Saturday, May 21, 2011

american idol casey abrams 2011

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  • Pegamush
    Mar 18, 03:02 PM
    some people just want an ipod for listening to music.
    not every apple user in the world needs all that iOS stuff.

    i'm really hoping for an ultimate classic model, but i'm being a bit hopeless.

    meantime I just bought a used 4g ipod classic 20gb for 30� (40$), it's wonderful :)

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  • jafd
    Mar 30, 06:41 AM
    Hard drives would not be good AT ALL for an iPod Touch. Apps depend on the instant access that flash memory allows for using data, so a hard drive would slow the whole process up, especially on the processor size.

    Have you actually measured it or are you just repeating marketers' tales?

    No, "it just ought to be faster" is not the answer.

    Until the flash storage is directly accessible by the CPU in the very way RAM is, without the need to read data into RAM, the difference is negligible (think early PocketPC). Besides, add the filesystem layer overhead.

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  • Hunabku
    Apr 13, 05:35 PM
    What these naysayers are NOT saying is what pro features are missing. Until they list something wrong with it, they are just being irrational. My experience is, lots of guys don't like their pro apps getting too easy to use, because they want their skills to be considered special. They hate it when, "Anyone can do it".

    Yes i imagine this is partly true, because creative/talented upstarts who do not have years of complex/technical experience, on a much smaller budget can preform at a much closer level to those with many more years of experience.

    I say closer level because as mentioned earlier there is much more that goes into professional editing than software know how. With that said, the upstarts present real competition to the entrenched because they can - on a smaller budget - more easily produce comparable work - which might have the effect of lowering the amount entrenched professionals can charge for their work.

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  • Thunderhawks
    Nov 24, 09:30 AM
    The Beatles did the meat thing in 1966. ;)

    Haha, Great find:-)

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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 14, 10:38 AM
    Battery life? Not saying it isn't worth it to you. Just saying, there are trade offs (which you are well aware of, most likely).
    None that I'm aware of... my battery is getting pretty old now, but in the beginning I was getting 3 to 4 hours out of it on average.
    This was the same as I was getting when it was running Vista Home Premium.
    Power management has been pretty decent on the Dell from 10.6.2 on up to 10.6.6.

    Down to about 2 hours now. This is due to an old and very heavily used battery over the last 3 years. Battery meter is already telling me to replace the battery due to low battery life.
    I'll just buy another laptop since a new battery costs about half the price of a new laptop.

    Battery Life, build quality, customer support...all big things.
    Build quality on my 1525 is on par with many Apple products I've owned.
    Battery life is similar. Remember, Apple and Dell get their batteries from the same manufacturer. ;)
    And Dell support for their hardware is top notch.
    When the track pad went out on mine they replaced it with no questions asked. If it's still in the warranty period, Dell will fix it regardless of what OS you're running. They will simply run a hardware diag to see if it's a legitimate hardware failure. If yes, the defective part is replaced.

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  • AidenShaw
    Aug 30, 09:57 AM
    How much time does it take to switch between OS's when using Parallels?
    You're switching to an open window running Windows. It's instant.

    It's really about the same as a Remote Desktop Connection window - the Parallels copy of Windows is running completely inside an OSX window. The Windows taskbar is at the bottom of the window, etc.

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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 26, 01:28 PM
    So you're saying it is race, but not because of racism, but because of genetics? If it's genetics then how does it explain the successful blacks like your president among countless others?

    Well, it's just a theory. Scientists have recently identified a "warrior gene" that makes people more impulsive and violent. That gene is found in people of ALL races, and it's more commonly found in men than women. However, there may be a chance that this gene is more commonly found in people of African ancestry, of course there hasn't been an experiment done to test that quite yet. If that's the case, it explains a lot.

    In the US there are far more white people with guns than blacks, and far more "anti-intellecutal" whites (c.f. the Tea Party) than blacks, and far more poor, uneducated white people committing crime than blacks.

    Proof? Or did you just make that up? Also, this thread isn't just about the US, the trend is the same in every predominantly white country where blacks reside.

    If you place white people (or any ethnicity for that matter) in the same sociopolitical/socioeconomic environment, the same crime problems result. Many rural areas in the American south or Appalachia that are almost exclusively white are every bit as poor, uneducated and crime-ridden as any urban black ghetto.

    I'd rather live in a white trash trailer park than in a black ghetto.

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  • wackymacky
    Nov 2, 04:13 PM
    Putting aside the fact that Flash is crap, fair enough for Adobe for being so frank.

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  • cooknwitha
    Sep 12, 01:30 PM

    I love this!! Love the new layout. Nice and tidy! Breaking up the library is good too!

    I love software updates! It's like a present from Apple. :D

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  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 14, 09:24 AM
    ...the rest of the industry has been mired in a slump reportedly due in no small part to a shift in consumer interest to new media tablets dominated by Apple's iPad.

    Over a year ago there were a lot of crazy kooks laughing at me for saying the desktop and laptops were "yesterday's" designs. That people wanted true portability...

    There's the proof.

    Once the iPad becomes beefy enough to be like a laptop (and it's getting close already), it will take over most of the computer sales. It's perfect in most ways for most people--just needs higher res, more memory, more connectivity, and stronger procession.

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  • mBox
    Apr 18, 03:06 PM
    I'm still under NDA, so I can't tell you as much as I would like about what was NOT talked about at the SuperMeet, but I will quote one Apple rep that I spoke with after the event: "This is only the first look, wait until we can share the full announcement."

    I heard what the execs were saying after the event. There is much more to come. And I can't wait!

    P.S. Don't let the negative rumors get you too worried, yet. Those that know, can't say. Those that don't know, are just guessing and enjoy making you nervous. We will all know more soon.Its human nature. you get all kinds no matter what business your in :)

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  • AppleScruff1
    May 5, 01:55 AM
    I'm waiting for the iPad with 4D.

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  • Eidorian
    Jan 11, 11:44 AM
    Hmm. Something wireless. :rolleyes:My thoughts exactly.

    Silly rabbits.Apple is talking about the new wireless Apple TV and associated iTunes movie rentals you download from them satellites ;)I'll get the aluminium foil hats.

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  • Macinthetosh
    May 4, 11:01 PM
    A welcome feature. What about AT&T?

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  • chiamon
    Aug 8, 12:14 AM
    it does not even make sense to put a phone there, since when can phones do RSS? Its just really fishy tt it is placed alongside the ipod and itunes.

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  • Alezan
    Mar 12, 05:56 AM
    Belgium too, the whole world I guess.

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  • JAT
    Oct 27, 03:57 PM
    Is that the verdict on the screw issue?

    Yes, it is. The screw has always been there. I will say that ours is no longer flush like it was at first. Brushing your hand over it means you feel the screw whereas in May we could not. So, the screw may be more noticeable if this is true for others, as well. I could see it being very annoying for some.

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  • NT1440
    Mar 10, 07:06 PM
    We have to raise taxes, and cut our military spending first and foremost. I say cut military before benefits because those benefits are the only thing keeping millions of our people from being third world status poor.

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  • delawn
    Nov 2, 05:40 PM
    Who cares about Flash? Most of the time it's used, it's because the web designers are too dumb or lazy to get the page right without it, because they haven't kept out with what a modern browser is capable of.

    Wow, the level of ignorance concerning Flash from all of the 'Experts' out there. Take a few minutes and Google for "Adobe Flex" and "Adobe Air" which are based on Flash. Yes the advertising is annoying. But so are those done by animated GIFs

    And for those that think HTML 5 will solve world hunger ask yourself when the last time any browser vendor implemented an HTML spec completely, correctly and the same as every other vendor. Do you really think everybody is going to all the vendors will get together and sing Kumbaya? Do you really think you will be able to code just one version of your really cool web app...? Time for a reality check.

    We use Flex and have yet had to recode anything becuase of a browser version change. Our web application works the same in IE 6 and Firefox 2.0 as it does in IE 8 and Firefox 3.5. Runs the same on Linux, Mac, Windows.

    Enjoy your HTML, I will enjoy being lazy and support all browsers from a single code base. I will beg to differ with you though on who is dumber here. :)

    Oct 9, 12:13 PM
    We completed the game on regular and are about 3/4 finished with the game on Heroic. All in all, it is worth playing. High points are jet packs, space combat, flying combat. Graphics/movies are awesome. I realize this is the prequel to the Halo trilogy, and as such it is worthy, but some aspects feel repetitive. I think it comes with the territory (5th game or so of a shooter series). I wish there had been more tank based combat, where it is your tank, and not hijacking one.

    Normally I like playing on "regular" and just cruising through the game enjoying the sights and encounters so I don't have a good comparison with previous Halo games, but I read that the A.I. is improved and I've noticed on Heroic, generally speaking it's not real safe hiding in a corner waiting for your health to regenerate. The baddies tend to come for you. :)

    It would have been good to see Master Chief...

    BTW, I'm playing with with my nephew. Regarding accumulated credits, he is an aggressive player who gets shot to pieces but in the end makes more kills than I do, along with lots of extra deaths. I would assume that since he has earned twice as much credit as I have, that the game only cares about kills and not kills per death? I'm more conservative focused on staying alive, so this is a little annoying. :p

    The last Halo. I need to see what Bungie is working on for the next big project. Anyone have a good link? I found this at kotaku (
    Speaking at Game Developers Conference Online creative director Joe Staten hinted that Bungie's next project could feature "a world that was always there for you." Does Bungie have a shooter MMO up its sleeve?

    News update:: Halo sucks...Borderlands is a much better game ;)

    I enjoy both, so you must be picky. ;)

    Sep 6, 08:28 AM
    *sigh* still no good video card...

    Nov 27, 07:09 PM
    idiots... could have had my moey years ago... but now its too late!!! pirated it a long time ago... greed loses

    Mar 11, 08:50 PM
    Yes, I know that they are two different categories, but the MBPs would definitely steal a lot of the iPad's thunder.I doubt a new MBP announcement will hurt the iPad in any way. I think only an inconsequential percentage of Apple's iPad customer base would change plans for an iPad and choose a MBP instead.

    Apr 26, 10:39 AM
    Are you saying that white people are just as likely to commit gun crime, but black people are more likely to get charged (no pun) with it?

    I don't know the answer to question one, but the answer to the second question is yes. On top of that, the rate of conviction of blacks is higher.

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