanks, Apple, for pissing in my face.

    I feel the same way with my black MacBook, which is awaiting a DHL box. I guess there was something behind those who say they'll wait for Rev B, afterall :D .


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  • dizzy130
    Mar 23, 12:23 AM
    I don't have a classic, but I'd like to associate myself with the people talking about how hilarious the old thread is. Also, here's a repost of Steve introducing the original:

    I was 17 in senior in high school when iPod was introduced, though I don't think I was even aware of it. I had a friend that year who had some kind of horrible "mp3 player" and the next year when I moved into my college dorm someone on my floor had an iPod so I played with one for the first time. My first one was the light blue first-gen mini which I bought sometime in 2004 (which still works...I gave it to my mother when I replaced it with an iPhone on launch day 2007). When my crappy Dell laptop that had been my high school graduation present died a few months later, the iPod convinced me to get my first Mac.

    I hope they don't discontinue the classic just for the nostalgia factor =)

    Apr 12, 03:57 PM
    So, enough with this buy American or MADE IN USA stuff. It's all about money and that will be made wherever it's FREE from too many taxes, restrictions and regulations.

    I know what you mean, all those restrictions and regulations prohibiting the dumping of chemicals in the rivers and poison gasses into the air or killing endangered animals. And the worst is that one about not being able to use slaves. And having to pay for medical costs it someone is injured. So his hand got smashed in a machine, why can't I just fire him for it?

    Just how is a guy to make a buck in the US anymore?

    Clive At Five
    Sep 22, 03:36 PM
    imagine let's say that wal mat due to this apple deal with all studios will make a statemnet saying we lost 10% or our revenues so we will lay off 10% of our employess to cover for the losses.!!

    now what do you do in this case?
    it's not a free world after all....

    Wal*Mart losing 10% of their revenue would still leave them a VERY profitable company... and firing that many employees would probably cause them to close some stores... which would result in further loss of profit.

    If Wal*Mart lost 10% of their revenue by movie purchases alone, they would have to concentrate harder on other things.

    Something else confuses me though...

    Wal*Mart caters to the lower income families... who likely don't have high-speed internet and are, thus, EXTREMELY unlikely to purchace movies from the iTS, lest they want to be downloading for 3 days straight. Those people will go to the local Wal*Mart and buy the same movie from the $5.50 bargain bin. Sleazy customers are happy; Wal*Mart is happy. What do they have to be complaining about?

    Man, I love that bin. I've found so many awesome movies in there.......... like Total Recall. Okay, so maybe not THAT awesome.


    Apr 12, 07:24 AM
    (ahem) There IS a difference. Photoshop is far more advanced that Pixelmator for P-R-O-F-E-S-S-I-O-N-A-L work. It has a deeper set of tools and features available. Why do you think it's expensive? For one, it has many plug-ins and filters built in that come from third party developers.

    Why do I think it is expensive? Actually I think the cost goes up in direct relation to their douche bag-e-ness.

    Citing third party filters and plug-ins as a cost factor is bogus. For one it points to their severe lack of creative growth and foresight (even they choose to swallow someone else's work and bundle it in). Most importantly if the solutions remain third party they are paid for in addition to the cost of the basic app itself by the consumer.

    I have been working in this field for over 25 years now, and have taught advanced imaging to other professional designers and photographers. Very little has fundamentally been altered in terms of workflow since the early days. And, that is not a good thing. I am not saying there have not been advancements, but I could probably list the the real significant ones on two hands total. Compare those with the total cost of each upgrade and the number would be substantial. The trend for most things is to push costs down (except maybe for cable, phone, etc.). Maybe Adobe thinks they are a utility now, and deserve a fixed amount each month?

    Buy whatever tool works for you period. Just because you are a "pro" (or aspire to be one) doesn't mean you have to use the so-called "professional" tool. I hear that argument all the time trying to pressure folks into a MacPro, over an iMac. For many folks the iMacs are the smart buy and provide more than ample horsepower and speed to suit their needs (at more than half the cost).

    Apr 12, 01:11 PM
    Whoever said that was hard to understand? Not me!

    This is a big problem (and has been for 30+ years)...that everything we buy in the USA is made somewhere else...USA no longer manufactures except for our junky USA cars. some point when this all started decades ago, it WAS cheaper to build certain things outside the US...but then everyone got on the bandwagon and now it's the norm. (Thanks politicians!)

    The "it's cheaper to build outside the US!" is a bogus argument and has become an evil of our own doing.

    If it costs X to build in the US, please don't tell me it costs 1/10th of X to build, import, pay taxes, blah blah blah, to get it back into your company's hands.

    We can all agree that some things, yes, are easier and/or cheaper to build outside the US for a variety of reasons. Our USA system needs some serious overhauls to get stuff to be built back in the US other than screws and toilet paper.

    You are still not getting it. It does cost a fraction to build things outside the US.

    The US minimum wage is $8.25 per hour in many states. The minimum wage in a country like the Philippines is about $0.71.

    Because of labor unions and their regulations, a manufacturer typically needs to pay significantly above minimum wage anyway, PLUS benefits like health insurance cost way more. In the Philippines (which I bring up because I employ people there) health care cost about $10 per worker per month. Here in the US it can cost several hundred.

    Payroll taxes are no picnic either. Typically, in the US the total cost of hiring a worker when you factor in payroll, admin, benefits, etc. is that worker's salary + 25%.

    Labor is one of the biggest expenses any company has. Manufacturing requires a lot of labor too. You need people to operate machines, fix machines, load products, even assemble certain items by hand in some cases.

    So you can easily do the math. Where in one country you can get people for a dollar an hour to work and in other you get them for $10-$12 an hour, clearly the cost to operate in expensive country is 10x as much. That means you have to raise your prices that much more.

    Now all total manufacturing expenses aren't 10x more, since raw materials will typically cost the same anywhere in the world and there are some overhead expenses as well, but that labor difference is still huge when you consider a company like FoxConn that has 920,000 employees.

    Moving to the US would mean they would effectively have labor costs as if they were hiring 10 million employees instead of 1 million. You can't say that wouldn't make them raise their prices several fold to compensate for that.

    You can run the math yourself based on their number of employees, average wages in China, average wages in the US and their profit margins.

    Anyone who thinks it costs the same or only slightly more to produce here is living in a dream world.

    Mar 15, 12:27 PM
    To all those cutting military by huge percentages, what are your plans to deal with the millions of unemployed that would produce?

    Where my budget is concerned, since I am not only cutting but also investing in forward looking projects/industries and also increasing student funding support, military personnel retired from active duty could find employment in the new jobs that would be created that way or go get higher education through the GI bill which now has more fund available along with hopefully reduced tuitions thanks to my investment in education. As for the defense contractors, part of their business would be salvaged through my increased investment in NASA where propulsion technology is concerned, also a rump business of supplying a reduced military would remain, I also continue to invest moneys into nuclear technology as I do believe in the nuclear deterrent. They also would have new markets with my spending increase in domestic security. That wouldn't cover all of it, not by far actually but then business models need to evolve in a free market if they want to survive. And if Israel et al. can't afford to take care of their own ****, well too bad. If people get laid of in the defense industry, well again, I am investing in forward looking projects that should in the short to mid terms create a new job boom.
    My budget fixes the deficit not through across the board cutting but through fixing the income base of government by bringing taxes for the extremely wealthy back to appropriate levels and cutting subsidies for industries and countries that don't need it and/or don't deserve it.


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